INTERVIEW WITH AKWA IBOM GUBER ASPIRANT POWERED TITUS, RECENTLY IN ABUJA AT THE VENUE OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE. ABUJA ON-LINE : 2015 is next year and in less than a year, elections would hold, how do you see 2015 ? POWERED TITUS: 2015 will be a turning point for our democracy. I expect more democratization in 2015, I will like to see free and fair elections In 2015. Nigerians will will like to see our political parties hold primaries with transparent internal democracy devoid of the domineering influence of a few non-democrats who might be bent on undermining our democracy for selfish gains. I agree completely with the Chairman of our great Party the PDP, that free and fair elections would be achieveable with the precursor of free and fair primaries. Let all in a given constituency qualified to contest be allowed to partake freely and fairly and popularly voted in or voted out. So like every other concerned Nigerian, I hold great expections for 2015 and I pray that 2015 shall be another year of God’s power in Nigeria in which Nigerians will allow the will of God and not their will, to stand. ABUJA ON-LINE: You speak as one who might be eyeing some political Office in 2015 ? POWERED TITUS: Yes I am in Covenant with God to be the next governor of Akwa Ibom State and I will do according to the will of God by presenting myself for the servantly Office of Governor of Akwa Ibom State. So it is not about me but about what God wants to do in Akwa Ibom through a governorship that He the almighty alone knows I would be fit for purpose at such a defining moment in a 2015 Akwa Ibom State. Indeed I have a covenant with God to do the true will of God for all Akwa Ibom People by turning my covenant with God into a feasible Social Covenant with Akwa Ibom people that must result in fulfilment for all our people in line with the vision of greatness that our great forebears had about our generation and future generations of our people. So 2015 is not an opportunity to be trivialized with such petty issues as zoning, tribal leaning, marital connections, godfatherism, killings, usurpation, thugery, selfishness, hate, divide and rule, electoral crime, bribing of delegates and electoral officers among other level of pettiness. We need to understand that Akwa Ibom State is the only state yet in Nigeria that is experiencing an Uncommon Transformation and our democracy will be the right mirror for this Uncommon Transformation. The whole world would like to see uncommon Transformation in our democracy and our political behaviour. We in an uncommonly transformed Akwa Ibom must be seen to be above board in our political behaviour and character because we just must be able to bring Character, Courage and Courage to bear in our participation in 2015. ABUJA ON-LINE: When you talk of Uncommon Transformation we see a picture of incumbent governor Dr Godswill Akpabio. How do you see this governor ? POWERED TITUS: Dr Godswill Akpabio CON, has held Office as governor at a very challenging time in Akwa Ibom State. Indeed, I would not wish to change places with him at least not until 2015. Governor Akpabio remains the right governor for Akwa Ibom People at the time he is holding Office. Go to my state now you will be surprised at the level of transformation. Qualifying his impact on Akwa Ibom State as “uncommon transformation”, is a clear under - stating of the reality. The governor has performed beyond all expectations. If the constitution were to be amended for the governor to continue with his great good work, I would pray God to defer my covenant with Him on the governorship for the governor Akpabio to continue. Indeed governor Akpabio has been quite good on the Job. His legacies would remain immutable even as Akwa Ibom people of all generations would owe him the honour of having to always emblazone his name on gold in the annals of Akwa Ibom State. ABUJA ON-LINE: So, in specific terms what is the term of the covenant that you have with God concerning the governorship of Akwa Ibom State this 2015 ? POWERED TITUS: The terms are so clear and entails achieable details like the unbundling of the governorship. This means clearly that what appears to be a gubernatorial Monopoly would be broken into 10,000 peices. This means that when I assume the governorship this 2015 according to my covenant with God, I will have to share the governorship with 9999 others to include all the PDP Delegate, all the PDP guber aspirants, and other fairminded and well-meaning Akwa Ibom people. I shall extensively share the governorshp with a view to having Akwa Ibom governors and Special Representatives of Akwa Ibom people in all necessary geopolitical space across the world so that we would be able to create at least 2.5 mllion jobs for all our people by 2017 through agressive industrializaton. It is the main substance of that covenant that no Akwa Ibom Person anywhere must be left out or left behind no matter what it might take. The will to share the governorship is ordained of God and we shall extensively share power by adequately delegating same to about 1000 governors from Oron, 1000 governors from Ikot Ekpene, 1000 governors from Uyo, and others. Some of these governors shall operate in Akwa Ibom governor Office Annex in Sokoto, Pretoria, Lagos, New York, London, and other places as necessary. Indeed some of our people staying idle in some villages in Akwa Ibom are merely waiting to be posted out as governors this 2015. All the PDP delegates shall be governors with me. They would not need to merely vote at the primaries only to go and idle at home when there is much work to do as governors on building our state into an