ISAIAH 27: Isaiah is still focusing on the End Time and on - TopicsExpress


ISAIAH 27: Isaiah is still focusing on the End Time and on Christ’s divine battle. “In that day” the Lord will punish the “Leviathan, the fleeing serpent” which will be at the end of the Millennium. Lucifer or Satan is called “Leviathan the fleeing serpent.” God will do it with His fierce, great and mighty sword (v. 1b). It sounds very militant but Sookyoung Kim in her research indicated that the Warrior Messiah only needs to speak. His word is the sword. The Leviathan is a twisted serpent (v. 1d) because he twisted the Word of God to Eve in the Garden of Eden. The snake was a flying animal and the most beautiful of creatures and Satan chose it to approach Eve. In the Executive Judgment, Christ, the Warrior Messiah will kill the Tannin (rendered dragon in the Greek). In the Executive Judgment day, Christ will take any spiritual briars or thorns and weeds and burn them up completely (v. 4c). Christ explains to Isaiah that He has a vineyard (v. 2b) of which He is the farmer. “I, the Lord am its Keeper” (v. 3a). He is the protector of it and during the Time of Trouble “will guard it night and day” (v. 3d). The Lord waters the vineyard also. He keeps asking those who are spiritual briars and thorns---while there is time---to make friends with Him (v. 5). He will give such persons protection and they will become part of the vineyard of God. “Let him make peace with Me” (v. 5c). The salvation time before the Time of the End will be a time when God will cause those who come to Him to blossom and bear fruit. Spiritual Israel will fill the face of the earth (v. 6), and evil will be no more (v. 7). But before Christ comes, there is an investigative judgment going on in heaven to examine each life to see if they are safe to take there. Isaiah then looks over his shoulder to his audience behind him and tells them that their wooden images and incense altars will not stand” and the cities of the gods that are fortified will be left desolate (v. 9d-10a). He also tells them that they are “not a people of discernment” and spiritual understanding (v. 11c) This is serious. The spiritual sons of Israel have nothing to do with literal Israel. It was always God’s intention that all should have access to Him as well as a relationship. And these faithful ones, whether actually Israelites or not, make up His remnant and are thus spiritual Israel. As Paul says, “For they are not all Israel who are of Israel. . . .He called not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles. As He says in Hosea: ‘I will call them My people, who were not My people, . . . they shall be called sons of the living God” (see Rom. 9:6, 24-25). And John, the Revelator, says: “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’” (Revelation 7:9,10). Dear God, Grant that all the faithful will be harvested by You and that none of us, part of Your vineyard, will be found dry and useless. Amen.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 09:35:30 +0000

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