ISIS was created by CIA Director John Brennan whom at the time was - TopicsExpress


ISIS was created by CIA Director John Brennan whom at the time was counter-terrorism advisor to Obama. Brennan worked for the CIA for 25 years, speaks fluent Arabic and converted to Islam while he was CIA station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the 90s. In 1999 he became the Chief of Staff to George Tenet, then-Director of the CIA. His last post within the Intelligence Community was as director of the National Counterterrorism Center in 2004 and 2005, which incorporated information on terrorist activities across U.S. agencies. He then left the government for the rest of the Bush administration and became Chairman and CEO of two military intelligence corporations. Brennan returned to government service as with the Obama administration as Homeland Security Advisor on January 20, 2009. On January 7, 2013, Brennan was nominated by President Barack Obama to be director of the Central Intelligence Agency. As you can see, John Brennan has the background knowledge, expertise, the language, the religious motivation, spent the 90s in the middle east, has an extensive track record as a CIA employee and director with counter terrorism expertise also spending 3 years as the head of 2 private military corporations. If there is anybody that is responsible for orchestrating ISIS, its this guy. Sadly enough, the Mossad, Israels security service, has had a hand in creating ISIS just as they had a hand in 9/11. But this all goes back to the Mujahadeen days when Arabs were fighting the Russians after they invaded Afghanistan baited by the US so that the Soviets would experience their own Vietnam, which later was the primary cause of the economic collapse that precipitated the fall of the Soviet Union. The Mujahadeen of the 1980s, created by the CIA, spawned several factions that later fought each other for control of Afghanistan during the 90s. In the aftermath of 9/11 they later became known as Al-Qaeda (Arabic for the database) whom later became ISIS. Thats why they released ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi back in 09 when Leon Panetta was the director of the CIA whom is now the Secretary of Defence. In the past Panetta has expressed support for Muslim Brotherhood former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi whom is now on trial for war crimes committed during his short rule that caused the death of thousands of Christians across Egypt to this day whom the Islamists blame for the overthrow of Morsi. Muslims and their dhimmi sympathizers have taken control of the executive branch and have plants made up of special interest groups perpetually occupying the government with their Islamic agenda. It`s all part of the plan... Gotta be careful with Fox News cause like all the other MSM outlets, they cater well to their audience, expressing support for conservative/Christian views and even Israel. But like CNN, they too have also been caught, passing on fabricated news from the White House, Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see...
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 11:41:26 +0000

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