ISIL/ISIS IS A SATANIC KHALIFAH FOR ISRAEL OIL & GAS PIPELINE FROM IRAK Prophet Muhammad SAW ruled on the battlefeld, O people! I charge you with ten rules; learn them well! Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kill a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemys flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone. Imam Ali AS ruled on his soldiers, If you are to defeat your enemy, do not kill a soldier (of them) that you see fleeing; do not shoot at a person whose private parts have got uncovered, do not kill a wounded person, and do not harm women, even if they swear at you or insult your leaders. Mind that women are weak in body, not strong-willed, and are easily tempered; remember that we were ordered not to harm them when they were disbelievers, and that if a man in the pre-Islamic era beat a woman, he would be disgraced for that and so would be his descendants. The Quran states that men and women were created to be equal parts of a pair. Prophet Muhammad SAW said that the rights of women are sacred and that they are the “twin halves of men”. In Surah 4:34, Allah revealed to the prophet, “Men are in charge of protection to women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other.” The reason men must take care of women protection is because men have been made more stronger than women, and “because Allah has made one of them to excel the other,’ meaning because men excel over women and are better than them for certain tasks. https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1461337027470775&set=gm.752642048125484&type=1&relevant_count=1 Dear ISIS & Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, You are not “The Islamic State.” There is nothing Islamic about beheading foreign journalists, indiscriminately targeting religious minorities and instilling wanton terror within the general civilian population where your terrorist thugs operate. As I mentioned during a July 2012 CNN television interview, you are so crazy that even Al-Qaeda’s leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri has distanced himself from the actions of your terrorist organization. Seriously, you know that you’re a bunch of lunatics when even Al-Qaeda says that you are too ‘cray-cray’ for their taste. For those who are unaware, the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS) currently controls hundreds of square miles in both Iraq and Syria where state authority has evaporated. According to CNN, this group “ignores international borders and has a presence all the way from Syria’s Mediterranean coast to just south of Baghdad.” After the killing of Al-Qaeda in Iraq’s leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 2006 by American forces, the “new Al-Qaeda [in Iraq] was rebranded in 2006 as the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI)”. It would add “and Syria” to its name later. The group gained traction by exploiting a “growing perception among many Sunnis that they were being persecuted by the Shia-dominated government led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, starved of resources and excluded from a share of power.” In the words of the Soufan Group, a political risk consultancy, “ISIS has become indisputably the most effective and ruthless terrorist organization in the world.” “It now challenges the authority of two of the largest states in the Middle East, and has attracted significant numbers of fighters, not just from Iraq and Syria, but also from Saudi Arabia and other Arab states including Jordan.” Ayham Kamel of the Eurasia Group has said ISIS uses “cash reserves from Mosul’s banks, military equipment from seized military and police bases and the release of 2,500 fighters from local jails to bolster its military and financial capability.” For the last few months, we have witnessed ISIS targeting religious minorities (like Christians and Yazidis) in a campaign to rid their region of these peaceful populations. The United Nations has estimated that ISIS terrorists have trapped up to 40,000 members of Iraq’s minority communities which has many Western and regional players concerned about stability in northern Iraq and Syria. Most recently, an August 2014 video released by ISIS shows the brutal beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley and threatens the life of another American journalist if President Barack Obama doesn’t end military operations in Iraq. (Editor’s Note: The second captured American journalist – Steven Sotloff- is a longtime Facebook friend of mine.) From an Islamic perspective, when outlining the rules of engagement for wartime, the Prophet Muhammad said on numerous occasions: “Do not kill any old person, any child or any woman” “Do not kill the monks in monasteries” “Do not kill the people who are sitting in places of worship” “Do not attack a wounded person” “No prisoner should be put to the sword [aka executed or beheaded]“ Prophet Muhammad also prohibited the killing of anyone who is in captivity (like journalists) and also outlawed the mutilating of the corpses of enemies. These clear and concise statements make any violation of these edicts during wartime a clear violation of core Islamic principles. Most mainstream Islamic scholars also assert that war in Islam is purely defensive in nature (Quran 22:39-40). Also, the Quran prohibits of killing non-combatants (2:190-192) and it advocates kindness to people of other faiths who live in peace in Muslim lands (60:8). Despite such clear injunctions, some so-called Muslims (like ISIS or Al-Qaeda) who claim to be killing in the name of Islam are, in fact, completely defiling its essence. The extremists and militants who attempt to hide behind the veneer of Islam are, in reality, openly violating many of its core teachings. For these and many other reasons, the acronym ISIS should stand for “Idiotic Sacrilegious Imbecile Society” or we can just call them “The Un-Islamic State” for short. theislamicmonthly/lets-call-isis-the-un-islamic-state/ The ISIS has warned Christians, possibly for