ISIS-- The Set-UP for WWIII. The mastermind is the West, the - TopicsExpress


ISIS-- The Set-UP for WWIII. The mastermind is the West, the offense. Russia and China are defense. The U.S. has let its 51st States, Qatar and Saudi Arabia fund the formation of ISIS/ISIL as a professional army. David Icke said the NWO elites plan is to create chaos in the form of a WWIII, and then after WWIII, the US will offer order for the chaos, a new, One World Order. Every World War has changed the World. The structure of the World after WWI did not look like it did before the war. And after WWII, there was another transformation. A paper written by a man named Pike predicted said that three world wars were needed to totally transfor the World into a One World Order. ■ The dynamite fuse to WWIII is ISIS, or ISIL- the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). As ISIL’s name suggests, its origins are in Iraq, but it rejects the division of the Middle East based on colonial and subsequent administrative convenience. ISIL’s goal, therefore, is to eventually subsume Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, southern Turkey and Cyprus into a greater Islamist caliphate. - So ISILs land grab goal includes Israel. Netanyahu knows this, yet he has mysteriously not gotten his back up like a threatened cat, even though in the past hes gotten offensive over anything he considered a threat to Israel. And the U.S. is also uncharacteristicly withholding meaningful military help toIraq ; Secretary of State Kerry told Iraq we cannot conduct an offensive bombing campaign against ISIS because we might kill civilians. However the collateral damage factor has never stopped the US in the past. ■ David Icke says that we are seeing the U.S. and Israel sit back to let this sectarian Islamic fighting throughout the epanded region become bigger and more furious. He said this will create a spinning enlarging vortex that will threaten Israel. Then, when ISIL’s strengthens its regional grip, the US is increasingly motivated to act. Then the other World superpowers allied with nations in the area will all be drawn into the ISIL votex, Russia defending Sryia, China defending Iran, etc, igniting a WWIII powder-keg, with possible intercontinent missiles hitting the homelands of US and Russia and China. -- The U.S. anticipates victory, and to the chaotic world remnant, the President and NATO will offer order, a new- One World Order. ■ The Ukraine offensive which puts NATO on Russias border is meant to provoke Russia into a local war, thus distracting, and diluting the Russian militarys ability to defend Syria and Iran. But, since Russia has not been suckered into war in Ukraine by Kievs government inhumane killing of ethnic Russians in Eastern and Southern Ukraine, the U.S. controlled Kiev govenment will be directed to start an offensive to take back Crimea. Putin will then be forced to respond with troops, and thus be distracted from the ISIS/ISIL campaign. -- If the idea of surving a nuclear conflict seems doubtful, our insane leaders are posssibly looking at Japans recovery today. And remember that the goal of the New World Order is stated on the Georgia Guidestones as reducing the Worlds population to a manageable 500 million people. (source,https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=1520993195145&set=a.1110564654688.17390.1544033158&type=3&theater) ■ Let us be vigilant - lest our NWO puppet Peace Laureate and his cadre ruin the world for our children. I have attempted to relay some of the points, and added some of my thoughts, but, -- Please View David Ickes actual talk> ISIS and the Start of WWIII, https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HK5ZAapfylQ ref,ISIS/ISIL,
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 20:14:01 +0000

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