ISIS is not run by these brainwashed militant youths. Study - TopicsExpress


ISIS is not run by these brainwashed militant youths. Study warfare and you will realize that neither Baghdadi nor the youths are running the show when it comes to ISIS. Bigger powers are involved with ISIS. Itstechnically impossible for a group of lunatics with guns to fight wars in different countries as ISIS is doing. ISIS is a creation. An investment from different entities who want to gain more control over the region, so even if you blow up ISIS it will change nothing. The powers behind ISIS will create a new group and continue their work. That James folly beheading is fake, anyone actually seen it? They used 2 different people lol ISIS is funded and backed by the US, originally a branch of Al Qaeda Which was originally funded by CIA. lol i cant believe people still be(lie)ve that shit on the media, which is also owned by the Murdoch empire who is part of the globalists elite that brainwash the masses on a daily basis. IS ISrael, ISIS = MOSSAD CIA etc. Wake up before its to late. This is classic DIVIDE and CONQUER stragedy (divide people into racial wars and watch them fight amongst themselves etc) they propagate this shit through the media. instead of uniting and crushing the problem, we are fighting amongst ourselves. Not smart is it. We are suckers and pawns for the puppet masters. Its time to wake up and UNITE. Love is the only answer... love is the only truth.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 04:43:30 +0000

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