IS THAT WHAT WE EAST TIMORESE MEAN WITH “CANE-INTERNATIONAL OR ‘TAXA’?” OF THE FILM PRODUCING? [Frederico NUNO Jerónimo Boavida No. ID Kartaun Eleitorál: 00624197 No. ID-Mahasiswa STF Driyarka Jakarata No 000 121 – HP: 77285694] FRENUJEBOV/AFEDE/FEDEKAU/ARICO Senior - Ex- Political Affairs for UNMISET No Ex-Staf NDI nudar Senior Program Assistant ba International Affairs no Civil Security Enhancement] ILUSTRATION: Hollywood Association Rewarding certain Actress or Actors as the Personages of the Film in the Arena of war/conflict and Peace merit to Non-identified Reward-Holders offered by Bureau of the Association for Rewarding the Unidentified Actress or Actors Just Observing Here Now X- Is the Most Entertained No-body Ever Satisfied (Dili – June 26th, 2013 by Frenujebov – that is under the password “I Love You” Page-Layout re-offered to the Web-owner) Realistic Based Approach as the Politics-Analogical Comparative Studies on the War or Peace Monitoring. The studies on the: Second Edition; the Politics of Global Governance – International Organizations in An International Interdependent World; edited by Paul F. Diehl – Diehl 2001. I would like to present a Scenery Based on the mapping in the regions under the International Organizations (IOs): it might be idealism on one part and Cynical on other as the method of the Approach in monitoring the International War and Peace Arena taken as East Timor is under the International Organization Monitoring System whether by UN or US in Management of the War and Forced-Peace to the Orphans. International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) and the International Organization (IGO) as under the UN and US System Management since to monitor and observe the Gulf-War and the Kuwait Annexation in late 1991 is as the Framework to articulate the Demands for the International Development as I am the victim of Forced Peace. Actually, selective to the South Korea and North Korea as Seoul having its monitoring System being well organized in an expectation to be identical to US saying: Florida or California. While the Cool-War is favorable to the observation of the Warszawa Treaties Organization (WTO) and unfortunately World Trade Center (WTC) lost its International Marketing of the Intellectual Properties Protection as certain Academic Intellectual to be actress and actors or secondly, minutely and daily observation as they must feed the spectators. “The advanced countries fought to locate new intellectual property rules in the WTO (rather than in the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPPO).” It is the Scenery as a Political Comparative Studies to East Timor Case. “Why States Act Through Formal International Organization? (Kenneth W. Abbot and Duncan Snidal) - “When United States decided to reverse the Iraq Invasion of Kuwait, it did not act unilaterally (although it often does). It turned to the United Nation (UN) Security Council. - “When the Security Council sought to learn the extent chemical, biological, and nuclear arms in Iraq, it did not rely on U. S. Forces It dispatched inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency. “ - When the International Community sought to maintain the suspension of combat in Bosnia, it did not rely only on national efforts It sent in peacekeeping Under the aegis of the UN and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).” - When state liberalized trade in services and strengthened intellectual property protection in the Uruguay Round, they were not content to the draft rule. They created the World Trade Organization (WTO) and a highly Institutionalized Settlement mechanism.” It is a study done by Paul F. Diehl on the analysis – “how states cooperate in spare context through strategies of reciprocity and other abstract of self-help.” As to characterize the distinguish IOs Institution there are two main characteristic: (1) Centralization (a concrete and Stable Organization Structure and an Administrative apparatus managing collective activities) and (2) independence (the authority to act with a degree autonomy, and often with neutrality, in defined spheres).” – “Centralization and independence enhance efficiency. An analogy to private business firms in instructive. The firm replaces contractual relation among suppliers, workers, and managers; it susbstitutes a centralized, hierarchical Organization for the horizontal, negotiated relation of contract.” My analyzing to the fact that referring to - “Korea and the Gulf War in which the Council instead authorized the national military action, led in both cases by the United States. How are episodes to be understood.” It is the real fact that is trying to establish the ‘war-machine’ controlled by the ‘remote-controlled” in exploring electronic means. It seems on the following lines – “in the Gulf War, these measures were transparently national the council simply called on other states to cooperate with the United States, which was already operating in the Gulf War Theater, and coalition forces were visibly dominated by the United states whose troops even retained their own uniforms and commanders.” Yet, notably the ‘Play’ usually exploring the cynical approach to achieve the idealism; in fact it changes all the concept on human-being that man must be man and woman must it be; it is accepted when the powerful man must be robust as an animal and woman turning to be man while the powerless man would be slaves and victims of exploring. Still the International Organizations (IOs) neglect the fact on the International Governmental Organizations (IGOs); as it enhances the security just to maintain the International Non-Governmental Organization (INGOs); emerging the ambiguity and uncertainty on the view of feeling powerless and neo-liberal dominion. The, states, as the realist, what is happened, given the states are innocently explored all the time. Both would like to possess the states for each own interests; I prefer to assist in the future; probably, might be emerge Powerful Council of States and the General Assembly for the States in leading up to the World Development in term of Neo-Liberal and Neorealist option facing the conflict vested Organization Interest. By Frederico NUNO Jerónimo Boavida (Frenujebov)
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 16:58:50 +0000

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