INVASION: In the summer of 44 AD the general Vespasian (Titus - TopicsExpress


INVASION: In the summer of 44 AD the general Vespasian (Titus Flavius Vespasianus – a future Roman emperor) led his II Augusta Legion into Dorset as part of the second phase of the Roman conquest of Britain. He fought numerous small-scale battles and captured a string of hill forts, including Maiden Castle and Hod Hill. By 48 AD, the Romans had effectively control of all territory south of a line from the mouth of the Humber river to the Severn Estuary. Vespasian distinguished himself in military campaigns in Britain and later became a trusted aide of the emperor Nero. This naturalistic portrait of Vespasian (during his reign as emperor from 69-79 AD) clearly shows the lined, battle-hardened complexion and also the curious strained expression which the Roman writer Suetonius said he had at all times.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 09:30:00 +0000

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