IPPC 2014 Partners and pastors - opening night- Thursday 20th - TopicsExpress


IPPC 2014 Partners and pastors - opening night- Thursday 20th November 2014. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome PHD. Lift up your voice towards heaven open your mouth and worship God, glorify his name Song Stand up, stand up for Jesus...ye soldiers of the cross Lift high his royal banner, it must not suffer loss...from victory unto victory, his army shall He lead, till every foe is vanquished and Christ is Lord indeed.(*3) Gave us the fourth stand, so we can follow it. Stand up, stand up for Jesus! the strife will not be long; This day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song; To him that overcometh a crown of life shall be; He with the King of glory shall reign eternally. (*2) I exalt your holy name.... I exalt your holy name.... I exalt your holy name...on high I just want to praise you Lord...I lift my hands to say I love you... you are everything to me...and I exalt your Holy name....I exalt your Holy name....I exalt...your holy name....on high.... Tongues..... Halleluyah praise the lord Praise the lord Praise the Lord.... Oh oh....glory to God. Those of you who are joining us....because we are already on a certain level...the partners segment -welcome. But you know, we already on a high point, so we keep flying... No need to pick anybody up, just join us. Are you enjoying the presence of the Lord? Colossians 3:16 Have you found it? Lets read. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. This portion means talking to one another and ministering to you. Am sharing with you now am teaching... In Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with grace in your heart. When you study, there are a lot of things you need to put into consideration. The biggest room for interpretation is to follow the spirit of God. If you dont, you just be an earthly launcher. Lets begin Isaiah 45:11 KJV Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me. When you read this, you you feel you can command God right? But I want you to read this same verse from the New international version. Isaiah 45:11 “This is what the LORD says— 11 the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker: Concerning things to come, do you question me about my children, or give me orders about the work of my hands? They are both different right? What if you have been studying King James all your life? God knows how to help you with his spirit, he would guide you right. Isaiah 8:19 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? At the latter part it says for the living to the dead. Just reading that you know there is something wrong there with the Hebrew translation. The last phrase doesnt fly. But here is the issue, its the word Peep Most translations picked the wrong translations. The Hebrew word for peep which is (chat-er ) tsaphaph -- to chirp, peep. The sound or cry of birds. While ( chaphar) tsuts: to gaze, peep. To look in from something concealed. Dig or search Chat-er and Chaaphar they are very similar in pronunciation. How can you tell which thing is accurate? Look at the things God said about wizards, he was never concerned about the sound they made but them trying to see the future. The next word comes from the word Hagar, it means to imagine, to meditate. God was talking about the wizards trying to look in and peep into the future. Now this is not about wizards and the sounds they make but what they do. The way they look into the future consulting the dead or spirits. Thank God for meetings like this, you dont get this insight everyday in church. This is wonderful. There are different kinds of meetings. The service in church can be a worship meeting, teaching meeting. There are meetings where they are certain kinds of ministrations. Some pastoral meetings. These things come from your spirit. Through prophecy, we can strengthen one another. He didnt say everyone should desire to be prophet. There is a difference between prophesying and a prophet. There are differences. Its good for us to know where God uses us and for us to strengthen them. If you dont use it, you wont be able to use it like before. God wont take it from you. For the gift of God is without repentance. For example , you have a gift of prophesy and you dont use it, after a while you wont be able to use like you ought to. You have to wait for the right moment and the right place. So you dont abuse it. Thats how to use it. The gifts of God is for exhortation never for condemnation but When a non-Christian comes into your midst, it can be used to identify them to glorify God. Its not to talk of a believers challenges. When you use the gift of prophesy wrongly you see that people will leave your church. How can the gift of God in your life make people leave church? Zechariah 10:1 Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field. note Everybody can be blessed. Ask of the Lord rain, the latter rain. It doesnt mean in the raining season. The early rain is for seed time The latter rain is the rain before harvest. I poured out my spirit The Holy Ghost fell like the rain. When you receive the Holy Ghost, the anointing of God on your life....same spirit but different functions. You can function in the lesser or higher level of the presence of the Holy spirit inside you. You got to learn how to increase the anointing of God inside you. That anointing leads and guides you but there is the anointing to empower you. For the anointing inside you, you dont need an increase but the one on your life, calling and Ministry can be increased. Psalm 92:10 But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil. The horn is symbolic of authority, it means power and authority. I shall be anointed afresh with oil Thats another play of words. It doesnt deal with the freshness of oil but of the anointing. David had three anointing on his life. 1.He was anointed in the midst of his brethren. 