IPSF AFRO 2013-2014 FOCUS PROJECT IS LEADERS IN TRAINING ( LIT) INTRODUCTION IPSF LIT This unique program provides the participants with a unique framework for building leadership skills, to gain additional experience and evaluation in the areas of leadership and personal development, along with theoretical and practical training; the participants will have the chance to apply what they have learnt throughout the training, by running their own workshops during the symposium. The program is designed around a couple of sessions, in which topics like personal development, goal setting techniques and time management will be covered. The trainees will definitely have fun while learning a lot, but above all they will learn how to use self esteem as a motivational tool so that they can make positive changes on, not only a professional, but also a personal level. However the participant should show a real interest in being part of the LIT program, in other terms, desire to be a leader, love challenges and ability to keep positive attitude are the three most important qualifications required to be part of the LIT family. The LIT program is an excellent preparation for pharmacy students, especially those interested in taking up leadership roles in their local, national or IPSF level. TOP 4 TOPICS IN TRAINING The Leaders In Training workshop equips participants the skills, tools, knowledge and attitudes they need in being a leader .The Program is half learning and half participating within these topics: 1.Personal Development We believe that before being a leader, one must know themselves first. To lead others you need to able to lead yourself. This session will explore personal attributes, behaviours, strengths and weaknesses to know yourself better before becoming a leader. Here we will also learn concepts of Servant leadership, time, email and calendar management skills, prioritizing and sharing the IPSF Spirit. 2.Communication Being involved in any leadership will inevitably require skills in regular contact with members and other people you must work with. This will include responsibilities in being fluent with email contact, how to provide positive and constructive feedback, how to participate, prepare and chair a meeting and respect others ideas during discussions and meetings, conflict resolution and public speaking skills. 3.Project Management As leaders, most often projects will need to be organised, from local events to the international ones such as IPSF World Congress. Thus future project or event organisers are encouraged to also attend this session. It will include concepts such as timeline planning, sponsorship seeking, dealing with external professional contacts verbal and written form and budget planning. 4.Succession Planning and Group Dynamics At IPSF we believe in importance of survival of any organisation, especially student organisations where there are high turnover rates, is successful succession planning- which includes LIT! And it’s also important to identify group dynamics to work well as a team during the year and at the same time identify and encourage younger student members to be more involved in your organisation. PARTICIPANTS •Members who want to gain leadership skills for the future possibility to be the leader locally, nationally, regionally or even internationally. •Future Reception Committee members of World Congresses or Regional Symposia •Students who currently or planning to be leaders in local or national student associations.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:08:58 +0000

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