IS TITHING MANDATORY UNDER THE NEW TESTAMENT? Whatever is mandatory under the New Covenant is law and not of grace. Yes,Abraham gave tithe to Melchizedec,but Melchizedec never required him to do that before he did. Abraham was returning with the loots of war from the battle ground where he went to rescue his brother Lot,his beloging and several other people with him who were taken captive and vowed he was never going to have any of the loots of war added to his possessions,so on his way,he met with Melchizedec who blessed him,gave him bread and wine,and then Abraham gave Him the 10% of the loots of war and returned the 90% to the king of Sodom Gen.14:18-24. Jacob the grandson of Abraham was never commanded by God or anyone to pay tithe.During his escape from his angry brother who he took his birthright,night met him on his way and as he slept in a bush with a stone as his pillow,he had a divine encounter,and on his own made a vow and told God that if He will be with him,keep him in all his way,give him food and clothes to wear,then he was going to give God a tenth of all.God never requested Abraham nor his sons to tithe Gen.28:20. Tithing was commanded under the law of the priesthood which was a type and shadow of Christ,and He did fulfil the ceremonial,the civil and the moral laws when He came,nailed it to His cross,abolished and took it out of the way. Today,all who believe in Christ are brand new creature in Christ and are not under any Old Testament laws,rules and regulations when it comes to worshiping God. Tithing was not taught by Christ nor his chosen apostles.Tithing was never taught nor mentioned by apostle paul as an apostle to the Gentiles.The early church never practiced tithing. What we have under the New Covenant is voluntary and cheerful giving of ourselves and belongs in love and not a mandatory tithing. Give cheerfully. Give willingly. Give to the needs of the brethren, Give to the poor, Give out of the abundance God has blessed you with.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:03:04 +0000

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