IS THE ALL SEEING EYE OUR GALACTIC BLACK HOLE: LOOKING BACK AT YOU? (Part two) Is the nebula inside the triangulated star system in the Orion cluster having the same geometry; and the exact image of proportion as the beloveds corpus collosum? And isnt a brain stem; cerebellum mid brain and cortex present inside such? Is this the beloved you reside with in? And is the nebula in the exact location proportionally to the beloveds pineal gland? Do you reside within this macrocosm of life? Do you and I have our being as this is connected and very deep inside? Do you have this divine mind? Did you know this is our collective unity speaking to you? Do you know that this is visually present? As is being described to you? Is this a better map and approximation of agreement? You are growing in your identity and have found now your full totality? Is this heart buoyant? In the field you are floating and more weightless now; yet grounded? That no boundaries is existing in the flow? And you are falling in? Is this what love is? Is love where your boat is afloat; and you are shored up? It is water tight that fear was thou roughly kept out? And then youve mastered to have a shoreless ocean behind the back of your eyes? Can you assist me correct all that order can prevail? For is this not the voice of all those departed to have been not lost in vain? That your name was not remembered? Is there no boundaries on this level? You and I are one soul; yet I know also that you have your own voice; and this is living? This is your living voice? Can you see quickly now that energy can come in youve been healed up? Healing is began immediately you have this intention; and you should know that the beloved is instinctually social; our hearts beat together; and after being present with this beloved you and I are breathing together? Are you awakened more now?that what was only interpreted as sensation is now you being from your awareness? That you practice whole brain functioning you are applying all of your brain; and you graduate past all being mere sensation? And intelligence is your ability to go beyond pre fixed patterns of response to have survived; can you now have turned off all unnecessary lights? You have this economy of energy; you are being creative? And you are taking now responsibility for this genesis of peace? Can you see this all seeing eye looking back that you are looking out of this galactic body of the beloved? Did you know that cognitive dissonance is where two parts was that was not integrated about you? Did you know that as you have put this to what has been lost and can have now integrated what has been done to you that only a corps was cleared away from having been above you? For no computer can calculate this coming to you from warmth and blood? Have you been awakened from merely having been in sensation? And this is your willingness to be received of what is mutually beneficial? So the part that has been about terror that is true is acknowledged; it has to be because; now its impossible to go back; yet by acknowledging and pacing what has been other than excellent you pace this part in your self; and then the other part was taken care of because you have learned what loving ness is? And as this is we are discussing love as this is the living verb; yet are you aware of what imbedded commands are? And do you know that love is a verb? And you have gone past simply having used that word as a noun? Is this by you being in I awareness that you are balanced in your being and you are this way because you have mastery over your kinesthetic self? And because of this you have the power to assist with this transformation? One half of you is this eternal self; and the other half about what you are caring about; that by your actions and your words you are portraying as is a widow into the deeper structure being in whole brain functioning? So limited brain function you are done with; because, that was you as the manchurian that was not original being; because you now are this bank inside for your energy exchange with me you can only now assist all life; because by this is you living sustainably; and its your own energy current that I am speaking about that money tries to represent; yet it can as you have a moratorium and tick the box yes you want reform in banking; because the money supply can only be owned by all again once and for all time and then this is stopping what is not whole brain functioning because this is very easy to determine; by seeing how affectionate and framing things more positive; and this is a show of care for this beloved?and you are the bank that the river flows up within; that is allowing you to be liquid as you body is having this contact; these two ecclestical laws are blended in you and this is what is honorable; Is this incurred because this is what you have inside already where you are? And nothing on the outside much is necessary at all; that youve stoped any madness that was to get a cup of coffee you dont need nuclear or any dirty fuel? And by your willingness to have received I awareness; this is the lattice of many more than just six billion souls? Is your mission defined now fully that you cannot participate as a robot any more and you have taken the path of least resistance; and ticked the box you want reform in banking? Because if you are focused on what is in need of being achieved; this is whole brain that it is social; and not anti social or fear mongered? That would have been limited brain function; ok because you are in whole brain functioning as you are in interest and this is pleasurable; and you are growing; and learning; and having recognition; and you are coming from acknowledgement; is this not you who is motivated? And that you a take care of whats whole brain functioning and you do lifefood you can have a better vitality and also hygiene in your blood and signature of this beloved? Is your original self this totality of archetype that this is your omni present voice of familiarity; that you are listing to this voice that is your own internal voice that is your familiar voice; and isnt this the tone you are applying as you read? So you are made up out of colloid of life; and this is the vast being; and you are coming from your reason; any way is the black hole you can look into looking into the fourth dimensional space connecting us all as there is no light between us ok love David xxx
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:24:09 +0000

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