IS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM IMMUNE? If you’re SERIOUS about your - TopicsExpress


IS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM IMMUNE? If you’re SERIOUS about your training, which I hope you are, then you probably DON’T HAVE TIME to be ill or SUFFER the wears of a POOR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Despite all the POSITIVE responses the body has to EXERCISE and KEEPING FIT, there is one often OVERLOOKED negative. Exercise can SUPPRESS the IMMUNE system due to the EXTRA stresses placed on the body to RECOVER and adapt from the STIMULUS of exercise. The PHYSICALLY ACTIVE body is in a CONSTANT state of BREAKING itself DOWN and BUILDING itself UP to become bigger, FASTER and stronger and it’s the immune system that takes the BRUNT of this shift. So, how can we MAINTAIN a strong and EFFECTIVE immune system while continuing to SMASH the gym? Here are some top tips to keep you ticking along and help you be your best!!! TRAIN SMARTER LISTEN to your body! Physical training will NATURALLY elevate the strength of your immune system by IMPROVING GENE activity and the natural ANTIOXIDANT system. However, if you TRAIN TOO MUCH, too hard and when you already FEEL ILL, you will likely COMPROMISE the immune system, INCREASE STRESS hormones and become more SUSCEPTIBLE TO ILLNESS. Remember, GAINS ARE NOT MADE IN THE GYM, they are made during rest, so if you feel ill, TAKE THE DAY OFF! EAT CLEAN Eating clean is a VERY SIMPLE way to SUPPORT your IMMUNE SYSTEM. AVOID overly PROCESSED foods and where you can OPT FOR ORGANIC fruit and veg, as well as FREE RANGE meat and dairy. The PESTICIDES that are often used to grow ‘cheap’ foods cause A GREAT DEAL OF STRESS on our body’s IMMUNE and ANTIOXIDANT SYSTEMS due to the EXTRA TOXIC content. Processed foods such as microwave meals offer very LITTLE nutritional BENEFIT and are often PACKED WITH additives, SUGARS and bad fats. T ry and eat at least the RECOMMENDED five portions of fruit and veg every day. SLEEP WELL DON’T DEPRIVE yourself of good, RESTFUL and deep SLEEP. Nothing is IMPORTANT enough to interfere with sleep, so take a step back from our HECTIC, modern LIFESTYLE and GO TO BED! Sleep not only PROVIDES your body with the best OPPORTUNITY to recover from exercise (and the other more boring stresses of the day), but it also INCREASES your production of WHITE BLOOD CELLS which HELP FIGHT disease and SICKNESS. KEEP HYDRATED DRINK at least THREE LITRES of water a day. You may actually need more than this, but three litres is a very good place to start. AVOID FIZZY DRINKS full of sugar and KEEP CAFFEINE intake TO A MINIMUM as this can elevate stress hormones in some people. SUPPLEMENT WITH VITAMIN D Vitamin D SUPPORTS the functioning of cathelicidin, which is your body’s FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE against germs and PATHOGENS. This CRUCIAL vitamin also interacts with every cell in the body to COUNTER INFLAMMATORY markers that can REDUCE immune ACTIVITY. From a supplementary form, Vitamin D3 has been found MOST EFFECTIVE in supporting immune function with around 5000 IUs being touted as a good level to start with. GET SOME ZINC A plethora of studies have PROVEN that zinc plays a PROFOUND ROLE in the functioning and health of the immune system. Zinc DEFICIENCY causes a drop in T-cell function, which ELEVATES the body’s immune system when VIRUSES or BACTERIA APPEAR. If dietary INTAKE IS LOW, opt for a supplemental form to keep your immune system flying. Studies have also shown supplemental zinc can REDUCE the SEVERITY and length of a cold if taken early enough. THINK ABOUT USING GLUTAMINE Glutamine is often USED IN MEDICAL environments to PROMOTE wound HEALING and RECOVERY from major illness. Intense exercise REDUCES glutamine levels as stores are QUICKLY used up in the recovery process. If stores are NOT sufficient to support immune function and recovery, illness MAY occur. A number of experts RECOMMEND taking glutamine as soon as you START TO FEEL ILL to boost your immune response.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:35:29 +0000

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