IS IT A SIN NOT TO ATTEND ASH WEDNESDAY, OR STATIONS OF THE CROSS, OR FAST DURING LENT? I missed the Ash Wednesday Ceremony. I am not sure I will be able to attend any of the Stations of the Cross. These are due to my work condition; I go to work very early and close very late. Is my work not creating sins for me? If I do not fast during Lenten Season, is it a sin? Then, shall we say that the Law is part of sin? Of course not. However, I would not have known Sin, had it not been through the Law. I would not be aware of greed if the Law did not tell me: Do not covet” (Rom 7:7). Ash Wednesday Ceremony which begins the Lenten Season and where the faithful are signed on the forehead with ashes to remind them that they are made from the dust and they shall return to the dust, is annually well attended by many Catholics and non-Catholics; even those who don’t go to Church regularly. Though this Important Ceremony is not a Holy Day of Obligation, it attracts more participants. Because it is not a holy day of obligation,, one who does not attend the Ash Wednesday Ceremony has not sinned. In the same way, The Stations of the Cross which constitutes a miniature pilgrimage to the holy places at Jerusalem, helps the faithful to make a spiritual journey into the scenes of Jesus’ Sufferings and Death. It is a very special and important devotion which is most richly endowed with indulgences as it enable the Christ’s faithful to obey faithfully and devoutly Christ’s injunction to take up our Cross and follow him (Matt 16:24). Because it is devotion, it either can be in private or public. While not obligatory, it is highly recommended. Not attending doesn’t make one a sinner. HOWEVER All Christ’s faithful are obliged by divine law to do penance (Can 1249) especially on each Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent (Can 1250). Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference of particular region, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on that Friday. So also it is obligatory to fast and abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday (cf Cann 1251 & 1253). Not observing this in accordance to regulations/instructions proffer by the Bishop’s Conference of particular region, IS A SIN. Though all Christ’s faithful are expected to observe this, it is only binding on those who have completed their fourteenth (14 th ) year. This does not mean that those who have not attained this age should not fast – for pastors of souls and parents are at least required to teach the children the true meaning of penance. Those who are challenged health-wise, or pregnant women, or those who have attained the age of 60 may not fast from food but should devote themselves to prayers, engage in works of piety and charity, and to deny themselves of something else, other than food. If your work situation makes difficult to attend Ash Wednesday and the Stations of the Cross, you have not sin; BUT your work should not be an excuse not to do penance. There are different things you can fast from –Cheating! Nagging! Quarrel! Laziness, Disrespectfulness! And of course, you can fast from your tea break. Be Blessed.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 01:48:20 +0000

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