INTRODUCTION: Bilal Kareem, the alleged author of 3 Things You - TopicsExpress


INTRODUCTION: Bilal Kareem, the alleged author of 3 Things You Need to Know About ISIS had posted on his Twitter account his opinion as to why ISIS arent legitimate. Then again via twitter, @mujaahid4life responded to these allegations. Whilst this is by no means an official anti-Dawlah attack, and neither is the response anything official, I believe that these allegations and responses are telling of how things are going on in Syria, and Allāh knows best. =:=:= =:=:= =:=:= Source for @mujaahid4lifes refutation: https://twitter/mujaahid4life/status/488088963304148993 Source of Bilals allegations against ISIS: https://twitter/BilalKareem/status/487870362604957696 =:=:= =:=:= =:=:= 3 Things You Need to Know About ISIS By Bilal Abdul Kareem Twitter: @BilalKareem I got to know ISIS fighters in Syria pretty good, after all I spent much of the past two years filming and documenting a range of foreign fighters for several TV channels. I can understand why some would be confused about ISIS as Muslims are very sceptical of what they see in the news media. Some wonder if it is a conspiracy against well intending Muslim fighters. I can appreciate their hesitancy. As a journalist I follow the media very closely and all we need do is look at the awful media coverage of the Gaza events to know that something is seriously wrong with mainstream media. Is this another case of such? For easy reading I have listed 3 reasons why I believe ISIS has poisoned the Syrian revolution. #1 Support of the People In all honesty without any holding back of the truth, the Syrian people who lived within their territories and those who lived outside of their territories absolutely hated ISIS. Most of them felt that they had merely traded in a tyrant in Bashar Al Asad for another tyrant in ISIS. They felt they were second class citizens in their own country. Most people don’t realise but ISIS is 95% foreign fighter. They would walk the streets and look down on the average Syrian and many of them wouldn’t return the “salaam” if greeted as they didn’t see many of the Syrians as Muslims. Yes it’s true that Syrians in general like their cigarettes, music videos, and other stuff they should leave alone but to consider them non-Muslims??? This is very far. Why is it that Syrians don’t join ISIS? Jabha Islamiyya, Jabha An Nusra, and all the other Islamic groups are predominantly Syrian with a minority mix of foreign fighters. Why not ISIS? It is because ISIS terrorised the indigenous people and no one wanted them in their country let alone join them. Their prisons were full of weak Syrians who ran afoul of their corrupt ideology. Where are those Syrians who are supposed to be cheering on the “rise” of ISIS? I don’t know of any who are. #2 Fighting Fellow Mujaahideen ISIS fighters in Syria are not on one single front line against Bashar Asad’s army in Syria. I know this is a shock to many who have fallen prey to the nasheed and heroic youtube videos featuring ISIS fighters but after having spent much time throughout the country I can tell you with certainty that all of their resources that well intending Muslim donors have given them are being used to fight their fellow Mujaahideen. They are no threat at all to Asad’s forces as they are not fighting them ANYWHERE in Syria. For fear of not wanting to get my account closed on Facebook I would show you pictures of how they beheaded Mujaahid fighters from Ahrar Asham, Jabha An Nusra and other groups fighting the Asad regime. How ugly is it to see the heads of bearded Muslim fighters on the floor with an ISIS fighter posing over them holding a knife and one finger in the air as if he killed these young men for the sake of Allaah. ISIS felt that ONLY they were serious about bringing Islam to the people and no one else was. Therefore they eagerly spilled the blood of those who had fought numerous battles against regime forces. While 95% of ISIS consists of foreign fighters, it doesn’t mean that 95% of the foreign fighters have gone to ISIS. Most of the foreigners do not go to ISIS. The news media wants the people at large to believe that as it fits their narrative that “foreign fighters are a threat to their home country” narrative. Actually ISIS made things very difficult for the foreign fighters in Syria as they unlawfully imprisoned, killed, and endangered the lives of the Syrian people. Thus some of the Syrians began to dislike ALL foreign fighters due to ISIS actions as they couldn’t tell who was and who wasn’t ISIS. #3 Support of the Scholars and People of Influence There is not ONE scholar who came out in support of ISIS and it’s leader’s claim to khilafah. Actually it is just the opposite, they all came out in unison denouncing the claim to the caliphate in specific and the movement in general. ISIS has been denounced by