the last time, saying there is nothing to give them but the sword. Across Northern Iraq, Christians are huddled in refugee camps, trapped in the desert, or trapped in their homes, waiting for death. Although Christians have lived in northern Iraq and Syria for nearly two-thousand years, and at least six hundred years before Islam, today they face extinction across the region. Our people are disappearing, Canon Andrew White, head of the Anglican Church in Iraq It looks as though the end could be very near, he told the BBC. A week ago, Christians were warned to either leave the city of Mosul and other areas under Islamic State control, or they would have to pay a tax or be put to death. Today, nobody has heard from those Christians and nobody knows what is happening to them. Are they being quietly put to the sword as this militant strain of Islam asks they be? The Human Rights Watch reported on July 14 that homes in Mosul were painted with red letters to indicate Christian homes. Other homes of Shiite Muslims were also adorned. Christians who have escaped reported being deprived of all their belongings except their clothes. Jewelry, money, automobiles, even food and water were confiscated on the edge of town as Christians were forced to pass through ISIS checkpoints. However, we know a number of Christians remained, for many reasons. Some were too destitute to travel or had weak and infirm family who could not make the desert trek to safety. Those that left were warned dont even dream of returning. For those that remain, they can almost certainly expect harsher treatment than that meted out to fellow Muslims at the hands of ISIS terrorists. Estimates hold that 200,000 Christians live in the region, however only a fraction of these have been accounted for. Where are all the missing Christians? Are they already being put to the sword? Its very possible. And those who live under the rule of ISS, the options are laid bare. One can flee, convert, pay a fine, or be put to death. There will be no coexistence. And although Christians, Muslims and Jews have lived together in this region of the world for centuries, the strain of ISIS that dominates them is now so extreme that Islam represents an existential threat to Christians and Jews. The world once solemnly promised to never allow another holocaust to happen again. Yet, we have witnessed episodes of ethnic cleansing and genocide repeatedly throughout history. Time and again, the world has stood silent as whole populations and tribes were exterminated, relocated, and forced into destitution. The only exception seems to be when the United States intervened in the Balkans to rescue ethnic Muslims from extermination at the hands of Christian fighters in Bosnia. Today, nobody is running toward the Christians to help them. These people are on their own and they have nothing. Over 400 families have checked into refugee camps in Kurdish controlled districts in northern Iraq. Hundreds more wander in the desert and the diaspora continues. Dr. Sarah Ahmed, with the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East, called the attacks a genocide. Whats happening now to the Christians, to the Yazidis, to the minorities is -- in the last couple of days mostly to the Christians -- is a genocide, she told CBN News. Whats happening is what happened 200 years ago to the Jews [sic]. The Yazidis follow an ancient religion with ties to Zoroastrianism. Dr. Ahmed relayed stories shed heard of the barbarism of ISIS. That ISIS was shooting the kids and people, and they were laying them on the ground and they bring tractors that they walk [drive] over them in front of their families, she said. They take women out of their houses so if a family had three daughters, they would take one. In the wake of the ISIS advance, thousands of ethnic Yazidis escaped to a mountain outside the town of Sinjar. Some Christians found shelter at a Catholic compound in Erbil. These families fled a few weeks ago when ISIS ethnically cleansed the city of Mosul. The Islamists gave an ultimatum to the Christians there. They gave us four choices, one refugee told CBN News. Either convert to Islam or paying tax [jizya, the Islamic tax on non-Muslims] or leaving the city or the sword. They are using the sword to cut off hand[s] and also beheading other[s] so I dont think this is the behavior of human beings, but wild animals do that, he concluded. ISIS looted their properties and left them destitute. One woman told CBN News they took her dentures, wedding ring, and documents.They took everything, she said. We asked them please give us something to show that we owned our car, our home. They said, Here, you have nothing. In searching the home of one Christian in Mosul, ISIS found two New Testaments, one with a camouflaged cover and the other with a picture of an American flag inside. The terrorists accused him of being a missionary and a spy. ISIS put his name on a list. When he told CBN News his story, he asked us to hide his identity.They say, Hey, hey, stop. You are a Christian, he recalled. You are a Christian, get back! The terrorists told me, We could kill you. Sometimes the pressure is overwhelming. Jesus save me, he said, weeping. Forgive them. Forgive them because they didnt know what they want, what they ask. Even though these Christians are the indigenous people of the region, many simply want to leave. Theyre pleading for the United States, United Nations and Pope Francis to come to their aid. We are asking the responsible states of the international community to come and look and see how all the people are living here, one woman said. cbn/cbnnews/world/2014/August/ISIS-Swallowing-Iraq-Theyre-Beheading-Children-/ ISIS Swallowing Iraq: Theyre Beheading Children Islamic terrorists in Iraq are beheading children, burying people alive and it wont stop there. They have a message for America: Were coming for you. Read more: mycbn/go/13367
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 06:42:36 +0000

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