IS TERRORISM A MUSLIM MONOPOLY? This word Terrorism keeps on - TopicsExpress


IS TERRORISM A MUSLIM MONOPOLY? This word Terrorism keeps on changing depending on changing circumstances, historical facts, and political super powers. This word Terrorism was first introduced in 17 90s during the French Revolution by the British.’ It was then used to describe the Joben French Rule under the leadership of Maximilin Robespier and in 1793 and 1794; these years were called the years of terror. Maximilin killed thousands of innocent human being, arrested 500,000 human beings, executed 40, 000 human beings, deported more than 200,000 human being and more than 200, 000 human being were staved and tortured in prison. We in most instances try so hard to describe people as terrorist, but what is the meaning of the word ‘Terrorism”. It is very difficult to describe the word Terrorism, the British who first introduced it to described the Joben Rule did not describe it, America used it to called Osama Bin Lading, they also did not describe it, however, when one check in Oxford Dictionary you could fine the definition of the of the word Terrorism. The Oxford Dictionary defined terrorism to mean ‘the use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act’. Other writers try to define Terrorism to mean Killing of innocent people to meet a political end. Until recently, there use to be a common stamen in the western media, and the common statement is ‘All Muslims are not Terrorist, But All Terrorist are Muslim’ however this word has now reached Africa and in fact Ghana, especially with the recent Al- Shabab cowardice attach on the Mall in Kenya, Boko Haram Attacks in Northern Nigeria and the Torics actions in Northern Mali. Whilst I join all well wisher in condemning this Cowardice action, I also disagree with them that Islam should be the most appropriate adjective to be used in qualifying this criminal association. As a result of this usage of Islam to qualify this Terrorist Group, I would like to give some historical facts about Terrorism and readers will appreciate that the word is not common to any religion, but is purely a political gimmick. The common idea as we have in the definition of terrorism is the killing of innocent people; historical records has it that we can hardly find any Terrorist act done by any Muslim so called in the 19 centuries, for instance: In 1881, Alexander II was assassinated whilst he was traveling in a bullet prove carriage, just when he came out of his bullet prove carriage a bomb blast killing him, this was not done by any Muslim so called, this act was carried by Ignacy who was not a Muslim. In 1886 the Hay Market Square of Chicago was Bomb during the Labor party rally 12 people were killed including 1 police man and 7 police men were injured and later dead at the hospital, those responsible were 8 Anarchist who were never Muslims so called. Now let us look at some historical terrorist attack records of the 20th Centuries:, 6th September, 1901, the President of USA William MAckinly was assassinated by Lion Czolgosz Lion was not a Muslim so called but an Anarchist. 1st October, 1919 the Los Angelise Time News Paper Building was Bomb where 21 innocent people were killed, those responsible were James and Joseph, there were Uni leader, there were not Muslims so called. 28th June, 1914, the Arch Duke of Austria and the Wife were assassinated which precipitated the world war I, the people responsible were the Young Bosnias most of whom were Serbs, they were not Muslims so called 16th April, 1925, the St. Medelya Church in Bulgaria was Bomb, where more than 150 people were killed, 500 injured, this act was conducted by the Bulgarian Communist Party, and they were not Muslims so called. In fact this is the biggest attack in the history of Bulgaria. 9th October 1934 the King Alexander of Yugoslavia was assassinated by a gunman called Vlada Georgief. Georgief was not a Muslim so called. 1st May 1961, the 1st USA air craft was high jacked, it was high jacked by Ramerez Ortiz to Cuba and letter he has as asylum. Ortiz was not a Muslim so called. 28th August, 1968 the USA Ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated, he was not assassinated by any Muslim so called. 3rd September, 1969, the US Ambassador to Brazil was assassinated; it was not by a Muslim so called. 19th April, 1995 the federal Building of Oklahoma City was bomb were 166 people were killed and hundred others were injured. Those responsible were two right wing activist by name Timothy and Terry they were Christians. They were not Muslim so called. 1941 to 1948 after the World War II, 259 Terrorist Attack was conducted by Jews Terrorist Group. This Terrorist Attack was carried out because those Jews were fighting for the Jew state. In fact the world map before 1945 has no Israel. 22nd July 1946 the King David Hotel was Bomb by Menachem Begin and all people in that building were killed, at this time Menachem Begin was called Terrorist Number 1 by British, later he became the Prime Minister of Israel and was awarded the Noble price for peace, just Imaging someone who killed thousands of Innocent people winning the Noble price for Peace after becoming a Prime Minister. In Germany, from 1968 to 1992, the Boarder Mendoff Gang have killed several human Beings, they were not Muslims so called In Italy the Red Brigades killed a lot of Innocent people and they were responsible for killing the formal Prime Minister of Italy Aldo More after kidnapping him. They were not Muslims so called. In the UK for hundreds of years the IRA (Irish Republican Army) were conducting terrorist attack against them (UK) but they are never described as Catholic Terrorist. 1974 the IRA conducted 2 bomb blast in UK, in 1996 the IRA bomb London and the Shopping Centre of Manchester etc. Also if Terrorism is all about killing of Innocent people, then what name should we called Hitler who killed 6million Jews, George Bush who kill thousands of Iraqis, and Afghans. From above historical record there is no single Terrorist Attack that has be done by any Muslim so called or any association of Muslims so called. Per above I am not trying to justify any action of any Criminal group, but just to bring bare the historical facts so that we will understand that this criminal actions are not the preserve of any Religion of grouping of any religious group. It is on this back drop that I disagree with the West, Media, Politician, Innocent people who try so hard to link Islam to any act of any notorious group like Boko Haram, Al- Shabab, Alqaeeda, Hisbollah, Kasmiri etc. I am not a security expert but my advice to security expert if only I can is for them to start treating this grouping as Criminal Movement without any veil of religion covering them. I strongly think removing the Veil of Religion on the Cowardice will only expose them and can easily be fight on, but if the agenda of running down Islam will continue, I am afraid the effort of fighting this criminal movement will continue to hit on the hard rock. My reasons for this statement is there are lot of Good people in Islam just as a religion, once the name of the religion is being put to question the feel is an attack on the religion, so they either feel hurt or try to defend this grouping not because they want to but as a protection to their faith. I would like to conclude by saying that Terrorism is not the’ Monopoly of any Religion, but the monopoly of the politicians’ My entire referencing are not from any Muslim source, anyone who is interested can check with BBC, CNN etc. Aliu Mohammed Bashar Alti Consult.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 07:10:41 +0000

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