INTRIGEOUS – WARNING! IF YOURE HEARTY DONT READ. A boy and girl loved each other. They used to visit each other make phone calls etc. On phone call Boy: Hey sweetie Girl: Hello love Boy: i miss you Girl: miss you too, I left there only two days back Boy: you mean it? you know how much i love you, i wish we could be staying together. Two days is too much for me to spend without you. Girl: I know but today its too late. Its already 5PM ill not come may be tomorrow. Boy: hmmm, ok but i wished i see you before i sleep. Girl: ok ill come and by 7PM. Boy: sure? Promise you will, my love Girl: I have never lied to you my love. You know I love you dear. Boy: I cant wait, ok ill be glad. The boy started to prepare everything, he checked outside whenever he had a sound of a vehicle. 7PM, the girl didnt appear. Maybe she is still busy he thought. 8PM, He thought may be her mother refused her. At 8:30 PM, He saw her came and welcomed her but she refused to touch him and sat opposite to him. Maybe something wrong with her the boy thought! Soon a call came in, it was Mum of the girl. Boy: hello Mum Mother-in-law: my daughter is dead ohh. She died in an accident coming to you. Boy: this is not possible. She hanged up. The boy raised his head to see the girl and found her facing him with a candle as she smiled... I didnt break your promise SHE DISAPPEARED! READERS: Love involves making promises and fulfilling promises. Now I Declare that you will not loose any loved one of yours either in accident or in sickness IJN Amen... Type Amen and Share ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Before you comment! Very important updates for you. I mean you. Yes, for you! I just searched for A community page of A Place, where they update and entertain in some few criteria. They offer: ▸ Jokes ▸ Inspirational facts ▸ Captivating series ▸ Relationship tips ▸ Interesting/touching true life stories ▸ Brian teasing quiz ▸ Riddles ▸ News ▸ Gists and many more. If you have not LIKE the page »» Vaudeville ««, then you are wasting your Meg (data). Why postpone? Like the page now and thank me later. Click now »» Vaudeville «« To Go see for yourself. Click on the BLUE link »» Vaudeville «« ▸ »» Vaudeville «« ▸ »» Vaudeville «« Just Go Hit the LIKE button on the page as your day goes bright saying bye-bye to boring news feeds... Click now »» Vaudeville «« to be a Member. JUST TRY IT AND THANK ME LATER! True Vaudevillian
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:57:24 +0000

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