ISLAM MEANS AND IMPLIES PEACE. NO IDEOLOGY/PHILOSOPHY OR METAPHYSICS PROTECTS SANCTITY OF BLOOD BETTER THAN ISLAM DOES. AND FOR A BETTER TOMORROW, WE MUST GET RID OF TERRORISM & TERRORISTS. WE MUST GET RID OF THOSE THAT PROFIT/PRIDE IN SLANDERING OF FAITH AND ITS REPRESENTATIONS. Is this not what BARAQ OBAMA meant by “Tomorrow will never belong to the Slanderers of Muhammad”? ISLAM RECOMMENDS JIHAAD WHICH IMPLIES FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM, INDECENCIES, IMMORALITIES, AND ALL RELATED EVILS. EXTREMISM IS ALIEN TO ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY. Extremism is an English word that finds no square-match in the effulgent Qur’an. It is a citizen of the Anglo/Caucasian Language World. ISLAM REQUIRES THAT MUSLIMS SUBMIT TO ALLAAH WITH NO RESERVATIONS. Muslims therefore have no problem or challenge with Democrats. Hindus, Communists, and Christians submitting into Democracy, Hinduism, Communism, and Christianity respectively. MUSLIMS ARE THOSE THAT UPHOLD THE INJUNCTIONS OF ISLAM, HOLDING FIRMLY TO ITS FUNDAMENTALS IN THE MINIMUM. WE MAY THEREFORE NOT BE ABLE TO HELP THOSE WHO READ THIS TO MEAN FUNDAMENTALISM. We may thus ask and so what; when EVERY OTHER HUMAN BEING HOLDS FIRMLY TO THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE of one or more of Capitalism, Communism, Democratism, Hinduism, Catholicism, Protestantianism, Presbyterianism, Secularism, et al! Adherents of Secularity will continue to die for Secularism and Muslims have no grudge against Democratic Faithfuls struggling/dying for Democracy. We hold this to be more realistic meaning of Freedom of Belief/Faith. MUSLIMS NEVER AND DO NOT DERIDE OTHER PEOPLE’S OBJECTS OF BELIEF/FAITH/UNBELIEF. WE ARE SATISFIED, CONFIDENT, AND NOBLY BUSY WITH ISLAM. ISLAM REMAINS THE PROJECT OF HARMONY FOR THE UNIVERSE, WHERE FAITH/BELIEF IN GOD WILL NEVER BE A JOKE; THIS HOLDS LOGICALLY FOR TRUE MUSLIMS – whether in France, Nigeria, Algeria, US, UK, Palestine/Jerusalem, Arabia, or elsewhere. Former French President Jacques Chirac was right when in 2009, he proclaimed that: Anything that can hurt the convictions of someone else, in particular religious convictions, should be avoided, This is a vital road to Peace and Harmony, True and Lasting!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 10:40:40 +0000

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