IS THINKING WITH THE HEART OR BRAIN? In the Name of Allah, the - TopicsExpress


IS THINKING WITH THE HEART OR BRAIN? In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Most Merciful I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, the one and true God to whom all praise is due forever, and I bear witness That Mohammed blessed and peace be upon him is his messenger and the seal of all the prophets, I also bear witness to Abraham, Moses, Jesus (PBUT) and all the Beautiful Prophets that Allah has sent to Guide, so in the name of Allah I would like to greet all of you with the Islamic greetings of peace of Ah-salaam Alaikom. On the authority of Abu `Abdullah an Nu`man the son of Bashir may Allah be pleased with them both, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say: ................. Truly in the body there is a morsel of flesh which, if it be whole, all the body is whole and which, if it be diseased, all of it is diseased. Truly it is the HEART!! Let us examine this. Allah mentions the word heart at least 110 times in the Quran !!! It even implies that the heart has thinking power! One such verse states: They have hearts that they are not able to understand with. ~Holy Quran, Sura Al-Araf, Chapter 7 Verse 179 Many (so-called) academic enemies of Islam try to refute this verse from the Quran (and other similar verses that deal with spiritual concepts) without applying the esoteric context attached to it... They say that the brain is the thinking organ and not the heart... But, that verse actually applies to them! Because the heart does think, and for their information the heart is the centre of human consciousness. I know many normal people think that the brain is the centre of consciousness, but, the heart and all the cardiovascular systems actually send more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. The sciences of psychology and medicine are in midst of a major paradigm shift as (even western) research findings have uncovered that the heart is also a sensory organ (like the brain). The heart can also learn, hold memory and make independent functional decisions. Even more surprising is the fact that the heart displays qualities of neuroplasticity*, and that it can reorganise itself by growing new neural connections, just as the brain can does. (Oh, and Neuroplasticity is a nervous system that has the ability to change structurally and functionally as a result of input from the surrounding environment.) Back to The Quran!! The Quran states... Who are more evil than those who are reminded of their Lords proofs, then disregard them, without realising what they are doing. Consequently, we place shields on their HEARTS TO PREVENT THEM FROM UNDERSTANDING, and deafness in their ears. Thus, no matter what you do to guide them, they can never ever be guided ~Holy Quran, Sura The Cave (Al-Kahf), Chapter 18 Verse 57 CAN YOU SEE WHAT I AM GETTING AT? CAN YOU FEEL IT IN YOUR HEART NOW? ARE YOU CONNECTING THE DOTS?? COME ON SCIENTISTS, COMMENT TO THIS POST Our hearts are the most powerful organs in our bodies, and it could easily generate five thousand times more electromagnetic signals than the brain. Some of the same neurotransmitters present in the brain, also found in the heart, establish their OWN neurochemical and electrochemical communications link. The heart translates information that is then communicated through its neurological impulses and makes its way to the brain to the medulla and up to higher centers of the brain where they can influence our cognitive processes such as how WE EVEN MAKE DECISIONS and how we perceive reality SO HOW CAN THINKING NOT BE FROM THE HEART???... This experiment was actually conducted by YOUR OWN Scientists at the Princeton PEAR Laboratories in America (1) According to our Islamic Tradition, the center of human consciousness is the heart and it is not the brain. The brain is beautiful, functional and efficient. It is not cruel, it is just void of the ability to make COMPASSIONATE JUDGMENT that considers the benefit of the whole. Therefore, it will often compel the construction or development of things which end up damaging the individual and the environment and even itself. The brain was created by Allah to serve and function as a subordinate organ and can only process information that it receives, it does not create data, it can only think, process, convert, evaluate and decipher data THAT HAS ALREADY been imputed into it (much like a pc)! It is only recently that human beings have learned there are over 40,000 neurons in the heart... in other words, there are cells in the heart that are communicating with every part of our bodies using live cells, and each cell has a consciousness that doesnt require any form of input data (they are created with innate knowledge set for their tasks). Now, it is also understood (as I mentioned earlier) that there is two-way communication between the Heart and the brain... the brain sends messages to the heart, but the heart sends more messages to the brain. The brain receives