INTRODUCTION: Firstly, I will like to pay my respect to all those - TopicsExpress


INTRODUCTION: Firstly, I will like to pay my respect to all those who have in the past, dating back the pre-colonial era, down to the current modern slavery in which Biafra decent has been subjected to, paying enormous sacrifice and the ultimate price to defend Biafra land from being colonised and had fought vigorously to free the remnant of Biafra land from its current state of modern slavery. Most importantly, members of Supreme Council of Elders (S.C.E), two arms of Indigenous Government of Biafra (I.G.B) with regards to Radio Biafra (R.B) and Billie Human Right Initiative (B.H.R.I) for their sacrifice and genuine determination in the struggle for Biafra Independence. The purpose of this idea which I put in form of proposal is born out of the urgent need to restructure, redefine and re-assign duties and responsibilities of the various arms of this struggle and expanding the arms and reach of the I.G.B to cover all Biafra Nations (Igbos, Ijaws, Efficks, Annangs, Ibibios, etc.) to form one united and strong common front to give Biafra emancipation its one last march to her freedom and independence. This piece of proposal has to the best of my knowledge covered various opinion, views, and aspiration of people of Biafra from various ethnic nationalities of Biafra. Please this is just an opinion and shared ideas based on my personal research, widened consultation and thus is open to constructive criticism and correction. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE OF INDIGENOUS GOVERNMENT OF BIAFRA (I.G.B) SUPEREME COUNCIL OF ELDERS (S.C.E) DIPLOMATIC DEPARTMENT LEGAL DEPARTMENT FINANCE DEPARTMENT MASS MEDIA DEPARTMENT DEFENCE DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW OF THE STRUCTURE: SUPEREME COUNCIL OF ELDERS (S.C.E): This is the highest authority in the administrative structure of I.G.B There should be balance representatives drawn across Biafra ethnic nationalities at this level. Membership into this honourable apex administrative authority of I.G.B should be made up of people of high proven level of integrity and reputation, those who commands respect and influence in their various indigenous ethnic nationalities within Biafra land. Responsibilities and duties of S.C.E: In addition to the responsibility already shouldered by the S.C.E the following should be considered; 1. As the apex unit in the administrative set up of I.G.B, all the departmental units fall under the authority of S.C.E and as such any person or group that operates with the name BIAFRA in any form or contest whose activities are not approved by S.C.E becomes illegal, criminal and it amounts to serious crack down and prosecution under the law. 2. To co-ordinate and oversee the activities of all the departments of I.G.B , wherein all the department are answerable to S.C.E 3. Being the highest authority in I.G.B, there is need for an urgent negotiations and adoption of a blue print memo of proposed form of government and administrative set-up Biafra State will run. This is a very important tool the diplomatic department would be armed with in carrying out their duties more effectively and for quick result (People grow cold feet to change, they want to know what the future looks like in proposed Biafra government, and you don’t expect people to join you in your journey when they don’t know where you are going). Detail of this is discussed in this proposal. 4. S.C.E should have executive members and S.C.E general assembly. The executive members should consist of five to 10 persons as the case maybe, which is the final decision makers and the general assembly to consist of heads of various departments, selected influential individuals with good reputation and traditional rulers or representatives, where issues are tabled for general discussion. 5. S.C.E should give all the departments the delegated authority to operate autonomously and report directly to the S.C.E through their heads at the general assembly level of S.C.E. 6. Active political or public office holders in Nigerian government who are indigene of Biafra should be encouraged to identify with this movement as approved by the S.C.E and as such be clear that the need for a political movement as part of this movement is very important, with reference to the fact that Biafra people has no equal political participation and acceptability in Nigeria top flight political parties, thus a political platform that would have its strongest hold in the South-Eastern and South-South Nigeria geo-political zone thus bringing Biafra people under one coercive political platform should be adopted to create a political stage for Biafra people to pursue their common course in the Nigeria political set-up, while the ultimate goal to foster the separation of Biafra from Nigeria remains central the factor. 