IS GETTING MARRIED IN THE MONTH OF MUHARRAM (this month) HARAM, AS I HAVE HEARD FROM SOME PEOPLE?! Praise be to Allah. There is nothing wrong with getting married or proposing marriage in the sacred months of Allah (Muharram) which is the beginning of the lunar year. That is neither makrooh nor haraam. That is based on a great deal of evidence, including the following: Firstly: The basic principle is that things are permissible, unless there is a report to suggest otherwise. The basic shar‘i principle on which the scholars are unanimously agreed is that with regard to traditions and activities, the basic principle is that they are permissible so long as there is no evidence to suggest that they are forbidden. As there is nothing in the Qur’an or Sunnah, or scholarly consensus and analogy, or reports, to indicate that it is not allowed to get married in the month of Muharram, then our rulings and fatwas should be based on the ruling that it is basically permissible. Secondly: The scholarly consensus that it is permissible is, at the minimum, a consensus of silence, as we have not found any of the earlier or later scholars, among the Sahaabah or Taabi‘een, or among the widely accepted imams and their followers until the present day, stating that it is haraam, or even makrooh, to get married or propose marriage in the month of Muharram. If anyone disallows that, it is sufficient evidence for rejecting his opinion to note that he has given a fatwa for which there is no evidence and which has not been suggested by any of the scholars. Thirdly: The month of Muharram is one of the venerated and honourable months of Allah. Concerning its virtue, it was narrated that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The best of fasts after Ramadan is Allah’s month of Muharram.” Narrated by Muslim, 1163. It is the month that Allah has described as His, and has ordained that fasting during this month brings a greater reward than fasting in other months; therefore it is appropriate for a Muslim to seek the blessing of this month by doing such acts, and not to be sad or to fear getting married at that time, or to regard it as inauspicious, as was the custom during the Jaahiliyyah. And Allaah knows best. May Allah bless us with a great wife/husband.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:28:53 +0000

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