IS THE BLACK QUARTERBACK AN INFERIOR CHOICE? What would Charles Darwin say? “AMERICAN FOOTBALL A MODERN CONTRADICTION” By Lagrant Anthony “We have stopped natural selection from purifying the species because deep in our heart of hearts, we are all terrified that we wont make the cut.” ― Moxie Mezcal, Concrete Underground The Institutionalized Bullying and Jim Crow derogation of black quarter backs and black football players who join predominately white football programs is meticulously designed and quietly sanctioned by football owners and football policy makers. CASE IN POINT—RICHIE INCOGNITO- MIAMI DOLPHIN Richie Incognito of the Miami Dolphins just opened Pandora ’s Box. Now the general public will witness first hand the matrix of institutionalized racial discrimination committed against black football players who join predominately white football programs. Today’s calendar year is November 2013. As Richie Incognito demonstrates black football players are systematically humiliated on the bases of race by white team mates. Because this insidious racial discrimination is designed and sanctioned by team owners and coaches, white players like Richie Incognito can systematically execute acts of RACIAL TERRORISM without fear of being reprimanded by football administrators and coaches; because it is the white football team owners, administrators and coaches who are the real racial terrorist; white football administrators and coaches have quietly authorized and embolden white BULLYS like Richie Incognito to systematically execute RACIAL TERRORISTIC ACTS without fear of reprisal. Justice dictates that the NFL terminate and excommunicate the Miami Dolphins’ football franchise owners from the NFL, its administrators, coaching staff and any players that were involved. But I digress. Do young black football players lack the mental capacity, emotional stability and inherit leadership qualities necessary to occupy the position of quarterback on American football teams? Since the inception of American football black players who joined predominately white football teams have been denied the opportunity to hold the position of quarterback albeit all other black players on the offensive team are black. You often hear “they lack intangible qualities that can not be taught”. Is the absence of black quarter backs at predominately white institutions merely a coincidental occurrence or is their absence an internal organizational design? Is the absence of black quarter backs at predominately white institutions by internal design or a natural occurrence? A hint to the answer to this question is stated by Richard Dawkins where he say’s, “A deep understanding of Darwinism teaches us to be wary of the easy assumption that design is the only alternative to chance” ― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion Do white football players naturally possess inherent skills and attributes that make them better qualified to play quarterback? The prevailing ideology that only white players possess the prerequisite mental, emotional and leadership skills necessary to execute the duties of a quarterback have and continue to be fervently embraced by those who control the game of football. This is not just a theory for those young black football players who join predominately white football programs in America. While few black football players have demonstrated or shall I say, have been allowed to demonstrate their natural God given talent in all other positions, the --quarterback slot-- has been reserved as a sacred position …for white players only. This affirmative action policy or law of preservation was developed for the exclusive benefit of white quarterbacks. This oppressive racial policy has gone unchallenged since the inception of American football. Designation of the quarter back position for white players only is best expressed where Herbert Spencer says, “And yet, strange to say, now that the truth [of natural selection] is recognized by most cultivated more than ever, in the history of the world, are they doing all they can to further the survival of the unfittest.” Herbert Spencer Today this unspoken and invariably denied affirmative action policy was --out in the open and overtly manifested-- in the 1950’s and 1960s and continues to plague the black quarterback today whom plays for predominately white football programs. As stated by Herbert Spencer, “The forces which are working out the great scheme of perfect happiness, taking no account of incidental suffering, exterminate such sections of mankind as stand in their way, with the same sternness that they exterminate beasts of prey and herds of useless ruminants.” ― Herbert Spencer, Social Statics; Or, The Conditions Essential To Human Happiness Specified, And The First Of Them Developed “It is difficult to believe in the dreadful but quiet war lurking just below the serene facade of nature.”― Charles Darwin This is the question that I will address and candidly answer. Are black quarter backs inherently inferior to white quarterbacks? If the answer to this question is yes then it must also be concluded that black football players and predominately black football programs (HBCUs) are also inferior because race is the only controlling variable used to select the player that is allowed to compete for the quarterback position. Following this line of thinking cognitive logic requires one to conclude that predominately white football programs such as Alabama, Florida State, Miami, Ohio State, Oregon, Missouri, Texas, Georgia, Auburn and Clemson are inherently superior compared to predominately black football programs at historically black colleges and universities (HBCU’s). Pursuant to white supremacy theorist this conclusion is based solely on race. A cursory review of the top 20 college football teams in America shows that predominately white football programs occupy all top 20 positions. Based on these rankings it is reasonable to make an argument that predominately white football programs are superior to HBCU football programs. Many reading this article may find this conclusion racially offensive. However this conclusion is supported by national rankings. These national rankings are a factual reality not subjective opinion. On the other hand, while this conclusion is reasonable, it is not an ill rebuttable