7. S.C.E should not hesitate to set up these various departments that are highlighted herein and this gives the S.C.E the sole authority to discipline or ban any department whose activities do not conform to the principle and ideology of this movement. But in the meantime, the current department on ground must be redefined and restructured urgently to avoid breach of conducts, overlapping responsibilities and functions to enhance precision in attainment of the ultimate objective of the I.G.B at every stage of this movement. DIPLOMATIC DEPARTMENT: Members of the diplomatic department of I.G.B of Biafra must be satisfied men/women of high morals and proven integrity and should be good lobbyist and commands the power of negotiation Diplomats should be drafted from among different ethnic nations of Biafra based on merit and fair balance representation. There is need for both National and International diplomats and Biafra ambassadors. At the national diplomatic mission, diplomats should serve as I.G.B ambassadors to their respective ethnic nation within Biafra land, while at the International diplomatic mission, I.G.B diplomats should mainly be drafted to serve as ambassadors to the countries where they reside, mainly Biafra indigenes who are either citizens of the country or legal residents of the host country. Responsibilities and duties of Diplomatic Department: At the National Diplomatic Mission 1. To represent I.G.B at various ethnicity nations of Biafra 2. Negotiates, lobby and advocate for I.GB in their respective ethnic nationality 3. Be responsible in uniting all Biafra ethnic Nationalities under the administrative authority of I.G.B to form a common front and strong coercive movement toward Biafra Independence. At the International Diplomatic Mission 1. To represent I.G.B in International community 2. Carrying the movement of I.G.B and its ideology into the heart of U.N, O.A.U, and various selected countries that commands respect and power in world politics. They should help I.G.B win friends that will help and support I.G.B in the quest for Biafra Independence. 3. Negotiate treaties, lobby and present proposals to respective high powered countries whose stake hang in the balance should the Biafra independence stands, outlining possible mutual beneficial relationship of both countries if they support Biafra in her quest for Independence. 4. Solicit that Biafra be recognised as sovereign Nation among community of Nations. LEGAL DEPARTMENT: The services of legal practitioners, Human Right Activist, women advocates and volunteers are highly needed in this department. BILLIE HUMAN RIGHT INITIATIVE (B.H.R.I): this unit has so far been the legal unit of I.G.B, representing Biafra Indigenes in the suit against Nigerian government, thus should continue to exercise such responsibility. Now that I.G.B has recorded this mile stone through its Legal Department B.H.R.I, there is urgent need to broaden its scope in terms of its executive board and its Human right activities, by restructuring its executive board both home and abroad to accommodate other Biafra Ethnic Nationality, redefining the role of each member of executive board to ensure transparency and accountability to avoid abuse of office or overlapping responsibility. But in the course of administrative set-up of I.G.B, the responsibilities and scope of B.H.R.I in the process of I.G.B administration should be broaden further to cover effectively the customary, legal and constitutional administrative duties as represented in the customary court jurisdiction. Just as the sharia court is established in the North where sharia court establishes cases and prosecute defaulters, I think I.G.B in her capacity under the Nigeria customary law in the constitution has the right to establish same for Biafra people. This will enable the legal unit to arbitrate or settle disputes between individuals and communities on issues like, land dispute, marriage, stealing and other traditional issues as represented in the customary law. In dispensing justice through its customary court, fairness, truth and equity should be upheld. This process though is not most important at this level of the movement yet it should be put into consideration. Thus there are other duties and responsibilities B.H.R.I should focus on outside its role as the legal counsel of the I.G.B, which includes: Responsibilities and duties of Legal Department: 1. As a legal entity and registered body under the Nigeria company act and incorporation, it should serve as the umbrella and legal shield for Indigenous People of Biafra anywhere they are gathered for the Biafra course to avoid exposing our people to unnecessary harassment, intimidation or physical molestation, abuse and unlawful detention, probably extrajudicial killing by the Nigerian law enforcement authorities. Especially, those in Nigeria needed this coverage owing to the evidence of current hostilities employed by Nigerian arm forces against any pro Biafra group, thereby sending fear down the spin of Biafra people and deterring them from identifying with the movement to actualise Biafra independence. 2. B.H.R.I should avail their services in educating Biafra people on their constitution rights and the best possible way to effectively campaign openly and publicly for Biafra course without fear by taking advantage of some loop holes or provisions of the constitution through Biafra Media department, also establishing B.H.R.I in all the Higher Institutions and Colleges within the South-Eastern and South-Southern Nigeria and at every meeting point of Indigenous People of Biafra both home and abroad as the case maybe. 