IS AMERICA UNDER GODS JUDGEMENT? That is the question and - TopicsExpress


IS AMERICA UNDER GODS JUDGEMENT? That is the question and the premise of this site. This is why i believe the Lord had me start this page on Sept 25, The Feast Of Trumpets, to Awaken and warn those willing to listen. Starting tomorrow, i will spend the next month laying out the foundation of why i believe this is true. See, that is key to all of this. Is there enough evidence from a Biblical perspective and information to suggest that we have been under judgement, at least since 9/11, if not before that time? Is there enough evidence to suggest that the Lord has been speaking to a nation for some time, allowing increasingly more severe calamities, trying to get our attention,to repent of our ways and to return to the Lord, but refuse to listen? Is it possible to show that the Lord may be getting ready to deal with this nation in ways not imaginable, that will totally redefine life, what you have come to know as normal ? Is it possible, that we are about to come to a climactic moment, not just as a nation, but more importantly, as individuals where the Lord says make up your mind, serve the Lord or serve yourself and the things of this world. Is it possible that this dealing with the church and the people of this nation is the beginning of all that foretold in Scripture just before the return of Christ? My friend, i do. I think we are about to find out that God does desire ALL of our heart, and is serious about that, for anything held back is reserved for self worship and idols, which breaks the 1st Commandment. I believe He is about to challenge each of us and our devotions, to whether they are truly of the Lord, or the things of this world. The only way to reveal the true nature of our heart, to us, is to remove and destroy everything we say doesnt have a hold on us, to show us it does. That we have put our faith in those things which have no redeeming value or ability to save. I believe that He is about to reveal the depravity and nakedness of what we call church, that we have become comfortable with compromise and disobedience and the traditions of men. And just a personal introspection. I may have so embraced the thought of God as my friend, that i have lost the healthy fear of the LORD that was required the day that i surrendered to Him. That in that process i also lost some of the awe and reverence of One that is completely holy. Who or what was it as young people, that tried to teach us manners, politeness and respect for our elders or peers? It was our parents and grandparents. How was this done? Through training, correction and encouragement. Not to get into a philosophical debate, but the methods used and promoted today for parenting, would not have worked for me. And they. not work long term, just look at our country. Not all but most do not parent their children, its more important that they see me as their friend . You are teaching your child that there is no authoritative figure, one that is to be respected not because of their moral integrity, but by the title or position that is held. This would be helpful as part of the national discussion as to what you should expect to happen if you refuse arrest. I was taught to be respectful, no quick movements, obey all commands immediately. Now listen to what i say here....the one in charge determines the rules, that doesnt mean they are righteous in that authority. My parents were not perfect nor did they parent their children perfectly. But i learned through that imperfect situation to respect the position of authority. Why? They had the power to bless or discipline? Good parents know that discipline when it comes to punishment needs to be tailored to the one that is directed too. Being grounded got my attention, but did not move my brother. This taught us that there are personal consequences for : law breakers . Only the Lord knows the condition of a mans heart. At times i dont think i know the condition of my own heart. Though my sins are forgiven through grace by faith. God still sees the corruption and compromise in my life and desires that to change. It is easy to sit back and see the blatant heresies and false doctrines in the greater body. Sometimes its not so easy seeing the ones right in front of me. Myself, i am looking forward with fear and trembling, to be reproved of any incorrect thinking or understanding i might have. For i trust in His mercy, His love endureth forever, and my desire is to be found blameless and faultless in my perfect Fathers eyes, to be pleasing to Him. So tomorrow i will start laying the groundwork of not only what are possible signs, but linkage to many natural things that happen that we are taught not to attribute to the hand of God, but are consistent with ways tyhat has spoken to His people in the past. Jesus loves you and i love you...................ron
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 17:24:07 +0000

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