IS THERE A WORD FROM THE LORD? NO MORE EXCUSES There are several pasage of scriptures I would like to invite your attention with. As some of know, that this age ( church age) is coming to an end. The dispensation of grace (Gods unmerited favor) closing is sooner than we. For every true believers we should be excited looking for Jesus to come and take us home! Can i get a amen somebody? But for those of you who claim they love God, but fail to totally comit rheir life to him, you know who you are. Its all a big joke to you, you with your fales religious keep you from serving the true King of kings, Lord of lords Jesus Christ Gods Son. You choose the pleasures and the lust ( desires) of the flesh which is nothing but dirt, over the One who gave His life for you that you may have life more abundantly; who loves you so much that he bleed and died for you! There is a day coming when you go wish you would take heed to the warning and repent ( change of mind or turning to God) let God fill you with the Holy Ghost that your lifestlye may be pleasing to Him and serve your CREATOR. LET ME MOVE ON TO THE TEXT. (Lord have mercy on us)! Trun with me to the of John. Most of us know this text: For God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth ( continual to be comitted) in him should not perish: but have everlasting life ( living with him forever). * John 10 10; The thief (Satan) cometh ( continual) not, but to kill, and to still, and destroy: I am ( Jesus Christ) come that they ( us) might (if you truly trust ) have life, and that they (us) might ( truly believe or comit ones life to) have it more abundantly. * Matthew 16:24: Then Jesus said unto his disciples, If any man will (desire) come (follow) after me, let him deny himself ( your way of living) , take up his cross and follow me ( Gods way of lfe or living). * John 3:3: Jesus answered and said, Verily verily ( truly) , I say unto thee (you), Except a man be born again ( a spirtual birth or regenerate a super natural birth), he can not see the kingdom of God. * Hebrews 9:22: And almost all things are by the law( Old Testament SacrificalSysthem) purged with blood (animals that were sacrifice): and without shedding of blood ( New Testament Jesus the Lamb of God His blood), of the blood is no remission ( fore giveness of sin).
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:19:58 +0000

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