3. B.H.R. I should champion the crusade against mob killing, extra-judicial killing and public molestation of Biafra indigenes, especially women and children anywhere in Nigeria, beginning from the Biafra land where lynching and mob killing is becoming a daily activity. Culprits of such barbaric act must be challenged by B.H.R.I, irrespective of the authority or people behind it. Though this is an enamours task with huge financial implications, yet any little achievement on this part will go a long way in paving way for the Biafra indigenes to strongly rally round I.G.B, even among millions who is still having cold feet or doubt about the I.G.B genuine intention and movement. With this, likes of EZU river mayhem will not be repeated. MASS MEDIA DEPARTMENT: This is the mouth piece of the I.G.B; and the powers of media in keeping people informed, control of emotions, educate and to arouse people’s consciousness through T.V station, Radio station, Print media, flyers, Internet media services and social network sites cannot be over emphasis. Media is the most powerful weapon at the disposal of I.G.B and having Radio Biafra is its greatest achievement so far, this is because without it, millions of Biafra people will be left in the dark of the dangers that challenge their lives on daily basic and the achievement and progress I.G.B has made through its various departments for the collective objective of Biafra freedom and Independence. But this weapon of media is a nuclear war head I.G.B has in its arsenal through Radio Biafra, it has devastating effect when it hits the enemy camp, yet it produces the same effect on its handlers (I.G.B and all its administrative component) if misused or has its content allowed to leak within the I.G.B camp. At this point, the media has been abused to a great extent, the character and the right to free speech and personal opinion of Biafra people has been greatly been abused, an urgent steps must be taken to put address this sole authoritative and misused trust of Biafra people. RADIO BIAFRA LONDON (R.B.L): Under the leadership of its current directorship, this outfit has done tremendous job in sensitising, raising massive awareness, gathering of Biafra people all over the world and arousing their consciousness to stand up to their right to self-determination and to demand for their independence and separation from Nigeria. Despite the fact that I.G.B has recorded this huge success through its media department R.B.L, there is urgent need to broaden its scope in terms of its editorial board, broadcast, and activities, by restructuring its editorial board to accommodate other Biafra Ethnic Nationality, redefining the role of each member of editorial board to ensure transparency and accountability to avoid abuse of office or overlapping responsibility. Other media outlet must be established to ensure no one hijacks or abuse the privilege entrusted on him by Biafra people. In the light of this, the following should be considered among others: 1. R.B.L and other media outfit should be more proactive than reactive in its broadcast, although both are very important. 2. Its live broadcast should be directed more on fostering unity among Biafra Ethnic Nationalities, promote the historical and cultural heritage that Biafra people shared commonly before the invasion of the colonial predators. Throwing more light on Biafra history is what will bind all Biafra Ethnic Nations together, starting from its original structure, the balkanisation of Biafra territory in 1884 Berlin Conference, the remnant of Biafra Indigenes within Nigeria, its struggle for Independence since 1967 (highlighting the strengths and achievement of Biafra people prior to the war, during and after the war, supressing every traces of weakness, setback and disunity once experienced), promoting the evidence of brighter and a better united Biafra Nations once Biafra gain its independence. Let the Biafra people be acquitted with their past glory and desire to restore its once lost glory. 3. Promote the progress, achievements and objective of I.G.B to avoid misleading speculations to enhance the confidence Biafra people will have in their government and leaders. 4. The media department should continue to expose corrupt politicians or party, public servants, entities or individuals who has in the past or currently in the mission of exploiting Biafra land and its people or engaged in anti-Biafra Independence directly or indirectly, but this must be done in the best constructive manner to avoid division among Biafra people but to promote unity and unbiased sense of judgement among Biafra people. 5. The media department should continue to expose the atrocities committed against Biafra people by Nigeria Government and the dangers of life threatening circumstances and activities faced on daily basics by Biafra people who are always targeted. 