(INTIMACY WITH GOD) Makes you a nugget to your world: Many may be - TopicsExpress


(INTIMACY WITH GOD) Makes you a nugget to your world: Many may be wondering what is this intimacy with God, and how can one realy walk in it? Relax, its not something far fetched, God is no more far away from us is just that we do not know it; the Bible said of Jesus, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is God with us,Matth.1:23. Since the birth of Jesus in the world, God began to reside with man: and when Jesus left for heaven, He sent the promise of His Father(The Holy Ghost)when He came in the day of pentecost, God began to reside in man: that is just what it is, but how many people realy knows this; it is the comprehension and apprehension of this that takes you there. It is walking/Living in the realm/class of God, thus having intimate fellowship with God. I know many will react on this statement now and say how can a man born of a woman live in the class of God. Now Hear this; you cannot realy fellowship with someone of unequal class, you can just greet or pass a message and go your way because he/she is not your age or class mate, but real fellowship is to stay together, rub minds and share things or ideas together, that is only possible with peolpe of the same class: so God has come down to dwell in you. But many are still relating with God afar off, how then can you know Him from afar? i just took time to explain it this way cos, i know many would come with objection, especially men in the flesh. so its God living completely in you, engaging you into a constant communion/fellowship which results in transformation. Many invited God into their lives but they still sees God from afar and so there could be no proper fellowship with Him, and God would say, ...Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of man.Isa. 29:13. how can you relate with God in such manner and expect a tangible result? Not possible: unfortunately that is what we have in many churches today, and there are less or no results, and we had to cry and pray too much before God will move a little, in other not to completely get discouraged. Real fellowship trasforms, in eg: when a man and a woman comes together legitimately in marriage, and lives peacefully before long you will dicover that the man and the woman begins to resemble each other, that is power of intimacy, if that could hapen to phisical men, what do you think that would hapen to a man who relates with God intimately, there shall be a radiation of glory of God upon you in every aspect of your life and you become a wonder to your world; ( a nugget to your world) Moses went to meet with God on the mount for fourty days and his countenance changed and the people of Israel could not behold his face any more, Moses had to use a vail and cover his face while talking to them, because of the radiation of Gods glory Upon him. My beloved friends, as you put all this to practice I declare a radiation of Gods glory upon your life, your family, and your finances in Jesus name. Psm.34:5. They looked unto Him, and were radiant/lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. beloveth as you look unto Him engage with Him in real fellowship one on one, from today, every thing that causes shame in your life is destroyed in Jesus name. 2 Cor. 3:15-18.But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail still covers their heart. *Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. *But we all, with unvailed face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord . As you begine to turn to the Lord in an intimate fellowship, there shall be a radiation of Gods glory in your life in Jesus name. It means you will begine to resemble God in your character and behaviours, not the devil, hate sin passionately, many goes to church but in character they resemble the devil, may that not be your portion in Jesus name. Let me stop here till i come your way again tomorrow. Pls. Pray down this message into your heart now, and the glory of God will rest upon you now. Pray. note: These messages are coming direct to you from the Alter of God, so as you read them expect your miracle, cos anything is possible with Him. halleluyah dont fail to share your testimony with me, on my private box,or call me if you can. +234-7032979880. My God bless you real good. cheers.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 05:11:37 +0000

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