these messages from the heart, which reach the amygdala (2) and the thalamus (3). The cortex receives these inputs from the amygdala and the thalamus then it processes this input to produce emotions and a new cortex which is related to learning and reasoning. These processes are recent discoveries, and although we do not fully understand them, we do know that the heart is an extremely sophisticated organ. According to prophetic traditions, the heart is a source of knowledge. The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH), said that a wrong action is what irritates the heart. Thus, the heart actually knows wrong actions, and this is one of the reasons why people can do terrible things and ultimately, they are affected negatively. Without me even getting to complicated... We are taught in our early years at school that the actual physical heart in our breast beats about 100,000 times a day, pumping two gallons of blood per minute,100 gallons per hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year for an entire lifetime! The vascular system that sends this life-giving blood is over 60,000 miles long... it is more than two times the circumference of the earth. Furthermore, it is interesting to note that the heart starts beating before the brain is formed (ask any Dr that performs ultra scans to pregnant women)... the heart begins to beat without any central nervous system. The dominant theory was that the central nervous system is what is controlling the entire human being is from the brain, yet we know now that in fact the nervous system does not initiate the heartbeat. It is actually self-initiated... we Muslims say, Allah initiates it. So, has science touched upon a facet of spiritual alchemy? Are we about to rediscover scientific knowledge that has been forgotten for thousands of years? Is this a sign that the scientific community is about to pierce into what is known as the other side of science where non-locality and energy fields operate in resonance with the cosmos? The Quran States: If Allah renders their hearts content with submission, they will follow a light from their Lord. Therefore, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against Allahs message... Because they have gone far astray. ~Holy Quran, Sura Al-Zumar , Chapter 39 Verse 22 May Allah purify all our hearts in order for it to understand Fivine wisdom, and bear witness to His greatness. Ameen Yours truly Romeo, a faithful follower and servant to Allah Ah-salaam alaikom ❤️ Footnotes (1) Fast-forward to the US in the mid-1990s where scientists at the Princeton PEAR Lab conducted experiments using a Random Event Generator (REG). The REG machine is designed to continuously generate random numbers so that humans can try to influence the output of the random numbers using only their minds. Without any instruction or training, the volunteers are told to try to influence the output of the numbers. Using the most rigorous of scientific protocols Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunn conducted experiments using single percipients (volunteers) and teams of two people. (2) The amygdala are almond-shaped groups of neurons located deep within the medial temporal lobes of the brain that are found in complex vertebrates (animals with backbones), including humans. Shown in research to perform a primary role in the processing and memory of emotional reactions, the amygdala are considered part of the limbic system (The limbic systems is a term for a set of brain structures including the hippocampus which is a part of the forebrain, located in the medial temporal lobes. It forms a part of the limbic systems and plays a part in long term memory and spatial navigatin. Humans and other mammals have two hippocampi, one in each side of the brain. The name derives from its curved shape in coronal sections of the brain, which resembles a seahorse (Greek: hippos = horse, kampi = curve)... but its the amygdala that support a variety of functions including like I have already said the emotion, behavior and long term memory. The structures of the brain described by the limbic systems are also closely associated with the olfactory structures (olfactory refers to the sense of smell). The term limbic comes from latin limbus, meaning border or edge), still all this can not be done without the heart... for it sends the messages to the brain to begin with. (3) The thalamus is a part of the brain consisting of two large ovoid structures at the base of the cerebrum. It acts as a vital relay station between the sensory nerves and the cerebral cortex, that also helps the process of information from the senses, only then can it transmit information to other parts of the brain. This subdivision of the brain serves as a relay station to and from the cerebral cortex and functions in arousal and the integration of sensory information that could not be done without the works of the heart.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:58:12 +0000

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