conclusion. National rankings in and of itself are not undisputable evidence of inherent ‘personal’ human characteristics. Educational institutions are not living human beings but fictitious corporate entities. The national rank of a college or corporate entity is based solely upon the performance of its “human subjects”. Therefore it is the performance of the football players who determine the national ranking of a college, corporate entity or football program. National rankings are indicative of inherent qualities possessed by players on the ranked team. National rankings do not reflection inherent qualities of a college or fictitious corporate entity. Any deference attributed to the college entity because of a national ranking is by association to its superior players. Fame honor and glory of a college or football program is not derived from the college or football program, they are merely fictitious corporate entities; but rather from human players who achieve excellence in their performance. The reputation of a college or football program is determined by its attendees. Although the top 20 college football programs in the country are predominately white football programs these national rankings are not proof that predominantly white football programs are inherently superior to predominately black football programs i.e. institutional supremacy. The prevailing accepted premise asserts that white quarter backs are inherently superior to black quarter backs (individual supremacy) Does the predominance of white football programs in the top 20 national rankings up hold and support the presupposition that says: “white quarter backs are inherently superior to black quarter backs?” Yes. When the top 20 football programs in the country are all predominately white colleges it gives validity to the ideology of white institutional superiority and supports the ideology that white quarter backs are also inherently superior to black quarter backs. This is the only cognitive conclusion that can be made when considering the prevailing accepted premise that declares, ‘white quarter backs are inherently superior to black quarter backs.’ To disagree with this conclusion you must also denounce the prevailing accepted premise upon which it is based. If the premise is false and unjust decisions based upon that premise are also false and unjust. However like bullies on the Miami Dolphins football team, racism continues to exist because men are afraid to confront the issue. The presupposition we are discussing here is referred to as the “accepted premise” which involves embracement of the belief that white quarterbacks are ‘inherently’ better qualified than black quarter backs. This accepted premise is based solely on race and not demonstrated skill level. Following this logic one must also conclude that predominately white football programs are inherently superior to predominately black football programs. This is the only conclusion that can be made without insulting logic and reason based upon the accepted premise of white racial superiority. To reach a different conclusion requires repudiation of the premise that white quarter backs are inherently better qualified to occupy the position of quarter back. Regardless of the unjust results derived from employment of this belief system this accepted premise has been and –continues-- to dominate the philosophy of men who control football today. Is there something erroneous about this accepted premise? Are white quarter backs and consequently white football players and predominately white football programs inherently superior to black quarter backs, black football players and black football programs? When this accepted premise is challenged by Charles Darwin’s presupposition of natural selection will the accepted premise prove to be true? Let’s look at the empirical research data on this issue. A cursory review of American football today reveals this accepted premise to be a working policy; yet unspoken and hypocritically denied by those who knowing and deliberately embraced the false premise that white quarterback are inherently better qualified over black quarterbacks. This false premise has been proven to be inconsistent with reality and a contradiction of truth. The accepted false premise upon which football coaches and football policy makers decide who shall be given an opportunity to play quarterback is based solely on race. This practice continues to plague the game of football today despite the corrupt men who deny its utilization. It survives scrutiny because it is political incorrect to challenge this insidious racial policy. If this accepted premise is true it should be naturally expressed as a reality; as Charles Darwin would say, it would manifest itself as a natural outcome derived from the laws of competition. The last man standing would reflect who is superior. “Natural selection involves no plan, no goal, and no direction — just genes increasing and decreasing in frequency depending on whether individuals with those genes have, relative to other individuals, greater or lesser reproductive success.” ― Randolph M. Nesse, Why We Get Sick: The New Science of Darwinian Medicine ---- Predominately White football teams that refuse to play black quarter backs should ask themselves,…WHY DO WE ALWAYS LOSE GAMES?! When looking at who occupy the position of quarterback on most American football teams the manifested reality shows that the quarter back position is almost exclusively occupied by white players. Frequently these white quarter backs have not proven themselves better qualified than their black counterparts through competitive competition. Too often when black quarter backs are allowed to demonstrate their superior skills and demonstrate superior performance, results are ignored. This is a hidden contradiction. A suppression of truth i.e. deliberate deception. Therefore the accepted premise, even when proven to be false, is nevertheless perceived by the public to be consistent with the present day reality that most white (one dimensional) quarter backs possess superior talent to their black counterpart. When a false premise is proven to be false it nevertheless continues to be perceived by the public as true. As Mezcal stated, “We have stopped natural selection from purifying the species because