IS DETOXIFICATION THE KEY TO HEALTH AND LONGEVITY? Talk by Dr. Robin Bernhoft, MD, FACS, DABEM, FAAEM Wednesday November 20, 7pm The Ojai Retreat, 160 Besant Road, Ojai, CA 93023IS Donations of $5 - 15 welcome We are all canaries in the coal mine, and the coal mine is getting dirtier. But there are many simple measures we can take to protect ourselves against the various forms of pollution which damage our health and make us prematurely old. After working for several years in a busy surgical practice, Dr. Bernhoft became ill. His life was threatened by an illness which left conventional MDs at a loss for diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Bernhofts search for the underlying causes led him to study environmental medicine. His personal quest for survival carried him into cutting-edge advanced medicine, including gene-environment interactions. With the aid of new information about gene abnormalities from the Genome Project, he was able to begin clearing the metals, chemicals and surgical disinfectants which had poisoned him, and regain his health. Having regained his energy and photographic memory, and shed his allergy and chemical sensitivity issues, Dr. Bernhoft began seeking proven medical innovations from around the world. He retrained in Environmental Medicine, passed his boards in that specialty, and began applying his new knowledge to a uniquely successful approach to chronic diseases. Once functionally disabled, he now has his life back. Because of his personal experience, he has conceived of a different integrative approach to medical care - one that draws upon a variety of powerful, proven disciplines from across the medical spectrum.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 19:54:37 +0000

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