6. The radio stations are Biafra people institution just like every other institutions under this platform, thus, every Biafra indigene has the right to his/her voice to be heard via the media department as established by this movement. The used of words that are threat to life, character assassination and abuse of the privilege to serve under the media department in any capacity whatsoever is totally unacceptable and must be checked. DEFENCE DEPARTMENT: As the S.C.E explores all the resources within its arsenal in overseeing the customary administration of Biafra people through the departmental activities of I.G.B, there is need to prepare for the worse. This is not a call for war or civil disturbance, but it is a bid to or precautionary steps to defend its self if need be in advent of any eventuality. Just as the life of millions of Biafra people remains under constant threat, followed by economic and social molestation of Biafra Indigene throughout Nigeria, especially in the Northern and Western part of Nigeria and some parts of South/Eastern Nigerian continues to be on increase, the call to defend the lives of a race that is under threat of total annihilation by those that wants to impose their religion on them and exercise control over the resources and economic lives of those they want to subdue perpetually without any room for them to have a slice in the political structure of Nigeria becomes vital. And also, the need to provide and guarantee safety of Biafra people and their representatives in the administrative set up I.G.B becomes inevitable because of a possible man hunt, crack down or assignation of important figures in the I.G.B and to safe guard the helpless within the Biafra land. Based on the above mentioned, there is urgent need to make arrangement to put in place this structure by considering the following: 1. I.G.B should constitute Biafra Defence League (B.D.L) under the Defence Department. 2. Possibly bringing every pro Biafra freedom fighters armed or unarmed under one umbrella of the B.D.L, through the activities of Diplomatic department 3. Youth wing of I.G.B should be brought under the defence department to serve as volunteers in helping Biafra people in times of ecological crisis like flood, oil spillage clean-up, sanitary work and civil watchdog of the I.G.B 4. Women advocates should also be encourage to support and rise in defence of women and their children who are being killed or molested on daily basis. 5. B.D.L should be saddle with the responsibility of defending the lives and properties of Biafra people, they must not be authorised to fine, detain or collect any form of levy on behalf of I.G.B FINANCE DEPARTMENT: This is the soul of every operational organisation and as such great emphasis should be laid on the modalities on how to generate fund, regulate its financial activities and allocation of its funds in the most cost effective and efficient manner and modalities for transparency and accountability to Biafra People. Am not a financial expert, but I strongly believe Biafra is not in want of financial experts who can discharge this duties in the most effective and professional way, with high sense of truthfulness and unquestionable sincerity of purpose. In my individual opinion, Biafra Diplomats has a huge role to play in the financial live wire of I.G.B by the way of lobbying, advocating and soliciting for financial support from individuals, co-operate entities or institutions, international charity organisation and business enterprises. The detail of the modalities to adopt in discharging these responsibilities is relative, rational and sometime contingent, so therefore should be left with S.C.E to deliberate on it. But whatever the modalities to be adopted by S.C.E in discharging this financial obligation should be such that will be of mutual benefit to Biafra and the financiers. INTER DEPARTMENTAL RELATIONSHIP: 1. The Supreme Council of Elders (S.CE) being the highest authority in the hierarchy of Indigenous Government of Biafra (I.G.B) oversees the activities of all departments. 2. Diplomatic Department plays some role in helping to raise fund for the I.G.B through the finance department, which will help in the running of other departments. Win friends for I.G.B and its departments in general. 3. Legal Department through B.H.R.I continues to provide a legal frame work for every other department of I.G.B especially for those in Nigeria and Biafra land. Meeting of Indigenous People of Biafra whose activities and meeting are recognised and approved by the supreme council of elders to conduct their various meeting under Billie Human Right Initiative, especially those living in Nigeria and Biafra land to avoid the or limit the level at which pro Biafra groups are being witch hunted and prosecuted, especially the I.G.B departmental representatives and Biafra people in general. 4. Media Department should encourage Biafra people gathering under I.G.B and in recognition and approval by S.C.E to do so freely as Biafra people but under the legal frame work as constituted or provided by B.H.R.I since Biafra is yet to become a sovereign Nation. This is to avoid endangering the lives of our people or exposing them to avoidable molestation, detention or charged for illegal gathering and killing. And also, promoting the spirit of Biafra people to financially support Radio Biafra and B.H.R.I in their quest to secure a transmitter and the effective running of the Radio broadcast and also to cover the cost of legal process and human right activities of B.H.R.I respectively. 