INVASION DAY 26 January 2015 STATEMENT BLOCK the BUDGET – CALL - TopicsExpress


INVASION DAY 26 January 2015 STATEMENT BLOCK the BUDGET – CALL A FEDERAL ELECTION THE 2014/15 FEDERAL ABBOTT GOVT BUDGET HAS FAILED & HAS BEEN REJECTED BY ABORIGINAL PEOPLE & A MAJORITY OF OTHER AUSTRALIANS Aboriginal people call for a stop to Invasion of our Liberties, freedoms & fraternity by Liberal & National Party policies and priorities that bring oppressive cuts to Public funding of jobs, services and organizations, bring tax raids, and cuts to Public Pensions which impact quality and security of life for all. Stop Liberal & National Party attacks and closures of ‘Not for Profit’ Public organizations And favouring of ‘Just for profit’ Privatised Non- Aboriginal Corporate Agencies delivering often worse, services, under the pre- tense that ‘they can do it better’. Leading Aboriginal people condemn the Howard / Abbott& National Party Governments for neglecting to engage in a “Treaty” with Aboriginal people, enforcing Native Title hold on lands which are not Land Rights or Treaty, and identified jobs which are not Treaty. The 26th of January, will be “Invasion Day” until there is a Treaty which acknowledges Aboriginal recognition of ownership and wealth. The Abbott Gov’t instead continues to impose repressive funding cuts to Aboriginal jobs, services and organizations which has added significant economic and social disempowerment and disadvantage to Aboriginal people which has been evident in the following policy actions taken by the Abbott & National Party Coalition Government. (1) Dismantled the ATSIC (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Commission) a fully Democratic system of self- management and self- determination and stripped $3 Billion funding from Aboriginal control. (2) Applied deep funding cuts to Aboriginal Organisations nationally since the May 2008 budget. (3) Introduced and maintained the NT Intervention and applied the expansive use of the ‘Basic’s welfare Card’ instituting racist and classist practices limiting liberties and freedoms. (4) Forced Aboriginal people to surrender 99 year leases on Aboriginal lands. (5) Denied adequate sanitation and housing on Aboriginal lands. (6) Forced Aboriginal peoples from their homelands, languages and education (7) Forced record numbers of Aboriginal people into prisons as a first resort thus breaching the Royal Commission Recommendations into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody; breaching the UN declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples and UN convention on indigenous rights and UN convention on the punishment of genocide. (8)Attempted to misguide Aboriginal people by the inclusion of Aboriginal people into the constitution and consequentially robbing Aboriginal people of our sovereign hold on Australia. The current Abbott Coalition Government is seen to be untrustworthy, operating in secrecy,and dysfunction, abusing taxpayer funds and policies to serve the agenda and benefits of the super-rich and powerful and not a Democratic Public. Aboriginal Australia calls on the ALP, Greens and Independents to ‘Block the Budget’ and call a Federal election…………….the Public has suffered enough……… is now intolerable. We do not stand alone………… we have a united voice……..we will not be silenced or moved
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:12:25 +0000

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