IS THIS COLONIAL SYSTEM OF GOVERNANCE WORTH SAVING OR DO YOU STAND WITH THE GRANDMOTHERS??? Please Comment!!! According to this article, newly elected Chief Pipeline Perry stated the following: Canada will no longer develop pipelines, no longer develop transmission lines or any infrastructure on our lands AS BUSINESS AS USUAL, First Nations peoples will oppose any development which deprives our children of the legacy of our ancestors. WE WILL NO LONGER ACCEPT POVERTY and hopelessness while resource companies and governments grow fat off our lands. Although understanding the language of Political Double-Speak is never easy, here is my interpretation: Chief Pipeline Perry is only in opposition to pipelines if First Nations are NOT getting a cut from the profits, which is why he agreed to meet with TransCanada, as one of the first orders of New Business he is bringing in to AFN (versus business as usual). So, is he really there to protect the environment, or is his primary concern resource-revenue sharing, with (maybe?) some environmental considerations put back into place? The fact that he was meeting with TransCanada while a small group of First Nations Grandmothers and people who support them were protesting outside the meeting says a lot, as it was made very clear to them that they were not welcome inside. In fact, the truth is that not only were the Grandmothers not welcome in the meeting, they were forced to protest on a different floor from where the chiefs were meeting, as they didnt want to deal with protesters, while wineing and dineing with their old buddies from TransCanada, on their nice little $300 a plate dinner. So what does that really say about Traditional Governance if the Grandmothers are pushed aside and the okimawohkanak eat well, while the children on-reserve are starving? Sure, we all agree that we need to oppose any and all development which deprives our children of the legacy of our ancestors. And yes, we all agree that we should no longer accept poverty and hopelessness while resource companies and governments grow fat off our lands. But the truth is that some First Nations chiefs are also growing fat off the resource-revenue sharing while the grandmothers wait outside the door and the children are sick and dying from the toxic-poisoning in the water, the air and the land, which is caused by the resource extraction the chiefs are there to negotiate a share of, while struggling to sit on their own back pockets waiting to be filled with more kick-backs and bribes. And how different are their cronies before them from Harper, himself, who has done what he came to do and cares little if he is re-elected or not, because the damage is already done and his Korrupt Korporate Kronies are waiting to give him his Six-figure Salary, which he has already earned. Sure, resource-revenue sharing is a good idea if there really is a way to reclaim the Athabasca Death Sands, the Polley Mine Disaster and the Cold Lake Fracking Geyser (to name only a few) - all of which are still running amuck and wrecking massive impacts on the environment for the next millenia - or longer. Sure, a token feeble attempt has been made to actually reclaim a city park-size area of the Athabasca Death Sands, at a massive cost. But the outcome is just a photo-op for Syncrude, with about a dozen well-fed buffalo grazing on a nicely planted lawn with a few strategically placed trees. Because the truth is that you can not reclaim muskeg. Maybe Mother Earth can, but it will take her billions of years to recover, and Her recover will only happen long after human beings are gone. The truth is that less than 1% of the Athabasca Death Sands is showing any signs of fake reclamation. This is the equivalent of one football field in an area the size of Florida, which is now part of a humungous Sacrifice Zone that will stretch right across Northern KKKanada, from the Rocky Mountains to the Hudson Bay. And that is because the Korrupt Kriminal Korporations controlling the governments purse-strings have no interest is spending their profits to reclaim anything - except the profits they rape and steal from Indigenous lands. And the saddest truth of all is that once the pipelines are in place, these same KKK will be tripling production in less than a decade - with no real attempt at reclamation. Because how can you reclaim muskeg? How can you reclaim the delicate eco-systems on Our Sacred Mother Earth, which Creator put there for us to live in harmony with, and as a part of, instead of destroying all that is sacred for profit? I dont think that we should make the mistake of forgetting that the only promise we have from both the Crime Minister of KKKanada, Heil Harper, and his crony the Premafia of OILberta, Heil Whats-His-Name - is that the pipelines WILL go through. And whether people know this or not, they have the Blackwater Boys backing them up, as well as the Royal Kinder Morgan Police, who all swear the oath to serve and protect the Korrupt Kriminal Korporations that pay them. I have thought about this very carefully, and any fake chiefs, who are willing to negotiate with these Korrupt Kriminal Korporations, must be sold out the same way the KKKanadian Government who pays their salaries is, or they wouldnt give them the time of day!!! After all, how can you claim to be a National Chief who represents all First Nations people in KKKanada, if you are getting a pay cheque from the KKKolonizers and wont even let the Grandmother who are working for Creator into the room where you are stealing their grandchildrens legacy for profit, while they wait at home starving? Is this colonial system of governance worth saving or should we return to traditional forms of governance that are based on Creators Laws and where all of the people are given a VOICE - not a vote - and where the Grandmothers who work for Creator are respected and honoured, knowing that they are there to speak for the next seven generations, and would never buy themselves a dinner for $300 while their grandchildren are home eating bannock and noodles, because they cant afford anything more? As for me, I stand with the Grandmothers and all of the land defenders who are NOT putting profits before people, but who are standing strong to protect Our Sacred Mother Earth and all living beings, including our children, our grandchildren and all of our future generations. In solidarity & love - FOREVER Idle NO More!!!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 16:34:33 +0000

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