IS IT LIE or FAITH.... There is this story in the bible about the - TopicsExpress


IS IT LIE or FAITH.... There is this story in the bible about the shunamite woman, who wasnt having a child and Elijah prayed for her to have a child and then along the line, the child when the child died, she decided to take the child back to Elijah for him to pray on the child to come back to life...on his way, his husband and people asked if everything was ok with her and the child and she said IT IS WELL The first day I read this in the bible, I got confused, and i was like God are u encouraging a lie?, because this woman lied, her child was dead, all wasnt well yet she says it is well...she is not being truthful to her hubby she is a liar and ur word says satan is the father of I prayed to God for understanding on that scripture and just after I said Amen, God revealed to me that, the woman was operating in faith and was not lying. By faith, she believed that when she sends the child to Elijah, her child will be well. So Eventho all wasnt well at that moment, by faith she knew all will be well so she started proclaiming it before it became evident. And truly, his son came back to life when Elijah prayed for him. Likewise, its ok for u to proclaim your blessings by faith even before it arrives...if you have prayed for a car, by faith you can start telling me you have a car, people who dont understand faith and the faithfulness of God might definitely call you a Brag...I remember when I prayed for a car, i started driving school the next day and I told my mum Im getting a car by the end of the next month. In reality, I didnt ve even 1000 cedis in my accounts and there was no physical/evident way of me getting the car, I had no friend, family or boyfriend I could foresee to buy it for me n my national service money definitely couldnt save up for it but I had prayed n eventho I wasnt such a serious Christian I had faith in God. To cut long story short I got it as a gift in the middle of the month. Faith in God is everything! If you pray for rain go and get an umbrella, if youve prayed for a job, start buying office attires, if youve prayed for a wedding, start looking for a wedding planner, If youve prayed to build a house start getting an architect to design the house for never just dsnt.... If you will ve FAITH in God, it dsnt matter ur spiritual grade, u may be serious, unserious, baby, maturing Christian whatever if only u will ve faith in God chaiiiii..... u shall have whatever u ask for. Its a biblical principle n everyone qualifies, The Difference between faith and lie is the intention behind the statement....if you tell someone you have 10houses just to make the person respect you and for you to feel big and to gain mans approval thats a lie...but if you tell me you have 10houses because you have prayed in faith believing for it and you believe God will honour his word thats strong faith...just as the shunamite woman said it is well even before his son came back to life...they say seeing is believing, but in faith, believing is seeing. Increase your faith by increasing your hearing of Gods word. God is not moved by how desperate the situation is, he Is moved by your faith. Scrip ref: 2nd kings 4:8-37
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 06:17:49 +0000

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