IS THE FIFA WORLD CUP A NECESSARY DISTRACTION FOR ZIONIST TERRORISTS TO CARRY OUT THEIR TERROR? Some people state that while the world is hypnotized by FIFA, Zionists bomb Gaza but where is logic in this, to blame FIFA World Cup (hereforth FWC) as a disctraction? The truth is that Zionists kill Palestinians (and other people) regardless of when and there is nothing we do about it but merely speak out. Let me ask, are the militaries of the world watching the tournament as well? If they are, then of course there is no chance of prevention, but if they arent, would their not watching the FWC have stopped the attacks? The answer is a resounding NO!! The truth is that Zionists legally annexed Palestine in 1948 and there was no World Cup tournament then, no (sporting) major event whatsoever. Besides, only about 40 - 45% of the human population actually adheres to the game of football. Are politicians suddenly sports people in their droves? No. Do the Zionists respect the public such that they wouldnt pursue their evil ends if we were not watching? No. Zionists control the media, military personnel and supplies, countries (Corporations really). Media propaganda is enough to sway people. Engineered social problems such as poverty and disease keep the minds of people distracted anyway, searching for solutions. Zionists also use the bible to legitimate their actions and crime of stealing that piece of land. They would and do claim that Palestine is the promised land. Countless religious people actually support that bollocks of a notion and excuse for displacement of those poor Arabs. The use of the Muslim identity by CIA engineered groups also helps legitimate their genocide in there, claiming to be fighting Hamas insurgents and guess what? Some patriotic Americans back this action, some people also support these preemptive strikes because they hate Islam or religion altogether. The Zionists slowly displaced those 5 million Arabs from Palestine regardless of any show piece taking place. The world has merely watched them, the US has backed them, we couldnt stop them in the absence of the tournament, we cant stop them even if the FIFA World Cup never took place.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 07:06:02 +0000

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