INb4Essay (STOP POSTING SPOILERS ABOUT WORLDS!!) Hey everyone! - TopicsExpress


INb4Essay (STOP POSTING SPOILERS ABOUT WORLDS!!) Hey everyone! AWESOME NEWS!!!! We have finally been given a room that fits our needs and will begin having our weekly meetings this Monday (tomorrow) the 22nd of September!! Our meeting will be in CT108. I encourage everyone to bring their computers. Consoles will be welcome as well as I know a few of you want to play Smash ;) We are being given a PRIVILEGE and trust by the college to use a lab and we can use the peripherals as well as ethernets as long as we PUT THEM BACK when we are done. I trust you all to do that :D Also, lets be careful about food/drink near the school computers and try to not have any near them. So I hope to see everyone there!! Its 4PM to 9PM in CT108, come for some or all of the time, but stop on by!! Next thing, I wanted to address 2 issues. 1. Recently we have had a little confrontation about the group purpose and what constitutes proper content to be posted here. This is first and foremost the E-SPORTS CLUB, this means that content should be related to E-Sports (Competitive Electronic Sports). This does not mean that you may not ever discuss things that youre really excited about our that you think others might enjoy, far from it, I think that seeing stuff that is not about gaming can be refreshing. However, please use your judgement about the content you are posting and dont spam the group with multiple posts within 10 minutes of each other about something that is off topic. (This particular case was 4-5 posts about Naruto within a 10 minute period) That notwithstanding, Please refrain from anything that could be construed as verbal abuse or negative attitudes, we are all classmates and I would consider most or not all of you friends. Please treat each other with respect and politeness, you do not have to agree with one another, but there is no room for unkindness. Let the officers and group mods handle issues on here and dont take it upon yourself. Leave your mean words for the random baddies in solo q xD 2. This is about E-Sports and the Club, this is not a personal advertisement group for everyones streams or Youtube channels. It is fine to share your stream if you are playing with other NVCC kids, or in promos, or doing something unique etc. But make sure not to constantly be updating the group with shameless plugs for your own content. (I have been guilty of this myself at times and I will be more careful as well) That being said, Im going to be making ANOTHER doc on here for everyone to post their streams and the most common games they stream so that way we can have a full list of just streams from NVCC. TL&DR: First meeting tomorrow 4-9PM CT108, Dont post WORLDS spoilers (wait 24 hours after match ends), Be nice to eachother ^.^, dont spam FB page with off topic content or shameless stream plugs
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:30:15 +0000

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