ISIS or ISIL… The Middle East will likely remain in a state of - TopicsExpress


ISIS or ISIL… The Middle East will likely remain in a state of chaos and war for decades... ISIS a/k/a ISIL is terrorizing Syria and Iraq and is threatening other countries in the region by way of beheadings that video tapped, uploading them to social media and drama recruitment videos. In the name of a perverted form of Islam, ISIS or ISIL engages a medieval doctrine that calls for the establishment of Caliphate and Islamic state in the Middle East. The concept of a Caliphate that rules all of Islam is 1400 years old and occurred following the death of the prophet Muhammad in the 7th century. The idea of a Caliphate emerged as a controversy within Islam after the death of Muhammad because some asserted that Muhammad’s successor should be of blood relation, while others disagreed with the blood relation requirement. This dichotomy crystallized into the Sunni and Shea sectarianism, which informs the current internal struggle within the religion. Although the sectarian struggle has a 1400 year history, it is argued that ISIL is currently animated by a broad range of developments in the region such as the “Arab Spring” the Palestinian cause, hegemony of Arab countries that are aligned with the West, among other scenarios. At the end of the day the juxtaposition is an ancient rivalry within the religion of Islam, although the conflict negatively impacts economic and political interests of Western countries in the region. Boundaries of the countries that characterize the Middle East were cobbled together by the British and French, following the end of WWI. The control of “black gold” (oil) was a motivating factor for Britain and France in formulating the Middle East, such as it is… Accordingly, rulers of countries in the region were supported and enabled by the West. Unfortunately, the designated rulers of the respective Arab countries over the decades have alienated indigenous populations and unrest currently abounds. Hence, the current turmoil and war in the region is rooted in a 100 year history that has metastasized and the boundaries that distinguish the various countries are apparently melting down. The established rulers in the region are being seriously challenged by growing popular discontent and violent uprisings. The current escalating war on ISIS (Islamic State in Syria), by the USA is an organic outgrowth of decades of strongman rule. However the practical history associated with developments in the region is not a part of the popular linear narrative. Moreover, much confusion surrounds these unfolding events because popular media and news reports perpetuate confusion by way of defining ISIS or ISIL as interchangible concepts. Media and news reports refer to ISIS, while the White House and Pentagon refer to ISIL. Popular media suggest that ISIS and ISIL are interchangible and make the point that “you can call it whatever you like” ISIS or ISIL. But this dichotomy is not insignificant because understanding the nuanced difference between the two acronyms can help generate popular understanding which is important going forward. ISIL (Islamic State in the Levant) refers to the greater Middle East which includes Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc. in the framework of the pre WWI boundaries. Viewing current regional challenges in these terms provide a more accurate perspective as to why it is referred to as a generational war, from standpoint of the United States and the West. The political leaders of these various countries are well aware of the implications presented by the military advances of ISIL, but they seem to be reluctant to face the immediate threat associated this escalating phenomenon. The United States and Western powers realize that their economic and strategic interests are at risk and they have undertaken measures to formulate a broad coalition to mitigate and destroy ISIL. But past military excursions in the region have caused the American and western European public to resist supporting anymore military “boots on the ground.” Nevertheless, the western powers find themselves between a rock and a hard place because their economic and geo-political interests require a major military imperative going forward. Therefore, the American and western European public need to be brought up to speed by a way of a comprehensive understanding of the greater and long range challenges…
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 18:43:43 +0000

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