IS THE BIBLE RELIABLE? Prejudice and religious bigotry blinds - TopicsExpress


IS THE BIBLE RELIABLE? Prejudice and religious bigotry blinds and shuts up the mind against the truth, many fallacies of men can be corrected if the under-listed proofs of the reliability of the Bible is open-mindedly studied and examined: 1. THE UNITY AND COHERENCE OF THE BIBLE: The Bible was written by more than forty different authors from every works of life including kings, military leaders, peasants, fishermen, tax collectors, scholars, poet, musicians, statesmen, and shepherd among others over a very long years (about 2000 years) yet there is wonderful unity and harmony all through the Bible. There was no contradiction of each other in any form. Praise God! (Psalms 19:7-10) remember I told you at the beginning that Moses the first writer died 1450 years before the last writer (John the beloved) was born. A typical example of the unity principle in the bible is faith, Genesis 4 talks about the faith of Abel and all through the bible the subject kept recurring such as the faith of Noah, Abraham, Moses, the prophets, the woman with the issue of blood and others 2. ITS VERSATILITY: The Bible is the only book that meets the needs of people from various tribes, race, ethnics or continents; it is read by sages and children in all nations. The discouraged, barren, worried, happy and so on can find solace and instructions there. 3. ITS SUPERIORITY TO OTHER BOOKS: The Bible is the best-attested book from the ancient world. Abraham Lincoln affirmed ‘it is the best book which God has given to man’ its insight into human nature and into all things pertaining to life here and hereafter makes it exceptional, it is the simplest book to understand. Unparallel in the history of literature, the Bible has proved reliable in ways unmatched by other books 4. ITS SALES: The Bible is the best seller of all times nearly every home (even of its critics) we can find a copy. Millions of it is distributed yearly and millions of new books and commentaries on the Bible are published annually at higher rate. The Bible is the book with the highest number of sales so far despite the fact that there were no advertisements for it as compared to other books. 5. OTHER BOOKS AND AUTHORS DEPEND ON IT: Many other books derive their content from the Bible. For example, the constitution of the United States of America wouldn’t have been a success if not for their resolution to the Bible and God hence their motto ‘in God we trust’. 6. THE ACCURACY AND FULFILMENT OF ITS PROPHECY: (2Peter1:19-21) about 3.300 verses of the prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled. Compare the following; Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:21-23, Psalms 22:1 and Matthew 27:46. 7. ITS PRESERVATION FROM CENTURY TO CENTURY-This refers to the age of the Bible, it is the oldest book on earth. Presently and will ever be ‘but the word of God shall stand for ever’ Isaiah 40:8b. Many books written by some great philosophers have gone into extinction with less relevance for our present age, while they are not accessible, the Bible remains in the press and progressing daily and for ever more. There has been no book as criticized as the Bible yet there is no book as unique and enduring as the Bible, It has faced lots of attack aimed at its destruction but instead of been destroyed it has outlived its enemies. Some of such enemy’s houses were used as printing press for Bible. 8. ITS INFLUENCE ON INDIVIDUALS OR NATIONS: the Bible has greatly affected western civilization. No book has had an influence on the world like the Bible. it has influenced on great men like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, W.E. Gladstone, Woodrow Wilson etc 9. ITS PERFECTION: Psalms 19:7; James 1:25-There is no contradiction at all in the Bible. Though the authors are from varied background they speak the same thing. There prediction and time of fulfillments are accurate and though the bible writers lived centuries apart and didn’t necessarily realize they were writing words that would become part of scripture, God saw to it that their writings fit with the rest of scriptures intertwined in-line to His will and purpose. 10. IT’S UNIQUE TRANSLATION: According the United Bible Societies, the Bible (or a portion of it), has been translated into more than 2,200 major languages which serve as vehicles of communication for over 90 percent of the world’s population. No other book in history has been translated, retranslated and paraphrased more than the Bible. 11. A recent scroll discovered by the archaeologist at the Red sea turned out to be Isaiah’s own written and when it was compared to the existing copied scroll. It was observed that there were no major differences between the writings. 12. The Testimonies of the Holy Spirit in our heart further validate the reliability and authenticity of the Bible. See John 14:26; with the above, we can therefore confidently accept the bible as originally written, as inspired and infallible word of God. Therefore, we must submit to the authority of the Bible and acknowledged the divine inspiration of both the old and new testaments.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:38:49 +0000

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