INTRODUCTION I Merion Webster defines Physics as: a science that - TopicsExpress


INTRODUCTION I Merion Webster defines Physics as: a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions. It defines Religion as: (1) the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance. Going with the generally accepted conclusion that matter and energy are the ingredients of creation then it follows that Physics deals with the ingredients of creation, which mandates that the processes fundamental to creation be understood before Physics can be understood. Therein lies a problem. Understanding the processes fundamental to creation has ironically become embroiled in a feuding battle over religious beliefs and that feud has taken over logical consideration and understanding of the fundamentals regarding the origin of matter and energy. The purpose of this writing is to try to bring recognition of that problem so Physics can get back to trying to understand the fundamentals of Physics. The first order is to understand the problem. The beliefs that formed the Hebrew religion were and are based upon one God creator of all things visible and invisible, and the beliefs associated with the Hebrew Religious Faith became the Bible regarding the origin of matter and energy and all matters pertaining to the process of creation. There are many that do not subscribe to those beliefs among whom are the community of Science Scholars and the Academia that teaches Physics principles. As a consequence, whether willfully or unwittingly, a conspiracy developed that especially rejects the concept of a divine almighty source of creation and creation sustaining energy with an all-knowing intelligence. The conspiracy is profound and extends to include most academia and textbooks worldwide. It is a conspiracy that prevents the complete understanding of fundamental Physics and has produced a growing collection of distorted beliefs regarding Physics principles. It is as though the people in the community of scientists have eyes but they will not let them see. Reconciliation of the feud requires the application of common sense logic it does not need rocket science or a special divine inspiration. Three question demand reconciliation. First: is creation a fact or not? Second: is what exists the product of a progressive process or not? Third: Is there a source of energy that was applied to creating and sustaining what exists? To the question “is creation a fact”, recognize there are two options, either creation is a fact or what now exists has always existed as is, which is shown as not true. Therefore it must be concluded there was an event that injected the elements of creation into a space where nothing existed. To the question “is what exists the product of a progressive process or not”, which is shown to be yes, if what exists began as elemental elements then the elemental elements had to have been assembled in building block fashion to create each new type building block. To the question “is there a source of energy that was applied to creating and sustaining what exists”, old time logic drives the conclusion that zero plus zero produces zero meaning there could be no creation without a sustained energy source that advanced along with the advancement in material creation. The answers to questions one and two cannot allow for a belief that some degree of creation came magically and mysteriously into existence followed then by progressive development to current state. The answer to the third question suggests quite clearly that there has to be a source for the input of the ingredients including energy, needed to produce and to sustain what now exists and that is precisely what precipitated the feud. Bear in mind that because nothing existed prior to the injection of the elements fundamental to creation, then all things are the product of creation including wisdom and knowledge, especially Religious beliefs and Physics principles developed through the study of and for the purpose of explaining the creation processes. In other words, those beliefs did not guide creation therefore cannot dictate understanding relative to the fundamentals of creation. The horse must stay in front of the cart. Beliefs and principles must be the result of considerations based upon the fundamental premise of creation that nothing existed prior to the injection of the elements fundamental to producing what exists into the original domain where nothing existed. Specific recognition must be given to the need for absolutely reliable source of energy and the mechanism to reliably distribute the energy to sustain the power of each fundamental particle and all subsequent particles through out time. Liberty can be taken to speculate that those elements originated in another Kingdom or another Universe as long as what was imported are elemental elements fundamental to the development of what now exists and that includes a supply of energy. Therefore, the arguments on both sides of the feud are defective or defectively interpreted from the start. Credit can be given to the Religious beliefs that were presented in an effort to answer the third question but that doesn’t mean that the initial effort at explanation documented in Genesis, was irrefutably technically correct. However, the fact that the Religious explanation regarding the subject may not be provable as technically correct does not connote carte blanche approval of the position taken by the community of Scientists. Many, in fact most especially those in both the community of Scientists and Religious Scholars, guffaw at the idea that old time logic has value in resolving questions especially regarding Physics aspects. Let the following examples speak. It is generally believed that non-animal life has no intelligence or access to intelligence yet plants know when conditions are suitable to support growth and especially trees that know which way is up. Consider that often seeds will lay dormant for years until conditions are right for growth and only then do the seeds grow. In such case the intelligence involved may be as basic as, if this then do that logic like a computer does but such a determination involves intelligence. Also, how trees know which way is up is generally believed to be that they seek sunlight, which if so would still require some intelligence but the Sun is rarely straight up so that conclusion is not operable. Old time logic suggests that only gravity aligns absolutely vertical regardless of location on earth, which leads to the conclusion that plant life especially trees, are able to respond to the force of gravity to establish which way is up and that capability is not a one time shot. Trees dislodged from vertical growth as in a land slide, will direct subsequent growth vertically to which old time logic suggests that the required intelligence is either inherent in the plant or the plant has the ability to communicate with an