5. Defence Department should ensure the safety of I.G.B representatives and the properties of various departments. 6. Finance Department coordinates the financial activities of the entire department. 7. Finally, no one department should place its role as more important than the other and none of the department should lay claim on the success of I.G.B or setting Biafra people against any I.G.B. department nor accusing it for setback publicly or privately, any concern or cross road between two or more department must be left for the S.C.E to address. The Biafra people do not belong to any of the department and as such should be allowed to meet with the approval of S.C.E and under the authority of I.G.B, as B.H.R.I provides a legal framework for Indigenous People of Biafra to gather and campaign for Biafra Independence openly and publicly without fear of arrest, detention, physical molestation and abuse, Biafra people are not answerable to any department other than the S.C.E whereby every of their activities, must be approved by S.C.E, same goes to Radio Biafra, it should have no right to create groups of Biafra people under Radio Biafra, nor appoint leaders of Biafra people without the approval of S.C.E. As every department operates autonomously but reports directly to S.C.E, they must not get involved with Nigeria political activities directly or indirectly without the directives of S.C.E. PART TWO BLUE PRINT SUMMARY OF PROPOSED FORM OF GOVERNMENT FOR BIAFRA People don’t follow a leader they don’t know where he is heading to and they will be reluctant to join the leader in the journey that its destination is completely oblivious of what the future hold for them there. This is the more reason why this proposal should be given a go on as I.G.B reaches out to other stake holders to join the movement. Why should we go for GOOD when we can be BETTER, and why must we settle for BETTER when we can be the BEST. This is the question that anyone reading this pieces of proposal especially those who has his/her indigenous identity or root in the current false identity created by the colonial masters called South-Eastern or South-South by Nigerian government to divide, weaken, exploit and enslave once peaceful, powerful and united people of Biafra that has existed side by side in Biafra land with well define boundaries and identified as “Biafar” or “Biafara” thousands of years before the evil predators came into play. We can restore the glory of our ancestral home with the right decision and will to be free. WHAT NAME SHOULD BE ADOPTED FOR THE NEW REPUBLIC? In the course of various consultations with respect to this proposal, there are mixed feeling and opinion about the name the new Republic will adopt, some are of the opinion that another name be adopted other than Biafra while some say it is necessary to sustain its original name, this varying opinion is as a result of some people with the opinion that the name Biafra has caused deaths, fear, and sustains the memory of horrible past, while others believed that Biafra is as old as time and with respect to the ancestral Indigenes of Biafra and those that gave their lives for Biafra, that the name Biafra be upheld. Names are usually synonymous with what a person; thing or place it represents or stands for, it is a form of introduction and a symbol of identity. The name of the new Republic should be the one that truly portrays what the new Republic Represents. The following are few names among others as suggested while this consultations where carried out. 1. UNITED SOVEREIGN STATE OF BIAFRA (U.S.S.B) 2. UNITED STATE OF BIAFRA (USB) 3. REPUBLIC OF BIAFRA STATE (R.B.S) 4. UNITED REPUBLIC OF BIAFRA STATE (U.R.B.S) In my submission based on the various opinions as listed above, U.S.S.B seems to be widely acceptable to most people based on the idea that it truly represents the kind of Biafra Nation they wish to have as their country and be citizens to, the name was widely accepted because it gave a perfect definition of the new sovereign nation as the composition of various autonomous or independent nations united under one big Republic called Biafra. Most people is comfortable with the name U.S.S.B because it resolved the long held believe or fear of domination of the new Republic by one composite ethnic nationality within Biafra. It also sends a clear message to international community that the new Republic consists of various autonomous Nations, with a well-defined identity and in control of their various territory and resources. HOW MANY NATIONS WOULD MAKE UP THE NEW REPUBLIC? This should be at sole jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of Elders to deliberate upon and decide how many ethnic nationalities would form the new Republic and the modalities to follow in making these important decisions as to which tribes or ethnicities should come under a particular nation. For instance: IGBO NATION, IZON or IJAW NATION, EFFIK NATION, ANAANG NATION, etc. just like where England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland formed the United