IS A GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN INEVITABLE? ClickHere > freddiesirmansword Right or wrong the republicans are stupid if they force any issue that will end in a government shut down. It will be a lose, lose situation for republicans any way you look at it. The liberals including the vast majority of the mass media in my view will have a blaming field day. Besides, after the first huge public outcry the vast majority of the republicans will head for the tall grass or high tail it out of Dodge anyway. And even if the republicans could win some kind of hollow victory, very little would change, we still remain a welfare state. This welfare state is on automatic pilot and nothing or nobody is going to stop it unless its fuel is cut off. Sure, a collapse will stop it but no sane reasonable person wants that, cutting spending won’t stop it that will only get the republicans out of office. Believe it or not, the fuel that propels this whole welfare state is the minimum wage. It is impossible for the USA to survive as a welfare state. But, it is also impossible for the USA to get out of being a welfare state when government sets any wage or price control. You can’t have a free market economy when government set any amount of wage or price control. The minimum wage allows government to inflate the currency so it can keep its power as a super social and family provider. But, government should never be a social and family provider because that destroys the nuclear and extended family system thereby make it impossible to remain a free people. SIRMANS LOG: 4 AUGUST 2013, 2210 HOURS
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 03:35:40 +0000

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