2. He was anointed in Judea. 3. He was anointed in the front of all Israel. You wanna do more in your street, region, there is an anointing that needs to be increased. That anointing requires faithfulness. The anointing can not be increased without faithfulness. you cant command it to come, you have to walk in it. The gifts of God in you has to operate and work in meetings like this. Speak in tongues.... He said...My horn shall thou exalt, like the horn of the unicorn. The Holy Spirit was saying to us to bless us, not to strike us. That the blessing of Abraham might come on us. Its a blessing. One of the major purpose of the spirit is to increase his grace in our lives. We have different kind of meetings, financial meetings, prayer meetings....when we pray God answers, if he asked us then he is answering. The anointing in this meeting Its to Increase Gods grace, increase achievement, increase wisdom. You just notice you are wiser than before. Wisdom--- its an impartation of Gods spirit, its done by the anointing. The anointing can cause certain things to happen that no amount of study can bring to you.... You connect... Did you know Priest told the children of Israel how to respond to the word of God? Because if they dont respond, the word will not produce result. If you dont respond to the word, the blessing will go away. Words of knowledge. There is a lady here who asked for a child, a son specifically, an angel brought it, but she didnt receive it because she had no faith. That was two years ago. The spirit of God knows us, he knows each one of us. He knows everything about you, you dont need to introduce yourself to him. He knows every cell, every thing about you. He came for your good, he came to bless you. Lift your hands towards heaven Magnify God. Amen...glory to God... Give someone around you a smile, Jesus loves you and I love you too.... Its great to be in the presence of God, enjoy his love, while he does beautiful things....sometimes you dont need to say anything. Glory to God.... He said teaching and admonishing one another in songs of the spirit. Its a blessing. We can uplift one another and watch each other make progress. Many remain on he same level because they aint taking advantage of what God has provided. There is anointing in the Holy Ghost to change and increase you. The Holy Ghost, comes to make you even greater than that challenge. Many dont take advantage of Gods word. I am always making progress. Say I am bless.... The blessing is working in me...its propelling me.... I am getting greater by the day... Assignment look at yourself in the mirror and say it some more... I am blessed of the Lord I am getting somewhere, its by the anointing... Greater is he thats in me....than he thats in the world.... If you dont say it, it wont work, not because the word says it...but because you said it.... Respond to God Respond to God Respond to God... Shouts of Glorrrrrrryyyy The yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.... Hahahahahahahah.... Some persons wont become soul winners until a special anointing comes on your life. I was a timid little boy, my life was full of fear but when the anointing came into my life, my fears disappeared, I looked at my fears couldnt find them. I was filled with boldness. When the anointing came on David, he was a different man. There is something about the anointing. Your spirit has to go together with it...it has to go with your emotions,When you pray in tongues and get distracted That wont Increase the power in you. When you want to move to the next level, you submit yourself. You got to start learning to get soaked in the Holy Ghost.... Tongues.....heyyyyyy....hmm.. Then you find everything you do there is success, increase, favour is working. I believe in success! Tongues Thank the Lord for his Love, grace and kindness. PROPHESY You were nothing until I revealed myself to you That which you have become I made happen,it was not by your power, I made it happen says the Lord. By Myself I Brought You To This Level. You Knew Nothing Until I Revealed Myself to you. That Which You Know Now I Gave You. It Was Not By Your Effort Saith The Lord. That Which You Have Become, I Made Happen. It Was Not By Your Power. I Made It Happen Saith the Lord. Now I say to you consider not the former things, I did before. Says the Lord, I made you what you are today. But now I will make you greater, I will increase you and I will take you to the next phase. I will take you from the place of ignorance to the place of knowledge from The Place Of Knowledge To The Place Of Excellence. The Lord is talking you... he is revealing himself to you...you are knowing him...like never before...receive from the Lord tonight.... You have to learn to respond to God. A word of prophesy can come to you and it may never come to pass unless you walk in the light of it. Luke 1:45 And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord. I dare believe God! These meetings you are attending here are a fulfillment of prophesy. We said they be like this many years ago, it wasnt physically possible....but what we had was the word....that prophetic word had said so.... We can prophesy and see it happen. The day before yesterday, the spirit of the Lord said to me, I was praying, I wasnt asking him anything. I asked him so I get my pen....so I would note it down. I did write it down...I was overwhelmed.....as the Lord told me things about Me. I said Lord you have done so much me already....but he said he is doing more.... Congratulations... Praise the Lord... ##Carolyn##
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 11:00:12 +0000

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