Kingdom. WHAT FORM OF GOVERNMENT SHOULD BE ADOPTED BY THE NEW REPUBLIC? I am a strong advocate that every people or sovereign nation has the right to adopt the best form of government that conforms to their demography, topography and faith and be allowed to define their own democracy the best way that suits their way of life. In the contest of the new Biafra, I propose that we define our democracy and government in line with what was obtainable in the Biafra ancestral age where every clan existed side by side autonomously. This should be done in the best form to suit the current age and form of governmental political set-up, and as such, I am of the opinion that each Biafra Nation be autonomous in its administration and control of their territory and resources, while submitting its sovereignty to the U.S.S.B WHAT SHOULD BE THE UNITING FACTORS IN THE NEW REPUBLIC? 1. DEFENCE- Having a common military 2. IMMIGRATION - Having one boarder control and immigration services. 3. CURRENCY – Being regulated by one Central Financial Body (Central Bank of Biafra) 4. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT - Having one central administrative government that oversees the overall administration of U.S.S.B (Supreme Council of Elders). 5. And any other as may deem fit by the S.C.E and Uniting Biafra Nations. While every Uniting Nation under the proposed U.S.S.B adopts an autonomous Republican administrative system of government, controlling its resources and territory, they all contribute to the central government financially from their respective economic activities for the running of the central government. The ratio at which this financial contribution should be paid to the central government by the uniting nations of U.S.S.B would be decided by the S.C.E. Each nation would have its own administrative or arm of government (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary). DEMOSTRATION OF THE SUMMARY WITH DIAGRAM FOR INSTANCE IGBO NATION With its various States and flag IJAW NATION With its various States and flag U.S.S.B CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DEFENCE IMMIGRATION CURRENCY, etc. ANAANG NATION With its various States and flag EFFIK NATION With its various States and flag Adopting this structure will promote peace among Biafra nations as the fear of domination by one ethnic Nation is eliminated. It will give each Biafra Nation a well-defined identity among the community of nations just as it is with U.K where there are Nations like England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland having their separate identity. This structure will enhance constructive and healthy competition among Biafra Nations as they strive to maximise their individual resources towards achieving or attaining desired economic, political, infrastructural development and improved human standard of living, ensuring a strong defence, viable economy and most the effective boarder control. This will place Biafra at the fore front of African development and global political framework. SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL 1. The Supreme Council of Elders (S.C.E) being the highest authority of I.G.B should stretch its members to accommodate every Ethnic Nation within Biafra land to enable Biafra people be part of the decision that affect them and the future of their children. 2. The S.C.E should agree and adopt a proposed blue print of the form of governmental structure or system that will best suit the new Republic as this will help in clearing doubts and bring in sight what the promise land will look like. 3. I.G.B through the S.C.E should urgently constitute various departments that will help with various administrative responsibility of I.G.B. 4. Mandate every department of I.G.B with a well-defined duties and responsibilities, Radio Biafra being its mouth piece in terms of outreach to Biafra people world-wide with the responsibility of championing the course to unite Biafra Ethnic Nationalities, through its programmes and broadcast, promoting the achievement made by various departments of I.G.B. and also lunch a massive awareness campaign targeted at educating Biafra people about their historical antecedent and rich cultural heritage, pointing out clearly the original structure of Biafra Nation before the predatory invasion and balkanisation Biafra territory in 1884 and its remnant in the present false country or nation call Nigeria. 5. S.C.E should create the Biafra Defence League under defence department in case of any eventuality. 6. Mandate the Diplomatic Department with the responsibility of engaging in a vigorous lobby and negotiations at National and International level and unification of Biafra Ethnic Nations under the I.G.B. 7. When the above six steps are covered, both Nigerian Government and the International Community will be left with few options on their negotiation table about Biafra Independence. May God bless the good people of Biafra and may we live to see the light of the sun to once again rise from Biafra land. PEACE!!! BIAFRA LAND OF HOPE BY – ASUZU CHINEDU PETERS
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 06:59:15 +0000

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