IS OIL RICH NIGERIA THE LATEST US VICTIM AND ITS ALLIED STATEs POST COLONIALISM, IMPERIALISM AND DOUBLE STANDARDS..?? As we danced and rejoiced when news came about US offer to assist Nigeria in search and rescue effort of over 273 alleged missing girls in Chibok, Borno state. For the first minutes I rejoiced too, but the next minutes my countenance changed....I begin to have a different reservation. Is it the same US that tried to get Nigeria not to sign the same-s*x prohibition law 2014 and subsequently threatened a heavy sanction on Nigeria which include a scale down in its support for HIV/AIDS and anti-maleria projects.. Prior to this development the weakileaks also identified America as an operating base for far and wide reaching acts of subversion, supports and fundings of subversive groups and insurgents, sponsoring of divisive propaganda among the disparate groups of Nigeria and order parts of Africa or the middle east and the globe; e g, protest which lead to the violence that subsequenty ousted Ghadafi, laurent Gbagbo both of libya and Côte dIvoire respectively, the recent one is Syria, Using the conventional and external media to criticise this leaders that are legimate to serve. Of either been incapacitated, negligent, or incompetent, like all this criticisms against #president_Jonathans regime by CNN, BBC, ALJAZEERA and etc. I also know that America do not just get involve in a project outside the shores of their country without a guarantee of a diplomatic colonialism or dominance. I remember someone once quote The survival of Americas strength rests firmly on their ability to successfully manipulate world affairs (including engineering false wars); and determine personalities who must occupy positions of power and influence in superficially sovereign countries especially the countries it feels is a threat to it or its allies. diplomatically, Nigeria has been at the fore front of ECOWAS and ECOMOG joint mission across Africa. The role it played in supporting south Africas fight against the apartheid regime which indeed America supported, they role nigeria played in Syria leone forced peace combat, Sudan, Mali, liberia, Congo etc without waiting for any support from the west or UN or any international community. In another development a Spy files weakileak document also indicated that SS8 a surveillance company in the USA was producing viruses(Trojans) that hijack individual computer and phones, This software was however alleged to be used as tools by the CIA in its eavesdropping games around the globe, especially any that does not play into their well camouflagged attempt to dominate the world power. humanly speaking nigeria is helpless; every thing seem to be working against it....BUT with God I know Nothing is impossible. Let us unite in this fight for a common cause. A peaceful Nigeria. Which America or UK or Israel or china or France, non can guarantee that for us; BUT we ourselves. Say no to bigotism, MAY GOD HEAL THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 10:48:18 +0000

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