Eldorado to be bequeathed to our children in good shape. So, the governorship shall be completely broken down and delegated. All the other governorship aspirants could just join hands with us and write our MOU that they shall be actively involved in building Akwa Ibom State as Governors once I assume office as the the elected moderating governor. We do not need to shift power to anybody or group as all shall be active participants at the governorship. This is the main reason I came out recent to fault Power-Shift as having been a huge mistake from 1999. Power-Sharing shall get our state on the Speed Lane of growth, development and fulfilment for all our people and to the glory of God. And I shall not leave any Akwa Ibom person out or Behind. ABUJA ON-LINE: How would you bring this great inclusive democracy package to your people ? POWERED TITUS : The governorship is about the only democratic commonwealth available to all Akwa Ibom People. The constitution made no mistakes in placing the onus to bring out a governor on the people. No individual or group no matter how supposedly powerful must take this onus from the people. By so doing the constitution presupposed that the people would be capable of bringing to the governorship one large hearted enough to share that office extensively with the people the real owners of the governorship, without being prompted and lobbied. In a state of about 4.5 million people, the governorship necessarily needs to be run by not less than 10,000 persons with each in that college taking direct charge of about 450 persons daily. That college of governors supervised by the elected governor would also have to globalise the resource base of the state by dividing the whole world into 10,000 pieces and directly sourcing resources from each of the pieces to optimize the living standard of our people. This means that the democratic gains of the governorship cannot just be optimized if one who wants all the powers to himself and his mentors succeeds in assume the reins of State. The 2015 Akwa Ibom Governor must be seen to know that there is very urgent need to break gubernatorial monopoly of Power and the extensive but guided delegation of such that power to all PDP Delegate, all PDP Guber Aspirant, Past Governors and other well meaning citizens of Akwa Ibom State. I hope to see an Akwa Ibom Democrat as governor of Akwa Ibom State in Sokoto State, Governor of Akwa Ibom State in New York,Governor of Akwa Ibom State in London, Governor of Akwa Ibom State in Johannesburg, Governor of Akwa Ibom State all over the world as a deliberate democratic Policy on Power - Sharing that will give all segments of the state a full sense of belonging and fulfilment. We hope to come in a aggressively industrialize our state with a view to generating about 2.5 millon jobs by 2017 and that would translate into full employment for all our people because by the time we take out the dependent population we would be having about 2.5 million persons to be employed and we shall effectively ensure the capacity is created with all hands on deck to get all our people settled. These are no selfish thoughts. Indeed we shall ensure all Akwa Ibom Money for All Akwa Ibom People AS A DELIBERATE DEMOCRATIC POLICY is achieved. So 2015 is not about me but about All Akwa Ibom People Anyone who would not know who to feed, cloth, house and empower all of our about 4.5 milion persons should not aspire to the governorship this 2015. We know no one man can achieve these notwithstanding how cerebrally endowed, if he does not come in and extensively share the governorship with all our people. I wll share that governorship with all Akwa Ibom People without complaints or stories guided by the rule of law, the will to allow our people larger freedom, space for free speech, personal dignity with a view to ensuring that they all become all that they were created capable of becoming irrespective of what part of the state they hail from. That is the real spirit of the covenant I have with God for All Akwa Ibom People and We shall not fail God. This brings to the fore the issue of indispensibility , I have ever acted as if it must be Powered or no one esle in 2015 as governor of Akwa Ibom State. God can use any who might be better fit for Purpose but as we speak God has yet to change His plans on me as His choice for the Akwa Ibom 2015 governor’s job. ABUJA ON-LINE: How do you assess others aspiring to the same governorship ? POWERED TITUS: The democratic power-sharing package within the purview of the covenant I have earlier enunciated has enough space for these great sons and daughters. We shall have to share power going forward with Akwa Ibom State. I have very high regards for O. Iyanam, H. Esuene, U. Emmannuel, E. Abia, I. Albert, O. Etteh, N. Ekere, L. Esin, U. Umana and all other greats. We just need to share power going forward. So all these greats shall be part and parcel and very active in the all inclusive Akwa Ibom Governorship of 2015. This is still the reason why I recently berated Power-shift as having been a huge Mistake since 1999. If we had been sharing the governorship we would have moved Akwa Ibom State far beyond Singapore and other geo-political blocs that have emerged with inclusive democracy. These Power-sharing position was positively re-echoed recently at the Nigeria Economic Summit by the Keynote speaker there who came from Advanced Learning Institute. We just need to Share the Governorship this 2015 and for all times thereafter. ABUJA ON-LINE : What is your Advice to ...( to be continued)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 10:07:06 +0000

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