IS IT RIGHT FOR CHURCH LEADERS-PASTORS TO ARRANGE MARRIAGE PARTNERS FOR THEIR FLOCK? Marriage is a major pillar is the perpetuity of humanity. It’s through marriage that family’s continued existence is perpetuated. Marriage is so important that some people think that for a catholic couple with only one son, the calling to priesthood out rightly off the vocation option list since it will most definitely ( if faithfully adhered to) lead to the death of that family tree. It is through marriage that communities not related by blood or even tribe or race are brought together. It is a wonderful practice/rite of human life cycle that uniquely joins two people from totally different culture so nit together more than any other thing could do. A person who enters marriage allows oneself to leave as if there were no rights to privacy, in fact the privacy of the one partner is only guaranteed when it is exposed to the other partner. The example of Christ Jesus and the Church is a perfect one of this privacy between the partners in marriage. In John 17: 9 -23 Jesus prayed as follows from verse 9-18, Jesus prayed for the His disciples, but from 20-23 he prays for the congregation of believers- the Church – His bride. And he stresses ‘22I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity….’ In reference to God, Glory is the complete presentation/manifestation of splendor, magnificence, and majesty. To man however it is the complete manifestation of dignity derived from fulfillment of a purpose, i.e. glory is the final destination of purpose and its accompanying countenance/expression. In other wards, marriage relationship is a unique opportunity for the couple to physically represent the beauty of the glory of the union between Christ and the Church. A union of no secrecy what so ever, as I was given, so I give to you!!! Beautiful!!! All this explanation for what! To reveal how important, the decision on who to marry is. The ULTIMATE reason is to glorify God! Therefore the partners entering marriage should not be run into by ANY BODY- Pastor or parent as person with the final command. However let it be known also that the scripture teaches as follows; 1. Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. 2. Proverbs 11:14 For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure 3. Proverbs 24: for waging war you need guidance, and for victory many advisers. For a successful spiritual journey the counsel and leadership of God is required. And marriage is such long journey that only ends with the death of one partner. In the book Judges 18:2 -5, the scripture records a story of a journey that needed the counsel of the Lord, and this counsel was got through the Levite. 2So the Danites sent five of their leading men from Zorah and Eshtaol to spy out the land and explore it. These men represented all the Danites. They told them, “Go, and explore the land.” So they entered the hill country of Ephraim and came to the house of Micah, where they spent the night. 3When they were near Micah’s house, they recognized the voice of the young Levite; so they turned in there and asked him, “Who brought you here? What are you doing in this place? Why are you here?” 4He told them what Micah had done for him, and said, “He has hired me and I am his priest.” 5Then they said to him, “Please inquire of God to learn whether our journey will be successful.”6The priest answered them, “Go in peace. Your journey has the Lord’s approval.” God has appointed Levites for the purpose of guiding His people. The journey in that scripture did not start by the Levite’s approval but by the five spies from Zorah and Esthtaol. In other wards before you consult the Levite have the desire, decide whether if the Levite approves your decision you are ok with the person for a marriage partner. But please do not let Pastors or Parents chose for you marriage partners. Very may marriages are on the rocks because they were forced down the throats of the partners either by Spiritual leaders or their parents. God is our ultimate Father and the author of marriage. Inquire of Him through prayer and He will no doubt answer a sincere prayer. Pastors please advise your flock, do not arrange marriages for them. Instead teach them how t be good marriage materials, encourage them to marry and pray for them to have blissful blessed marriages. Have a blessed week.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 08:43:07 +0000

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