IS OUR GVT IN TREACHEROUS GAMES?WHO IS BEHIND INSECURITY IN LAMU?This are questions being asked by patriotic Kenyans.IDRIS KAMAU,a kenyan of KIKUYU ETHNICITY,is reported to be the mastermind of the spate of terror attack in Lamu that claimed more than 84 lives.Could it be that the gvt is using creeping insecurity in the country to widen the gap between the favoured against the indiscriminated is likely.why was the president too quick to point fingers to the opposition after the Mpeketoni attack even before investigations and tabling facts.I think this are all deliberate move to devide and rule Kenyans along ethnic lines.That is why Ishmael Omondi,a Luo was fronted with no charges to incite Kenyans against opposition leader,Raila.Again,itz claimed that on Saturday,the claimed Alshabab terrorist warned the locals against working with the gvt.Is it true that the locals are working with the gvt?I doubt .This are just political class instilling fears among the locals to support the gvt.That is why some ppl were lured with fake tittle deeds to buy their loyalty.To solve the problems facing Lamu people,historical injustices MUST be addressed. Politics is a dirty game but itz immoral to stage manage attacks against your own people to wipe their emotions as a shield.Let us not suspend our rights in thinking critically to seek answers to the problems in our society.God bless Kenya
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 06:26:50 +0000

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