ISBCC Urges Community Members to Stand for Justice and Peace in - TopicsExpress


ISBCC Urges Community Members to Stand for Justice and Peace in Gaza The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) – led by the Muslim American Society of Boston – is a local American-Muslim institution that serves families throughout the New England region with the largest concentration of families in the Greater Boston area. At the ISBCC, we teach that it is our Islamic duty to stand in solidarity with all those seeking justice – regardless of their creed – for their communities across the world. As the Quran states, O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even if it be against yourselves, your parents, and your relatives, or whether it is against the rich or the poor... (Quran 4:135). The conflict in Gaza, which now has led to the death of 1,834 Palestinians (the vast majority of them civilians), 3 Israeli civilians and 64 Israeli soldiers and the displacement of nearly 260,000 Gazans, is a grave humanitarian concern that has begun to impact our community at home. Just today, an ISBCC community member informed us that his cousin had been killed, and that he has not been able to offer condolences to his family members because communication in and out of Gaza has been cut off to his family. Other ISBCC community members are sharing similar stories with us. In addition to the local impact, our US tax dollars are at least partially enabling Israel to continue its terrifying occupation and bombardment of Gaza, which is leading to the killing of innocent civilians – both Palestinians and Israelis. Furthermore, Israel’s actions are significantly hurting American credibility and standing across the world, thereby hurting American interests. As U.S. tax payers and citizens ourselves, we have a responsibility to reach out to our government officials to take humanitarian action. For these reasons, we are urging our ISBCC community to take any effective, non-violent civic action – e.g. praying to Allah for lasting justice and peace, calling your legislator, donating money to Islamic Relief, and attending local rallies by credible organizations – to bring about swift peace and lasting justice.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:30:01 +0000

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