ISISISISISISISISISIS So people keep asking me about Syria, Iraq - TopicsExpress


ISISISISISISISISISIS So people keep asking me about Syria, Iraq and IS. Let me address all of you at once. Save valuable hours of my life pointlessly repeating myself. Firstly- Most people talking, debating, inciting, spreading, arguing about the situation in Iraq and IS have absolutely no idea whatsoever as to what is happening. That is made starkly apparent by the complete garbage they regurgitate repeatedly, across social media. Some of the theories, lol SubhanAllah, are laughable at best. You have the very bored albeit dedicated cheerleaders for this group and the very polarised opposing view of complete condemnation and conspiracy. I speak as someone who is in the same field as James Foley, working in the same country and as someone who has lived and delivered aid into areas controlled by this group. My views and opinions are based on what I have seen. Not what I have viewed on Youtube or RT. Most people know what I think of them. Its the same as what many Syrians think do. The death of James Foley at the hands of IS. If, authenticated, and I stress if, because lets face it, all it takes is a scarf wrapped around your face and the support of the media to incriminate whoever you want these days, there are plenty of American, Iranian and Israeli paid mercenaries running around in Iraq and Syria who hide behind masks and commit acts of horrifying terrorism in the names of others, If it indeed was ISIS. They have made a fatal mistake. An absolutely disgraceful travesty and act of Zulm against an unarmed civillian. An action definitely not permissable from Islam, and something, the man that carried the execution out will definitely be accountable for. However, you know what is even more sickening then the death of this photo journalist, who had dedicated his life to highlighting the plight of the oppressed? It is how, Cameron will use his death to arm even more terrorists in Iraq to cause death and carnage, namely through the corrupt, murdeous, Shiite Iraqi government and Kurdish Rebels groups. How the US will justify bombing and financing even more bloodshed in the Middle East. How the Zionist owned media will use his death to incite even more anti Muslim sentiment around the globe. I cannot believe there are people who are actually under the illusion that the US and UK governments actually care for the life of this man? Like they did for the Christians of Iraq right? Lets use them to arm militants in the region under the guise of aid drops, What about the Christians of Gaza? The Christians of Iraq who have suffered under Shiite rule in Iraq for almost a decade? or under Bashars rule in Syria? Cast your mind back, why were Yazidis refugees in the first place? Yes thats right. Read up! All the people condemning the death of this man. Without Googling, how many other journalists can you name that were killed in Iraq by American forces? or by Israel in Gaza? or By Bashar in Syria? How many Imams, shouting out Not in our name to ISIS stood up to condemn the systematic killing of Muslims in Egypt by the American and Saudi backed, Jewish born Sisi? If your going to stand up for truth then do it properly. For everyone. Doing it for political reasons and selectively raising your voice against oppression will always render you a coward, a trait also categorically rejected by our Deen. Where are all the headlines of Gaza? Check pic three for todays top stories. There has been more bloodshed in Syria then in Palestine over the last month where is the outcry? Where are the Jummah Khutbas? I used to wish these communties leaders would raise there voices against the injustice. Now I feel some of them should just go back to filling their applications for government grants. Masjid extentions and aesthetics are of course more important then the blood of the Ummah. People really need to minimise using FB Wallah. More Fitun then anything else. Start stepping into realty. Stop following and forwarding the biased buzz words of the media. Realise the reason the masses are being played by the Shayateens of these governments is because they deliberately and effectively rendered most people powerless through things like social media. Blessed and dangerous times- Dua- Fajr, Asr, Tahajud= Haqq over Bahtil. I fear the day when the disbelievers are proud of their falsehood and the Muslims are shy of their faith -Umar ibn Khattab RA
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 20:35:53 +0000

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