ISIS Fell into a Trap with its Declaration of Khilafah, and it - TopicsExpress


ISIS Fell into a Trap with its Declaration of Khilafah, and it will not change from being a group ------ At the beginning of Ramadan this hijir year 1435, corresponding to 06/29/2014 AD, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani the spokesman for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria group (ISIS) declared the establishment state of the Islamic Khilafah. He announced that the people of the Ahlul Halli wal-Aqad, of dignitaries, leaders, rulers and the Shura Council of the Islamic state had sworn allegience for the Khilafah to their amir Ibrahim Awad al-Badri, known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and that he had accepted the pledge of allegiance. With that he became – as he said – the Khaleefah of the Muslims, and that it is a duty on the rest of the Muslims to pledge allegiance to him and to obey him. This grave mistake of declaring the Khilafah did not surprise us, because its issuance was expected from a group accustomed to escaping forward after it did not find acceptance for it among the Muslims, ever since it considered itself to be an Islamic state that must be obeyed after declaring itself as the Islamic State of Iraq. Then its declaration that the Nusrah Front had joined with it to become the Islamic State of Iraq and the Syria. This declaration of the Khilafah came after the occurrence of what looks like a revolutionary uprising in Iraq against the policies unfair of al-Maliki, in which participated a number of factions of the Arab tribes and Baathist officers .. things were arranged and then consolidated by the plotters, and so a secret agreement with the officers on duty left their military divisions, and were defeated in front of rebels, leaving behind the heavy weaponry, and billions in Mosul Bank! This was followed by a huge media magnification, and the suggestion that the state group was behind these victories .. so this group thought that it had liberated the land with its faith, and with its resolve it had captured the money and equipment! And that the land was inviting them to rule it, and the Khilafah was waiting for them to declare it. But they did not pay attention to what happened, with the best consideration, was no more than the West luring them into this deadly trap; a declaration of the Khilafah to distort it! O Muslims in Syria, ash-Sham is the centre of dar al-Islam .. What has happened is nothing more than a new episode in a series of events, aimed at eliminating the great Khilafah project, and that is after the development of the revolutionary situation in Syria to an overwhelming demand for the Khilafah, and the destruction of the secular project. There does not remain for the remaining few of them, represented by the National Coalition, any populace worthy of mention .. Until the West reached a state of panic that made it sure that a Western secular solution will not see the light except after striking the overwhelming Islamic situation in Syria, so dangerous to the interests of the West and its influence. We were well aware that the last bullet in the barrel of the disbelieving West that will be launched at the Khilafah project, is the establishment of something called a Khilafah, but what is that Khilafah? It is a Khilafah to distort the Khilafah, to alienate the ordinary Muslims from the Khilafah, and then the West will bring it down by the hands of the Muslims themselves, if it wants to bring down, to fall from the hearts of hundreds of millions of those who wanted it .. We have all heard recently Mohammed Al-Abyary, adviser to President Barak Obama, when he said: the return of the Khilafah is inevitable, and the only option for the U.S. is to contain it .. We also recognized that such a Khilafah will not be established by secularists, because it would be exposed from the first day .. but rather, Muslim people will establish it, their blood is on their palms, fighting whoever differs with them .. and this is what actually happened .. Perhaps the biggest mistake made by the people of this state is their belief that they are victorious group, and that they are Ahlal sunnah wal-jamaah.. and the other people are the people of innovation and misguidance, if not the people of apostasy and hypocrisy. The State is not just the announcement of it, or the preaching of it, or punishing the violator from its people, but rather it is institutions, systems and organisations, performing its duties and then taking its rights .. It is a comprehensive constitution and clear laws, the ruler is held accountable on their basis before the ruled .. It is an executive entity deriving its authority and legitimacy from the Muslims, not imposed on them without their satisfaction .. It is an army, police, governors, judges and employees .. It is safety and security in a well known capital, governed by an able competent Imam with clear authority, found by whoever wants him, and with the pledge of allegiance (bayah) of the Ahlal Halli wal aqad with satisfaction and choice if he was suitable for the pledge of allegiance. As for an announcement - after more than ninety years of its loss - of a Khilafah is not real. It does not have any elements of it on the ground, nor a known capital, nor clear authority, nor awareness of its people about the shariah or politics .. This is, by Allah, playing with the emotions of the Muslims destroying their hopes, burning their nerves, sacrificing their youth, and a service to their enemies. In conclusion, we say to our people in ash-Sham, the centre of dar-al-Islam: The raging plotting and maliciousness against you is still orbiting the embassies of Western countries and its agents, they want to sacrifice your revolution and your revolutionaries on the altar of agency, treason and hostility to the deen ... so wake up and beware of calls to fighting among yourselves, that they are inviting you to. Do not make yourselves servants to your enemies, while you do not know .. One remains affluent in his deen, so long as he does not spill haram blood .. There is no way for us to the face of this hellish project, except by sticking to the idea of the Khilafah on the way of the Prophethood, working strenuously for it, awareness of the tricks of the West and its plans for its distortion, and eliminating them, giving our political leadership who one qualified for it, who are the aware and the faithful, those who love the ummah and she loves them, they pray for her and she prays for them .. those who if the established the Khilafah would shake the earth with it, and overturn the balance of power in the world, and they are its fence against distortion, and its protective shield against tricks and conspiracies. We in Hizb ut-Tahrir will remain with the primary issue of the Muslims, in all Muslim countries, namely the establishment of the Khilafah on a way of the Prophethood, a Khilafah for all Muslims, which is not exclusive to an organization, a party, a group, nor a madhab .. and we will keep calling to it and defenders of it, exposing all plans and tricks scheming against her, working to establish it with full seriousness and patience, and committed to the rules of the Shar, until Allah brings forth His command, and Allah is capable of all things. Hizb ut-Tahrir Wilayah Syria 12th Ramadan 1435 10/07/2014
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:27:44 +0000

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