IS SHE THE ONE? Olu went to his room shut himself in and locked - TopicsExpress


IS SHE THE ONE? Olu went to his room shut himself in and locked the door. He was too upset and didnt want to react in a way he would regret. He was so upset, he couldnt stay still, he kept pacing up and around the room really annoyed and exasperated. This must stop he said aloud. I cant take this anymore, this is absolutely wrong and unacceptable; in fact this is way out of line. And I must decide and declare my stand immediately. Suddenly he stopped pacing, walked over to the wardrobe and began to take Remis clothes off the hanger flinging them on the bed. He removed all her clothes, packed up all her shoes where she arranged them neatly in a corner in his room, picked up her bag of under wear, her make up bag, her handbags and her box of trinkets and jewelry. He removed her church hats from where she hung them neatly on a stand and began to put all her stuff in her very big box. After about 15 minutes, he opened the door rolled the very big box to the middle of the sitting room, went back to the room, brought her shoes neatly packed in a big shopping bag and placed it next to the box in the sitting room, went back for her trinket box and 2 boxes of church hats and placed everything neatly in the middle of the sitting room. His mother, lying on the couch watching TV sat up slowly with a scowl on her face, Remi, who was having dinner at the dinning a few steps behind the sofa close to the kitchen dropped her cutlery and stood up; wrapping and tying her short bathrobe firmly around her, with shock in her eyes and a tint on anger and disbelief in her gaze. Whats all this about Olu? She asked sternly. ‘Nothing’ Olu replied, I just think you should go back home tonight’ ‘Home, what do you mean home?’ Remi questioned raising her tone now with anger in her eyes and her voice, ‘this is my home!’ she hissed between clenched teeth, jabbing her right hand, bent at the bow, downwards with her fore finger pointed towards the floor. Now she was really angry.‘Sorry dear, this is my home, not yours, we are not married remember, you used to come and sleep over occasionally at the start until you decided to move in your things and become a cohabiter; you are not my wife, you are only staying here and I allowed you because youre a friend and youve been good to me once’.‘Shut up Olu!’ his Mum, interjected. What nonsense are you saying? Is it Remi you are speaking to like that? ‘Apologize this instance’ she commanded, taking sides with Remi. Olu looked at his mother and grinned with anger in his eyes, not this time mum, not ever again, you and Dad can do what you like with all the wealth and so called inheritance, I am not and will never marry Remi, my life partner is my decision to make not yours, you can disown me if you like, you can as well bequest all your wealth to her, Im done with this drama, Im out of here, he concluded storming out of the house towards his car. As he banged the door behind him, he heard Remi lamenting loudly to his mother and his mother consoling her and threatening him at the same time, he shook his head and smiled to himself. He felt really good; he felt free and almost wanted to start running. For the first time in his life after 32 years of being that good and obedient son, he garnered the courage to stand up to his Mum, he felt really happy and free! He got into his car and immediately put a call through to Abi, ‘Hey Abi, I did it! Ive asked her to leave, I told my mum off too, he said happily as he drove out of the premises, Im on my way to your house; hope its not too late, Ill be there in a few minutes’ he concluded the phone conversation and hung up, driving pretty fast and with excitement towards Abis residence. As he drove he began to think of the events of the last couple of months. Its been kind of bitter sweet as it were; sweet with Abi, really bitter with Remi, his mum and his dad. His very rich and controlling parents insist he marries Remi; the daughter of a close rich friend. Though hes known Remi since they were teenagers, he never really liked her. Remi was quite saucy, condescending, and haughty. She wasnt kind to her peers or respectful to elders. The fact her parents were very wealthy had taken over her sense of responsibility and ethics. No one really liked her and its likely Olus parents wanted their son to marry her because of her parents wealth. Olu, who was raised to always obey and do the bidding of his parents, consented when his parents told him three years earlier they had arranged for him to be married to Remi. He believed his parents knew what was best for him even at age 29 and he was willing to obey. He endured in silence all the discomfort and frustration of his relationship with Remi who incidentally was in love with him and was even going to settle down with her, even though he didnt really like much less love her. Till two months ago when he met Abi, a very beautiful and sweet young lady who recently relocated from the north to Lagos on transfer. They work in the same IT firm. Immediately Abi joined Olus team in Lagos, their friendship was almost automatic. Abi really challenged Olu intellectually and her sense of independence and maturity intimidated him. He kept wondering how a girl can be so much in control of her life, choices, and future. She spoke with so much confidence, audacity and courage. She was so much in charge of everything Olu felt really intimidated and inferior, despite the fact he was older and from a wealthier background. Abi was so in charge, she was so intelligent, she knew so much about life, about men, about relationships, about money, about business, about career and about planning a great and exciting future. This consequently enticed Olu and he concluded Abi was the girl for him. In comparison to Remi, Abi was way beyond her class. Abi was indeed a wife material, a reliable backbone, a good, wise, respectful and purpose driven individual. For Olu, Abi was just it. Olu had been complaining and lamenting to Abi about his dilemma and the very difficult relationship with Remi. Hes also told her about how his parents want him to marry her. Abi never said much, all she said to him was follow your heart, choose what is best for you, its your life at the end of the day.With so much excitement Olu got out of his car as he arrived Abis residence and ran towards her two-room self-contain somewhere in Magodo where she lived. Abi didnt let him in, she instead came out to talk to him, it was past 9 in the evening. She was a bit uncomfortable about his late night unplanned visit but she didnt say. Olu with excitement narrated all that happened in his apartment a while ago to Abi, how he insisted Remi must leave and how for the first time in his life, he stood up to his mum. He was so happy; Abi could feel his excitement and sense his delight. She was happy for him. All she said at the end of his story was, congratulations, Im happy for you. Suddenly, Olu calmed down and began to speak gently to Abi, he suddenly began to confess his love and how he would want them to date and how he would very much want her to be his wife. Abi remained quiet, listened to him carefully and allowed him finish. ‘Olu,’ she began to speak after he was through, ‘Ive heard you and I appreciate all youve said and how you feel about me, but truth be told, it cant happen. I dont want to sound arrogant or condescending but lets face it, you are not my type. I cant date you, I cant marry you. You are very good looking and rich and many ladies would do anything to have you but not me. I am looking for a man to look up to, a man that can inspire me, a man I can learn from, a leader, a mentor, a guide, someone I can run to and cry to. Olu if I marry you, the reverse would be the case, I would be the one carrying you and I dont think that is what a good marriage is about, Im so sorry’ There was silence, a prolonged silence that became awkward after a while. Abi then turned to look at Olu and suddenly discovered he was in tears. This really ticked her off. Is this a man? She thought to herself. Im sorry Olu, goodnight; see you tomorrow and she walked away from him towards her apartment, bolting the door behind her. Dear friend, who is a real man? It is that man who can take charge and is in charge. A man strong emotionally and disciplined. A man who can make decisions and is self-reliant, he is that man with a personal revelation of whom he is, a man on a mission, a man with a vision, a man of purpose, determination, strength of character and power. This is beyond material possessions and good looks, its more than the hair cut, the well groomed beard, the designer apparel, the shoes and expensive wristwatch. It far more than the powerful and expensive car or money in the account, being a man is in the personality, the maturity; its about having answers, its about been reliable, dependable and inspiring. Would you be a real man today?#HERO¤
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 08:53:04 +0000

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