ISLAMIC POINT OF VIEW ON NEW YEAR CELEBRATION. Pls and pls take your time to read this....its very very important Asalam alaykum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu to my muslim brethrens in Islam. Allah , Subuhanahu Watahala has perfected the Islamic system for mankind, anything outside this system is Kufr(Disbelieve)! The Glorious Quran (Suratul Tauba, Chapter 9 verse 36) declares: surely, the number of months with ALLAH, is twelve months ( in one year) in ALLAHS decree since the day when ALLAH Created the heavens and the earth.Of these Months FOUR are sacred ( Muharram, Rajab, Dhul-Qaada and Dhul- hijja).This is the only straight and righteous path. The Hadith of Prophet Muhammed ( Peace and Blessings of ALLAH be upon Him) further explains that Allahs divine year starts with Muharram as the first and ends with Dhul-Hijjah as the 12th Months. The above injunctions from the Holy Quran and the Sunnah indicates that: (1) Allah does not recognize any year that start with January and ends with December. (2) T o use any human-made system reckoning is un-islamic and should not be encouraged amongst muslims. Therefore all Muslims should note that to celebrate the coming of the so called NEW YEAR ( January 1st) and some non-muslims do is the practice of kufr. Secondly, the months of the popular nom-islamic calender are named after pagan Roman gods and goddesses or after other created objects.....e.g JANUARY from janus, the paganRoman god of doorways and beginning, February from Februs, the pagan Roman god of purification...e.t.c The non-Islamic or Gregorian Calender was initiated by the Romans and therefore cannot be more than 4000 (Four Thousand) years old The Islamic Lunar Calender is more than 4, 000, 000 (Four Million) years old because it was decreed and its months named by Allag him self. March 25 was the 1st day of New year for Christian for more than one thousand and five hundred years( i.e.Fifteen Centuries) until 1582 A.D. when pope Gregroxy XIII insisted on January 1st as the New years Day. This is why christians Calender is also known as the Gregorian Calender. In England January was not recognized as the New years Day until 1752 A.D when it replaced March 25. Thus January 1st marks nothing but the birthday of Janus, the pagan Roman god of doorways and beginnings. Therefore, all sincere Muslims should not join in such paganistic celebration ! Beware of Kufr, anyone who holds special prayer to usher in January 1st is, presumably welcoming the birthday anniversary of Janus, the pagan Roman god. Please bring to mind the words of ALLAH, THE SUPREME, contained in suratul Maidah Chapter 5 verse 75 of the Glorious Quran which says: Whoever joins other gods with ALLAH, ALLAH will forbid him/her the Garden of Paradise; and the fire will be his abode . SALAM ALAYKUM WARAHMOTULLAHI WABARAKATUHU.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:40:50 +0000

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