IPSWICH AND SOMERSET ONE OF THE WORST OFF AREAS IN ABBOTT’S BUDGET The Federal Member for Blair, Shayne Neumann today responded to new analysis which has found that voters in electorates held by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Treasurer Joe Hockey and by senior ministers Julie Bishop and Malcolm Turnbull will be least affected by the federal budget. Last week the Brisbane Times reported that fifteen of the sixteen hardest hit electorates in the Australia, are held by the Labor Party “with low and middle income household in western Sydney and the outer suburbs of Melbourne overwhelmingly the worst off”. Mr Neumann said that Blair sits in the middle of these statistics with families and residents living in Ipswich and the Somerset region on average $406 worse off as a result of the Abbott government’s cruel budget. “This is a stark example of how out of touch and arrogant the Abbott government is. “They just don’t seem to grasp the fact that the people they represent in their electorates are not representative of the vast majority of Australians. “The people in my electorate of Blair, which extends from Springfield out to the Somerset region, are doing it tough and this government couldn’t care less,” Mr Neumann said. The modelling and analysis was published by the University of Canberra’s National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) late last week and provides a break-down of the immediate and long-term impact of Tony Abbott’s budget by region, suburb and electorate. “What we can see in this modelling is the impact Abbott’s budget has had on families disposable income and in particular includes the impact of the removal of the former Federal Labor government’s Schoolkids Bonus in 2017 and the abolition of the carbon tax,” Mr Neumann said. For more info go to, canberra.edu.au/natsem/budget/index.php.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:18:28 +0000

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