IRAQ WAR (THE DEVIL LEADS HIS FORCES TO ETHNIC SLAUGTER) wHAT WILL IT TAKE TO KILL THESE DOGS ???? august 11th 2014 Tony 3u4 Peace Middle East BAGHDAD – More than 300 ethnic Yazidi families have been threatened by Islamic militants with death unless they convert to Islam, several witnesses have reported.The families are among those trapped in Koja, Hatimiya, and Qaboshi villages after the Sunni extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) started an offensive in northern Iraq last week, causing the Yazidi and Christian population to flee for their lives, with most of them trekking dangerous mountain passes to escape the militants’ grasp.Most have holed themselves up on the barren mountain range of Mt. Sinjar and are in danger of being starved out by the militants who have surrounded them while cutting off escape routes.According to one villager named Tariq, they have three choices: convert to Islam and fight with ISIS, refuse and be killed or imprisoned, or run away. Like most of the villagers, he chose the third.The Yazidis, who speak the Kurdish language, are one of Iraq’s oldest ethno-religious groups, having practiced a Zoroastrian-like religion predating Islam by centuries. The central figure in their religion is “Melek Taus” or the Peacock Angel.According to their doctrine, the Peacock Angel’s pride led him to sin against God, but he later redeemed himself by repenting.Other religions, particularly Islam, equate the Peacock Angel to Satan, resulting in the Yazidis being labelled and persecuted as devil-worshippers for centuries.I SIS, which is fighting for an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria and is considered to be more extreme than Al-Qaeda, has been condemned by the international community for its brutal campaign. It has been accused of various atrocities, including beheading civilians and burying women and children alive.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:48:01 +0000

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