several Shaykhs who are respected by people of Jihad like Shaykh Abu Muhammad Al Maqdisi, Shaykh Abdullaah AL Muhaysini, and Shaykh Abu Qatada, not to mention a huge rebuke from Ayman Zawahiri and his demand for them to pack up their operation in Syria as well. A small amount of Muslims around the world have an apocalyptic view of how things should be and ISIS seems to suit them just fine. They feel that ISIS is on the truth simply due to the fact that the news media and the masses are against them. This can in no way be used as a proof. The world at large is against rapists, murderers, and thieves too. Can we say that they are on the truth simply because they are fiercely opposed? How could we as Muslims not scorn a movement that has: *NO SUPPORT OF THE COMMON PEOPLE IN THEIR LOCALE *NO SUPPORT OF THE OTHER MUJAAHIDEEN FIGHTERS *NO SUPPORT OF A SINGLE KNOWN SCHOLAR Is it likely a group like this could bring benefit to the lives of the Muslims they would lead in their local area? Therefore is it likely they could bring peace and unification to the Muslims around the world? Or is it more likely that they would bring more disunity, destruction, and chaos? Conclusion A total lack of wisdom from this group led by Abu Bakr Baghdadi is what has hurt the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people. Foreign fighters along with their Syrian counterparts were a big reason for the taking of huge swaths of territory during this revolution and the regime feared that mix. Notice that much territory was being taken in Iraq by Sunni forces (falsely stated that ISIS is the head of them-but that’s another story!). Also, notice that those advances have all but stopped as soon as the news broke of this new “Khalifah”. At best I think we can only say that Baghdadi’s group is sorely lacking people of wisdom in their ranks and in no way can be branded “saviours” of the Muslim nation in any way. =:=:= =:=:= =:=:= Refuting the lies of Bilal Kareem in his article3 Things You Need to Know About ISIS by @mujaahid4life Bismillaah, May Allaah forgive this person, I shall reply to his accusations, all of which are lies. In addition I ask him to accept my call for mubahala over these claims. 1. the claim that the Islamic State has no support from the people. He says In all honesty without any holding back of the truth, the Syrian people who lived within their territories and those who lived outside of their territories absolutely hated ISIS . This is false. There are multiple videos of people in Raqqa and elsewhere giving bayah (pledge of allegiance), people cheering for the Islamic State convoys, pictures of celebrations, statements of muhajireen etc. Most of them felt that they had merely traded in a tyrant in Bashar Al Asad for another tyrant in ISIS. They felt they were second class citizens in their own country. Most people don’t realise but ISIS is 95% foreign fighter. While I cannot comment on what people feel in their hearts as only Allaah knows their hearts, many praise IS as can be seen in this video for example (https://youtube/watch?v=Wq0ticCKQcA). As for the accusation that 95% of IS in Syria are foreign fighters: this is 100% LIE and fabrication and the author will have to answer Allaah for that. It is very well known among activists in Syria as well as fighters that the Islamic State is very diverse, with around 60% of it being ansaris (natives), though exact numbers are hard to pick out. However this is what the mujahideen in IS have said and I trust them, as it is clearly seen that Syrians support IS in the cities IS holds, and if all were emigrants it would cause IS to be fought against eventually by the civilians. Also Syrian activists like Abu Bilal al-Homsi have pledged allegiance. Rest of the first claim is lies about Syrians not joining IS, IS considering Syrian civilians as non-muslims (while IS punishes its members severely for misbehaviour, and they have courts set up for complaints concerning the mujahideen in Manbij, Raqqa, al-Bab, Tal Abyad etc) and other slanders such as IS imprisoning civilians unjustly etc etc. which I will not recount here due to them having been refuted elsewhere by people better than me. 2. the claim that the Islamic State only fights against the mujahideen O Allaah, what a great lie this is! He says ISIS fighters in Syria are not on one single front line against Bashar Asad’s army in Syria. By Allaah this is a lie, a massive, huge, slanderous lie. The Islamic State fights against SAA AT LEASTin: - Homs Desert (https://twitter/ajaltamimi/status/470217203124830208) - Aleppo province (Kweiris Airport) - Deir Ezzor province, where they last week assaulted the military airport killing many soldiers. Also, a new attack started 3 days ago, its aftermath is seen here. (https://youtube/watch?v=sqbJwaUvIl0) Note that the entirety of Deir Ezzor countryside is under the Islamic