intelligence. It is not enough to just claim that the plant can sense such things because sensing requires intelligence. The point being made is that old time logic works often better than even sophisticated mathematics. Usually overlooked when it comes to considering the interaction of energy and matter is the subject of metabolism whether of plant or animal cells. Maybe it will help by looking at the processes involved in powering the horse that pulls the cart. The farmer, after a hard day in the field hangs a bag of oats on the horse’s nose. The oats was filled with molecules arranged in various ways such that each alignment resulted in the creation of a specific type matter involving a unique display of energy that researchers have given various mineral or vitamin names. The point is that each of the arrangements of particles produces a unique arrangement of energy that has a specific value when it comes to providing energy in the form the horse needs to function. That night the horse’s digestion system extracts those particular arrangements of energy where they are deposited on carriers in the horse’s blood stream. From there the mechanism within the cells of the horse whether brain or muscle cells extracts the energy arrangement they need for sustenance. Again, the point being made is that it is the energy initially carried by the fundamental particles of creation that is incorporated into making the minerals and vitamins in the oats that supplies the energy needs of the horse and along the way the needs of all intervening configurations and purposes, from Alpha to Omega. Revelation of the Physics fundamentals as explained herein developed over a period of near twenty years and began with a challenge of a younger brother, a former Southern Baptist Minister, to explain gravity. A stock textbook professional engineer answer did not satisfy his inquisitive mind. He sent a sketch to illustrate why the textbook explanation was defective and asked for reconciliation of the difference. He died unexpectedly before a response could be made but the illustration he had provided begged for an answer. Engaged in mowing the grass of the ten-acre soybean field on which my parish decided to build its church afforded considerable thinking time. Over time a realization developed that the weeds and plants had a basic “if this then do that” inherent intelligence since they knew when to grow and when to bloom. This intelligence was especially noticeable with the purple heather like and yellow oxalis like weeds that bloom to announce Easter. That conclusion led to the question, could the matter fundamental to creation have “intelligence” by which gravity could be explained? The challenge to explain gravity was ever present. On an occasion while attending late afternoon church service where the tendency for mental wandering is ever present, the sun shone near horizontally so that the alter candles cast their shadow on the wall behind. On one such occasion it registered that while the shadow of the candle was clearly cast, the candle flame, though clearly visible, did not cast a shadow. For some reason in this instance it was instantly apparent that the flame, although clearly visible had no physical presence. That observation culminated in the experiment documented in Chapter Six and the realization that the candle flame is the energy that bound the atoms of the elements involved in producing the flame. The elements involved include the candle wax, the interacting oxygen molecules and the Presence Energy used in creating those elements. Recognizing that Presence Energy is visible led to the realization that it was Presence Energy that Moses saw as the burning bush and that was seen in the flaming furnace into which Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego were thrown. The only difference was that the flames appeared without involving destruction of the bush and without burning Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego. The challenge over gravity centered on trying to explain Galileo’s leaning tower of Pisa findings. How did gravity know to apply force on objects on the basis of density and not physical size or material of which made? How did gravity, acting over distance with no intervening material medium, know how to adjust force to compensate for distance? How did gravity know the density of the material being attracted? These were questions that were a mystery even to Sir Isaac Newton the master of gravity. Eventually it dawned, there could be only one explanation, the energy that produces the force of gravity has to exist inherent in the fundamental particles of which all matter is made. From that conclusion grew consideration for the ancient Chinese philosophy of yin-yang forces. That led to the conclusion that the mystery of gravity could be explained by acknowledging that elemental particles with absolute yin-yang (self affinity plus self repelling) forces are fundamental to the creation of matter. The rest of the explanation is detailed in Chapter one. With gravity explained only the mysteries of electro-magnetic force, weak force and strong force remained to be solved. (Einstein conceded to four unsolved mysteries in Physics: gravity, electro-magnetic force, weak force and strong force). Years of experience with electric generation led to a realization that the remaining outstanding mysteries all dealt with a common phenomenon, the relationship that exists between protons and electrons wherein protons are the common factor. That led to the conclusions explained in Chapter Three. As the fundamentals of creation Physics developed, a parallel between Christian and Physics beliefs evolved. In both, the first level of development begins with a single event. With Religious belief it was the command “let there be light” while with Physics it was “the big bang” but both define the same event, the birth of the universe or the first generation of creation. But then both came to involve the development of a second level, a second generation of progression. In Physics it was the transformation of the fundamental Presence Energy into neutrons to produce protons that are the foundation of all subsequent creation, the second generation. In Religion it was the transformation of Jesus that produced the foundation of Christianity, the second generation of Judeo-Christian Religious beliefs, an eerie parallel until realized that both had the same author Please do not misunderstand. This presentation is not fiction or a novel. Its purpose is to explain complex Scientific matters in common non-technical language without resorting to complex and confusing mathematics. Old time logic, which is similar to using parables, is a means of explaining technical matters to reveal new understanding of fundamental Physics and Religious beliefs.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 08:57:27 +0000

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