ISIS; Stigma on ISLAM The Brutal atrocities of ISIS on ethnic - TopicsExpress


ISIS; Stigma on ISLAM The Brutal atrocities of ISIS on ethnic and religious minorities of Iraq and Syria are highly condemnable. It’s ill-starred that, while there is already a lot of delusions about Islam in the mind of non-Muslims because of many reasons and the way few intemperate groups or self-styled Gazi are trying to project a very fallacious and distorted image of Islam it’s very sad and an alarm for people who actually understand, love and care for the dignity of Islam. The world’s most committed, fanatical and radical organization has only recently gone by its current name after the unrecognized Islamic State in Iraq and Al Sham ( ISIS) was proclaimed in April last year. Al –sham has been most commonly translated from Arabic as the Levant, hence ISIL. It was previously known as Jammat al-Tawhid, wal- Jihad Al-Queda in the Islamic State of Iraq. The frequent name changes are not cosmetic but the direct result of the transforming circumstances which have allowed ISIS to rapidly flourish. Currently it has strongholds extend from Raqqa in northern Syria all the way down to the outskirts of Baghdad- a stretch of more than 500 km, though group doesn’t have comprehensive oversight of the roads and settlements between them. ISIS is neither part nor similar to AL-Qaeda. It is significantly worse. Al Queda has been the tow stone for the western understanding of terrorisation ever since 9/11 but ISIS differs from it, philosophically, organizationally and even officially as it has declared itself and entirely separate body. While AL- Qaeda in its most well-known form is a terrorist organization, with sleeper cells, training camps and terrorist attacks, ISIS as of now is more a militia and a rogue territory with its own infrastructure, more similar to Boko Haram and other localized fiefdoms that have spawned in lawless or failed African States. But it is beyond the understanding that how long the brutal and repressive policies of ISIS will guarantee their support on the ground in Iraq while they are trying to win locals hearts with religious propaganda and dream of huge cross border Caliphate? Babli Parveen.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 08:34:27 +0000

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