IS THIS A SCAM? What I don’t understand is when people come - TopicsExpress


IS THIS A SCAM? What I don’t understand is when people come to me asking for information about how They can earn money from home, and I tell them, they then give me reason it cant be real or its a scam. It makes me feel like you are looking for more reasons why you cant be successful, then how you can be. People friend request me and ask for information. Most people get the information and we connect and decide if it’s for them or not and go from there. Then there are some folks that I give information, give me reasons why it may not be real and ask me for proof. Then when I give it , they give me reasons why that proof may not be real. Listen I understand there are scams out there, but this isnt one. I for one, am no scam artist. God is first in my life and I conduct myself as such. The company MCA provides benefits everyday people need and use. MCA has been around since 1926. It is owned by senator Glenn Coffees father, Virgil Coffee. If you have any doubt you can give Motor Club of America a call. 1-800-227-6459. I have no desire to short, cheat or lie to anyone for any reason. I spend countless hours developing myself and building a foundation for my team members to learn and succeed from. I do this, because if I don’t, who will? Sometimes I even have to wonder to myself if people are hoping it’s a “scam” just so they can have a excuse so they don’t take action. Sometimes I think people are looking to blame something else for their lack of success. Which is very unfortunate for them. I even went to you tube and typed in “MCA SCAM”, just to see what popped up. So what did I see? Of course - Ethan Vanderbilt- at the top, claiming everything is “ A scam in his opinion”…And it makes me think to myself, WHO ARE YOU, that your opinion became so important. IN MY OPINION…Ethan Vanderbilt is attempting to establish himself as some sort of “Siskel and Ebert” style critic of the Network Marketing profession. IN MY OPINION he is attempting to cash in on people’s fear and dis-belief in a better world and lifestyle for themselves and their family. Discouraging them from taking actions that they should. To wrap it all up, you got this one guy saying everything is a “scam”. Then you have 99 other videos providing validity for the company. All real people, showing countless proof of the benefits MCA provides and money theyve made. If you think thousands of people from all around the world have banned together just to steal your $40 you need JESUS …….FOR REAL! Thanks for Tuning IN. Have a great Day God bles
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 00:06:27 +0000

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