INVESTIGATIVE REPORT: US COURTS REVEAL AISHA BUHARIS INVOLVEMENT IN THE ATIKU-JEFFERSON SCANDAL (TheWhistle EXCLUSIVE) According to public documents available through the United States Justice Department regarding the criminal case 1:07CR209, United States of America Vs William J. Jefferson filed in the Eastern District Court on 11/06/2009. The Courts Public Record with the subject “Government’s Sentencing Memorandum”, revealed that Aisha Buhari, who claims her father is General Buhari was used as conduit and engaged in fraudulent wire transfers, from her Nigerian Account in favour of Congressman Jefferson via the ANJ Group LLC. According to the US District Court Memo (Full document here): “During the investigation of his numerous bribe schemes, law enforcement agents learned of several wire transfers from offshore territories into U.S. financial accounts that were either controlled by the defendant or whose proceeds were made available for his benefit. See Donald C. Semesky, Jr., Tr. at 104 – 116; see also Government Exhibits 36-87 (6/26/02 $170,000 wire transfer from account in Nigeria in the name of Aisha Buhari to an account in the name of The ANJ Group, LLC, identifying “William Jefferson” as Beneficiary), Government Exhibits 36-90 and 36-91 (11/28/03 $50,000 wire transfer from account in British Virgin Islands in the name of Dawson Creek Traders to an account in the name of Jefferson Interests, Inc.).” The EFCC Report, obtained from Sahara Reporters dated June 22, 2006. Ref: Ref:MEW:DPW:KDL:AV 1 File 182.23818 on ex-VP Atiku Abubakar which was sent to the US Attorney General’s office upon the request by the US Government for Investigations into the iGate/NDTV business deals involving Congressman Jefferson, also contained Hajia Aisha M. Buhari’s Bank records and transfer history. “r. Bank records of accounts held by Hajiya Aisha M. Buhari from January, 2001, to present, including, but not limited to, accounts at Citizen International Bank, Plot 130, Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. The bank records should include documents relating to any wire transfers of $10,000 or more.” According to an earlier New York Times Story (April 29, 2007) filed by Barry Meier entitled “Teed up: Golf, K Street and Nigeria” concerning the involvement of American Lobbyist M. Hines, Former Akwa Ibom State Gov Obong Attah, Aisha Buhari on the controversial $1.2m lobbying contract to boost the former Governors’ image and attract investment to Akwa Ibom in his (Attah’s) bid to become President of Nigeria as well a contract where Aisha Buhari served as the consultant to arrange for big-name golfers to attend the opening of the Uyo Golf Resort commissioned by Former Governor Obong Attah. According to the NYtimes story “she (Aisha Buhari) told him that her father was the former military ruler of Nigeria, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, and that her American friends included politicians like Mr. Jefferson of Louisiana.” This claim which was also verified by former governor Obong Attah who claimed to know the lady Aisha Buhari and her father very closely. “All I needed to do was ask Aisha if she knew him,” Mr. Attah recalls. “Mr. Attah says he knows Ms. Buhari’s father, who is still a powerful Nigerian politician, by reputation. He also met her, he said, in 2001 when she accompanied a group of American politicians that included Mr. Jefferson to Akwa Ibom to see oil-related pollution problems there.” USCourtAishaBuhariGeneral Buhari has since denied that Aisha Buhari is his daughter inspite of the contrary evidences, just as he denied his “adopted” son, Mr. Mohammed Buhari who was also arrested just May 2014 by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for defrauding a lady Mrs. Nwokwocha Florence of N20m to invest in an oil and gas business with a promise to make mouthwatering returns to the lady. TheWhistle Fact-finding mission however continues to probe the involvement of Hajia Aisha M. Buhari who claims to be the daughter of General Muhammadu Buhari, a silent player in the scandal involving APC Presidential Aspirant and Former Vice-President Alh. Atiku Abubakar and the US Congressman William J. Jefferson from the point of her boast of close ties with the congressman in unrelated circumstances. See more at: thewhistleng/investigative-report-us-court-documents-reveal-aisha-buharis-involvement-in-the-atiku-jefferson-scandal-exclusive/#sthash.NSIPEWql.A0kQIYGE.dpuf
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 14:45:22 +0000

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