ISA 35. 3 - 6, mATT. 1. 22 - 25, mATT.11 .1 - 6. Humanity is lost - TopicsExpress


ISA 35. 3 - 6, mATT. 1. 22 - 25, mATT.11 .1 - 6. Humanity is lost in the web of our own concepts. We strain at an ant yet we swallow a whole mountain. Our desires are earthy, our ambitions are by far mostly of this present world. It has not really yet dawn on us the glories of the eternal life promised and paid for by the blood of divinity. Eyes have not seen and ears have not heard the things the Lord Jesus has prepared for them that love him; yet he has revealed it to his servants the prophets; and even they do not understand. As God told Moses, he could destroy mankind and rebuild, but his words must stand fast. He lamented when Israel strayed into idolatry, How can I give you up Ephraim, reluctantly he deferred, Ephraim is joined to idols, let him alone. Yes his compassion for lost children brought salvation. His own right arm was cut off when he came in the flesh and bore our sins and infirmities in his own body. When the pain of men suffering broke his human heart and facing death for our sins, separating his divinity from his humanity for a short period, it was excruciating. The prospect brought so much pressure on his being that the blood vessels poured into the sweat glands and he sweat blood. His love is past understanding. O that we might know him in this great loving compassion that let him bear the contradiction of sinners against himself. The mystery of Godliness is not just the head knowledge that God was manifest in the flesh, it is the heart knowledge that he loved us even unto death. It is the knowledge that he bore our transgressions and made his grave with the wicked, that he was cut off from the land of the living for our transgressions. He did no evil, neither was there any violence in his mouth, yet we rejected him. He was a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief, yet we never esteemed him, smitten of God and rejected. This is the fellowship I long for, to know the love of God which passes all understanding, that I might weep for lost humanity as he did, ny tears becoming my meat. I have been there a few times, much too little, it is a beautiful place, where God makes man, but it is a lonely place. Let us shut away until we see our cities being turned upside down as people seek his face in millions for repentance, forgiveness and remission of sins. O for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Ghost as the Lord Jesus honours our prayers and see the travail of his soul with satisfaction..
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 12:57:51 +0000

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