deep in our heart of hearts, we are all terrified that we wont make the cut.” ― Moxie Mezcal, Concrete Underground “Darwin called such a process artificial, as opposed to natural, selection…” The white quarter back is better “merely” because the coach says he is better; i.e. he is the only one allowed to play the position. However like television commercials that are produced to create false needs and artificial demands in the market place; domination of the quarter back position by white players is nothing more than an ‘artificial reality’ created by men who control football policy. Based upon the accepted premise and the ideology of white racial supremacy most if not all football policy makers who manage predominately white American football operations have reserved the position of quarter back for white players. Sad but true and a discredit and unmerited stain on the reputation of truly superior white quarter backs that can stand on their own two feet such as “Johnny football”, Joe Namath and Bret Farr. If this accepted premise is true white players only should be given credited for the top 20 national rankings given to predominately white football programs. If this accepted premise is true HBCU’s are unquestionably inherently inferior to predominantly white football programs. If this accepted premise is true, as Charles Darwin would put it, the absence of HBCU’s in the top 20 nationally ranked teams by either AP or BCS polls and/or as national champions, is a natural occurrence; simply a natural act of racial ascendency. If the accepted premise that white players are inherently superior then predominately white football programs ranked in the top 20 should be composed of all white players or predominately all white players. According to Charles Darwin and the laws of natural selection one would expect white quarterbacks and white players to demonstrate superior talent and skills which would allow them to dominate the field of play, compared to their allegedly inferior black counter parts. However empirical evidence shows that predominately white football programs such as Alabama, Ohio State, Oregon, Miami and Florida State who first and second teams are dominated by black players contradict the long accepted premise that white quarter backs and white football players are inherently superior! The existence of black players today who, in fact, dominate the offensive and defensive starting teams on these predominately white football teams has repudiated the veracity of the ideology of white racial supremacy used for decades to justify the sacred-- white only quarter back position. Game over. The ‘accepted premise’ has been proven to be false! “We have stopped natural selection from purifying the species because deep in our heart of hearts, we are all terrified that we wont make the cut.” ― Moxie Mezcal, Concrete Underground The accepted premise that for decades was used to justify and dictate American football policies detrimental to the black quarter back and black football players has been exposed as an insidious fraud intentionally perpetrated upon young black players. The accepted premise that was overtly executed and now covertly practiced by most predominately white football programs has resulted in unjust racial discrimination, insidious racial oppressed and inhuman humiliation of black football players attending predominately white football programs. The small number of black quarter backs recently allowed to play at predominately white institutions has set new performance standards never seen before in the history of football. The domination of black football players on top 20 teams, and though relatively few, high performing black quarterbacks, has exposed the accepted premise as a contradiction. Black football players now playing on predominately white football teams now dominate the field of play. It’s as if you are looking at two HBCU teams playing. Nearly all the players are black. However the institutions receiving the honor, glory and multi billions in revenues are white colleges. Once again modern day slaves are back on the plantation. In 2013 the words of Harriet Tubman remain true; “they do not know they are slaves”. But I digress. The presupposition that white quarter backs and predominately white football programs are inherently superior to black quarter backs and predominately black football programs has been disproven. However the slaves refuse to leave. They prefer the luxuries given to them by their masters and are too lazy to build their own as their ancestors once did at HBCUs. But I digress. The ideology of inherent institutional and individual white supremacy has been proven to be a falsity. The accepted premise is now exposed as a contradiction. Evidence of this contradiction is seen in Doug Williams, Mike Vick, Freddie Solomon, RG three, Cam Newton and many others much better that football fans were prevented from seeing. The accepted premise has been proven to be a contradiction of truth and justice perpetrated not only on black football players but on American football fans. 1. CONTRADICTION: “A contradiction is two propositions used in combination where one makes the other impossible. It is something that is A and non-A at the same time. A contradiction, therefore, cannot exist in reality, since existence exists (whereas a contradiction could not possibly exist). In the cognitive process, reaching a contradiction as a conclusion or evaluation of reality is proof of an error in ones thinking. A square circle is a contradiction in terms. It cannot even be imagined.” So is the accepted premise and ideology used by predominately white football programs to justify white only quarter backs. Anyone who denies the law of non-contradiction should be beaten and burned until he admits that to be beaten is not the same as not to be beaten, and to be burned is not the same as not to be burned. (Avicenna, Medieval Philosopher) With this understanding-- is it a contradiction to say that HBCU’s are inherently superior college football programs? No. On the contrary, the superiority and dominance of predominately white football programs that wins consecutive national championships and rank in the top 20 year after year is due solely to the contribution of black football players. The superiority of predominately white