ISIS HAS THE PLANES, AND THEY ALSO HAVE TRAINERS FOR THEIR MEN. ALSO, REMEMBER, that many of the kidnapped pilots were trained in the US, and that Obama had re-opened the program for more training of Libyan pilots a few weeks back. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria said in a recent tweet it is forcing detained Syrian pilots to train militant fighters to fly stolen aircraft, CNN Arabic reported on Saturday. In an account reportedly associated with the militant group, ISIS said in a tweet the pilots were abducted when the group gained control over the Tabqa military airbase in Raqqa Province. ISIS seized the airbase earlier this month. The major airfield houses warplanes, helicopters, tanks and other artillery and ammunition, which were also confiscated by ISIS, according to several media reports. ISIS did not provide any information about the nature of the training, according to CNN Arabic. ISIS has begun detaining and forcing Syrian pilots to train militant fighters to fly stolen aircraft. According to CNN Arabic, the pilots (and their planes and helicopters) were abducted when the terrorist group gained control of Tabqa military base. It appears that if beheadings, executions, and whippings are not enough to strike fear into the hearts of the locals, then (just as America is tryiung to do), an air assault will greatly demoralize. We can only imagine how this changes Obamas strategy (and just where are all the rest of Syria and Iraqs airplanes stored?) zerohedge/news/2014-08-30/how-isis-building-airforce
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 19:44:27 +0000

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