State, with the airport being under the regime. - Raqqa province, where the Islamic State has besieged SAA in Division 17 (proof here:https://twitter/syriahr/status/486513841631547393) (a regime base that bombards the city regularly) for at least 2 months. They also are besieging al-Taqba airport in southern Raqqa. This alone, Alhamdulillaah, is enough to disprove his claim, But I hope to add the fact that SAAF has bombed the Islamic State on many occasions such as air raid on ar-Raqqah on July 5th (https://twitter/moslima999/status/485864289904115714) He says most emigrants do not go to join IS. Then who do they go to join to? Why is it that Jabhat al-Nusra has been weakened so much if all emigrants come to them? And why is it that Hassan Abboud said they dont get many immigrants? No. The fact is that MOST emigrants (muhajireen) arrive into Syria to join the Islamic State. Why else intelligence agencies worldwide consider the Islamic State the largest threat to west since 9/11 due to returning foreigners? Why? If the muhajireen all went to join independent brigades then there would be large independent brigades, but instead most of them all small in size while the Islamic State controls almost 50% of Syria! There is no doubt that the regime benefits from the infighting among the opposition but the Islamic State has fought them on every occasion they can. I will wait for him to prove this accusation as I know brothers who died fighting the regime, and this disgraces their memories. 3. the claim that the Islamic State has no support from ANY scholar or people of influence This is a stupid claim, as the author claims not a single scholar has supported the Islamic State (He says There is not ONE scholar who came out in support of ISIS and it’s leader’s claim to khilafah). He specifically mentions Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, Abu Qatada (may Allaah hasten his release) and Abdullaah al-Muhaisiny who have rejected the Caliphate. That said, this means if I show even one scholar supporting the Islamic State his claim crumbles. However this is quite obvious as many scholars pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, we also have to remember the shura that elected Ibrahim as a Khalifa all had bayah. In addition we have many sharieen and scholars who gave bayah like Abu Tamim Al Ansari (https://twitter/mujaahid4life/status/484968188946706432) and Abu Malik Al-Timimi, a grand shari with the AQC , who emigrated from Khurasan to pledge allegiance (video here https://youtube/watch?v=rqG7ewPkKKE) In addition many unnamed scholars in Iraq and Syria have given a pledge of allegiance. We must remember, ther are literally thousands of scholars, not everyone is on the TV. In Islam silence means accepting as is evident by the sunnah of the Prophet (ﷺ), and scholars in Syria who live under the area of IS have not risen up in revolt or complaining, and thus we take their silence as acceptance unless they revolt. The author refers to Zawahiri, who rebuked the Islamic State for fighting in Syria, while the Islamic State never had pledge of allegiance to al-Qaeda since 2006! The Islamic State was not obligated to obey Zawahiri. Also, I would say that it is not required for all the scholars to support IS, as many rejected Imaam Ahmad when he was alive and we know how that turned out. Rather, it is sufficient if the scholars inside the area of the Khilafa support the State. I am yet to see any refutation based on shari evidence. If one pops up I shall rethink my views. Conclusion In conclusion I hope this response shows at least some of the faults in this persons article. I also address Bilal Kareem personally over the claims he has done, namely 1) That there is no Syrian support for the Islamic State and that 95% of its fighters are foreigners and that the Islamic State considers the sinful civilians among Syrians apostates. 2) That the Islamic State only fights the mujahideen and does not fight Bashar al-Assad anywhere in Syria. 3) that not one scholar supports the Islamic State. I ask him to accept my call to mubahala* as Allaah commands (Quraan 3:61) on these conditions or remove his slanderous article and apologize for his lies publicly as well as repenting to Allaah. O Bilal, accept my invitation and let Allaah judge between us. In the end, the truth is clear to those who search for it. Allaah has given the State massive victories and it spreads daily. If the claims of Bilal were true why would Allaah give them victory? And Allaah alone gives success and victory. Peace be upon those who follow guidance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * mubahala is a type of curse where two groups of people or 2 persons gather and invoke the curse of Allaah on the lying party.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 15:58:44 +0000

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