football programs today is due to the dominance of black players that have joined predominately white football programs. This is a double contradiction that shows a positive-negative. The unnatural migration of black blue chip football players from HBCUs to predominately white football programs has resulted in a double contradiction. As with most institutional racism in America the integration of educational institutions was well thought out and meticulously designed for the exclusive benefit of white football programs. No blue chip white football players migrated to the “superior” HBCU football programs as the result of civil rights integration. But I digress. Now back to our discussion about the double contradiction caused by the migration of black blue chip football players to predominately white football programs. This is exemplified in the absence of black blue chip football players at HBCUs. The migration of black blue chip football players to predominately white football programs has caused HBCU football programs to be perceived as inferior college football programs. This migration has caused a 360 degree change from the 1960s when Negros were forced by law to be all black football teams; forcing all black blue chip football players to attend HBCU’s. When forced by law to be predominately all black football programs not even all white professional football teams could challenge HBCU football teams. Sadly it took white racist to force Negros to act in their own best interest. But I digress. The contemporary presence of black football players at predominately white universities and the dominance of black football players at these predominately white institutions have invalidated the accepted premise of institutional white supremacy. While predominately white institutions are ranked as the top 20 football programs black football players are running the show. The ideology of white supremacy has been disproven. Now bamboozled black football players need to wake up and return home to HBCUs. The aggressive and intense recruitment of black blue chip football players to predominately white football programs proves one thing. The love of money neutralizes any accepted premise. The law of contradiction means that two antithetical propositions cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. X cannot be non-X. A thing cannot be and not be simultaneously. And nothing that is true can be self-contradictory or inconsistent with any other truth. When football programs become losers and suffer financial loses because they embrace false ideologies regarding racial superiority they either change or become ill relevant to the sport. It is a great paradox that the honor glory and profound success now enjoyed by predominately white football programs is possible only because black football players who were earlier categorized and declared as inferior incompetents --for decades-- now dominate the playing field on these white football teams. Because God has not changed the nature of men since the invention of football the relative talent of black players compared to white players has not changed. As put by Robert Sawyer, “That natural selection can produce changes within a type is disputed by no one, not even the staunchest creationist. But that it can transform one species into another — that, in fact, has never been observed.” ― Robert J. Sawyer, Calculating God Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that white quarter backs and white football programs were not inherently superior to black quarter backs and black football programs during the 1960s. As black football players have proven to be of unquestionable superior talent evidenced by their complete domination of the top 20 nationally ranked all white football programs; it is my conclusion that oppressed black football players and black football teams (HBCUs) of the past who were denied opportunities merely because of the color of their skin were also of superior top 20 talent. These black football players and football programs were merely oppressed by Jim Crow football policies. Because all white football teams refused to compete against HBCUs in the 1960s they can not be considered legitimate national champions. These rewards are unmerited and without honor. Regardless of recorded history and sounds that emanate from the deceptive lips of professional liars, the contemporary performance of young black football players at predominately white institutions speaks for itself. Their performance proves one thing; that the denial of young black men to occupy the position of quarter back at predominately white institutions was and continues to be a deliberate act of intentional fraud motivated by racial bias. If we overthrow the law of contradiction, literally anything might be true. Black might mean white and hot might mean cold and everything would mean nothing. This is exactly where most modern men and women now live—in the abyss of existentialism, where Joe and Sally might hold world-views that flatly contradict one another—yet both earnestly deny that if one system is right the other must be wrong. This type of thinking seems merely affable and benign, yet it destroys the very concept of truth. Those that control the game of football have designed a system to accommodate those contradictions. As mentioned above the love of money and the desire to win has over come this contradiction on many occasions. Just read about Bear Bryant. “Multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.” ― Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species “If theft is advantageous to everyone who succeeds at it,..why do we feel they are wrong? Shouldnt the only morality that evolution produces be the kind Bill Clinton had - being sorry you got caught?” ― Robert J. Sawyer, Calculating God When boys become men and truth unfolds…truth must be told…..a message for Coach Earl Bruce….but this too is a forgivable sin. This article is dedicated to men like Coach Earl Bruce, Coach Bill Curry, The Miami Dolphins Football team and owners, Richie Incognito, Georgia State University football administrators and all others who embrace the Accepted Premise of white racial supremacy.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 07:46:46 +0000

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